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Quote: 45990; Rating: 104; [+|-]
<KutDrop> there's not much worse than IRC porn spammers with bad English skills.
<KutDrop> I'm sick of claiming to the top of my orgasms.
<@Habeeb> hahahha
<@Habeeb> that is great KutDrop
<KutDrop> I don't want to claim them.u00a0 I want to HAVE them.
<KutDrop> :
<roto> can you buy them on ebay?
<KutDrop> I'm sure in some indirect way, yes.
<roto> cool
Quote: 45998; Rating: 1167; [+|-]
tom: lol
tom: bbspot rocks
tom: err
tom: fuck
Quote: 46001; Rating: 72; [+|-]
<vic> isn't the jackass movie what got a kid to burn himself
<Hypnotoad> well nothing makes you do things to yourself...but if he copyed it then prolly is jackass yea :)
<Hypnotoad> have to be very fucking G. Bush st00pid to copy the things they do
<Hypnotoad> feeding aligators with your arse isnt something i would copy :D..nor is getting shot with a .12 gauge riot gun
<Gothmog> darwin's spinning in his grave about now :)
Quote: 46004; Rating: 176; [+|-]
<precid> hardcore doggystyle on tv
<precid> brb
<antiuser> o_O
<precid> wow those nips are like an inch long
<antiuser> spare us from your one handed typing mate
Quote: 46008; Rating: 284; [+|-]
<gerald> i am hungr
<antiuser> so hungry you ate a letter aye?
Quote: 46012; Rating: 552; [+|-]
<gas> games are getting too confusing now.u00a0 what ever happened to click and shoot.u00a0 now the key board doesn't have enough buttons to give command, have to use combos like ctrl + shift + right click + masturbateu00a0 = move forward.
Quote: 46014; Rating: 576; [+|-]
* Sock_Monkee deletes some games
<Sock_Monkee> w00t.....freed over a gig
<Sock_Monkee> fucking sim theme park and jedi knight and q3
<Sock_Monkee> !
<Sock_Monkee> my porn was in q3!
Quote: 46015; Rating: 220; [+|-]
<sdgsdg> this microsoft natural keyboard is like smart or something
<DrgdHmstr> its posessed
<sdgsdg> a few times already it hasnt pressed enter when I wasnt sure if I wanted to press enter or not
<sdgsdg> It like gives yyou a second chance
Quote: 46023; Rating: 674; [+|-]
<aen> I am so hungry.
<aen> Germs are shitting in my mouth.
<aen> And I can taste it.
<evilbob> oh. I misread that as Germans
Quote: 46024; Rating: -47; [+|-]
<zero|b5> you know those pimples you get three inches inside your rectum that itch and you have to reach in and scratch them out? thats what you are.
<loretian> Your know the puss that comes out when you pop those pimples?u00a0 That's what you drink.
<zero|b5> ha. so you say as you ride around in a motorized wheelchair with drool flowing down your chin thumping yourself on the chest and saying "AUUUUUU AUUUUUUUUUUUUU" with all the kids behind you shouting TARD TARD TARD
Quote: 46025; Rating: -220; [+|-]
<Spazz> I've been voting down submissions on
<Spazz> I hate it when people send their own fawking punchlines.
<Gyokuran> XD
<Spazz> NEVER send your own quote.
<Spazz> Unless you're not saying the punchline.
<Gyokuran> Hey, that would be a decent one
<Spazz> It'd make a better bumper sticker.
<Spazz> Then I could wrap it around a pipe and beat those people up with it.u00a0 :D
<Gyokuran> >:
<Spazz> xD
Quote: 46026; Rating: 224; [+|-]
Quote: 46036; Rating: 244; [+|-]
<xjeff> the other day a tree almost fall on my house!
<Mithandir> damn
<xjeff> a big tree
<Mithandir> better luck next time
Quote: 46041; Rating: 131; [+|-]
<My`Albanian`Ass> he said, "all i know is i have a cable modem next to me with lights"
<Ari`s^Stuff> oh it has lights? bonus
Quote: 46047; Rating: 506; [+|-]
* Mark is away: out to dinner with potential women :D
<Jon-> just need the operation eh?
Quote: 46048; Rating: 24; [+|-]
<Panadol> have any of you guys tried double sided table as a mouse feet replacement?
<VooDoo> that might not work
<VooDoo> but feel free to try it
Quote: 46058; Rating: 65; [+|-]
<Dregneck> i dont find sperm perverted
<Dregneck> at least my girlfriend doesnt
<Dregneck> :)
<Boro> :P
<Dregneck> boro knows exactly what i mean lol
<Dregneck> look at that tongue of him
<Dregneck> :)
* Boro looks aorund innocently
Quote: 46061; Rating: 206; [+|-]
<skiniminigirl> I wonder if a tall girl will shirnk if you throw her into the dryer
<Mike_Works> I wonder if a short girl will drown if you throw her in the washer
Quote: 46064; Rating: 151; [+|-]
*** EvilikkiN has quit IRC (Quit: I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them)
Quote: 46069; Rating: 396; [+|-]
<dsherret> :(
<dsherret> hey i never noticed this till now if u look at :) on its side u can see a face
<dsherret> tilt ur head to the left and see a happy face :)
Quote: 46070; Rating: 136; [+|-]
<jimiw> billy put on channel 10
<jimiw> too late
<Evil_One> w00t!
<Evil_One> I don't have to get up!
Quote: 46075; Rating: 533; [+|-]
<ViRuS[afk]> you guys ever get that feeling while youre having a piss, and you think "if I was asleep right now, and this was a dream, I'd be wetting myself", and think you might be dreaming and freak out?
<ViRuS[afk]> cmon nobody has ever had that feeling?
<ViRuS[afk]> jesus christ I just made a dick of myself, didnt I? :
Quote: 46076; Rating: 476; [+|-]
<Skum> had a nigerian woman try and take me home, which was amusing
<Mendez> did she use the chatup line "my brother, the former economic minister recently died in suspicious circumstances but before he died..."
Quote: 46078; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<|-|00PsTa> sup spikey
<Da-cHeF> lo lo
<|-|00PsTa> does your mom live in uk too?
<Da-cHeF> 50% london, 50% athens
<|-|00PsTa> she commutes daily??
<Da-cHeF> heh
<Da-cHeF> no
<Da-cHeF> she lives 50/50
<|-|00PsTa> u mean shes almost dead?
<Da-cHeF> errm no
Quote: 46079; Rating: 189; [+|-]
<freestyle> whats rhe best site 4 soccer transfers???
<freestyle> metco?
<|-|00PsTa> freestyle: movements euro transfers co operation
<freestyle> thanks!
<freestyle> FUCK YOU U GAY FREAK!
Quote: 46093; Rating: 340; [+|-]
<mhardyx> temporarily
<mhardyx> left one is either going to be shortened or removed
<mhardyx> and the right one is coming off so they can take the screw out
Quote: 46098; Rating: -11; [+|-]
<b-ho> asian teen with cam here willing to show in netmeeting for all-male porn download in real player format
Quote: 46112; Rating: 696; [+|-]
<ErinJane78> I wouldn't ever piss in a men's room... have you SEEN them?
<Blaxthos> yea... I usually try to contribute to the vileness
<Blaxthos> i remember in middle school, at the gym
<Blaxthos> i got in the habit of going into the men's room and pissing on the toilet paper
<Blaxthos> after a few rounds the P.E. coaches put the men's room on 24 hr lockdown
<Blaxthos> so i took to pissing in P.E. lockers during classes
<Blaxthos> they tried like hell to catch me, but i was too slick
<Blaxthos> so they finally got tired of it and re-opened the men's room
<Blaxthos> so i could return to pissin on the paper towels/asswipe
Quote: 46129; Rating: 294; [+|-]
<darknation> wtf
<darknation> someone has been searching for dildos on with my username
Quote: 46130; Rating: 187; [+|-]
<Para> OH BOY!
<Para> i just won a free disney world vacation
<Para> all I need to do is pay $99 per person, and buy the plane tickets
<Para> wow, what a deal
<Para> damn telemarketers
Quote: 46133; Rating: 838; [+|-]
<GailEn> Cool...finally found a donut i lost 2 months ago..fell behind my tower
<HotCarl> i think that clearly violates the 5 second rule
Quote: 46145; Rating: 257; [+|-]
equate976: omg
equate976: never
equate976: ever
equate976: no matter what
equate976: ever
equate976: use the soap and washcloth method
equate976: it feels like i jus beat it with some fiberglass insulation
Quote: 46150; Rating: 25; [+|-]
<Jugsy> I've gotta read the "bible" in exchange for intraweb time
Quote: 46161; Rating: 171; [+|-]
<haz3l> Anyone in here interested in working on a mod? It features advanced gameplay with vehicles as well
<toad-> haz3l, yes
<toad-> and by yes I meant get the fuck out
<haz3l> toad
<haz3l> pm
Quote: 46167; Rating: 779; [+|-]
<Maxamillion> Im taking this computer class, and it's filled with people like me
<Maxamillion> hardcore gamers
<Maxamillion> and the teacher asked us to name a type of weapon
<Maxamillion> so my friend said "BFG 9000"
<Maxamillion> and everyone got the joke
<Maxamillion> even the teacher
<Yemen> omg... nerds
<Maxamillion> i love that class
<Yemen> :D
Quote: 46179; Rating: 180; [+|-]
<GBD> I like you, I like you a lot.
<Judge> dude, we have never meant, how can you like me?
<GBD> I don't know.u00a0 I just have no real friends, so I thought maybe you and I could be friends.
Quote: 46182; Rating: 212; [+|-]
<chop> My phone was vibrating on the kitchen table
<chop> my and my bro are sitting watching TV
<chop> we think someone is trying to drill their way through a window
<chop> We were running everywhere
<chop> I then have the brains to hit the panic buttons
<chop> christ
<chop> alarm people
<chop> jesus
<chop> then I see "1 Missed Call"
Quote: 46187; Rating: 368; [+|-]
<@netnomad> Why do we as human beings listen to depressing music when we're already depressed.
<Spock> Misery loves company?
<@netnomad> No, that's the explanation for why I'm on IRC.
Quote: 46195; Rating: 178; [+|-]
<JPMorgan> sup chris
<XulChris> just lovin' my awesome redhat8 os
<dann> what do you usually do under linux?
<XulChris> idle on irc
Quote: 46205; Rating: 296; [+|-]
<Sparky-Steve> UK = 60 million
<jpp> I thought it was 85mill or so
<jpp> have any plagues recently?
Quote: 46220; Rating: 239; [+|-]
<Messiah> one day they'll go on about how many cancer killed during whatever time period
<Messiah> like we do about the bubonic plague
<Messiah> those bastards.
<RingLass> yeah
<Messiah> i propose we kill all the children
<Messiah> so that never happens
<RingLass> ...
<RingLass> that's a bit like causing the sun to implode because you're prone to sunburns
Quote: 46245; Rating: 244; [+|-]
<Strimkind> I find programming too picky and precise for me
<gauze_> stupid computers doing what you tell them to :/
Quote: 46250; Rating: 224; [+|-]
* phx^mod looks at isolan thermal management tray
<phx^mod> this looks like some serious cooling potential ;)
[some time later]
<phx^mod> ow
<phx^mod> its got serious finger removal potential too :/
Quote: 46251; Rating: 24; [+|-]
<+Fung-Ji> @find works?
*** odin sets mode: +b *!*
*** Fung-Ji was kicked by odin ("@find" is not allowed in this channel (24 hour ban))
Quote: 46253; Rating: 366; [+|-]
* Aboo * we have enough youth, how about a fountain of 'smart'
Quote: 46258; Rating: 241; [+|-]
u00abKentyu00bb I got a chick customer's number today. :) I'm so proud of myself!
u00abfiend`u00bb Saying "Ma'am, I need your home telephone number for acount verification." is not something to be proud of
Quote: 46259; Rating: 168; [+|-]
TaXxXi: Umm...someone in our apartment complex wrote "U Suck Dick" in gold spraypaint on someone's brand new PT Cruiser.
weird_aunt_martha: yeah PT cruisers are THAT ugly
TaXxXi: I feel bad because I kinda laughed.
Quote: 46260; Rating: 120; [+|-]
u00ab@rewobou00bb how do i reset my bios memory?
u00ab@sh0ck_SMUu00bb pull the bios chip!
u00ab@sh0ck_SMUu00bb then put it back in
u00ab@sh0ck_SMUu00bb while the computer is running
u00ab@sh0ck_SMUu00bb you have to time it right though!!
u00ab@sh0ck_SMUu00bb or else you'll fry something
u00ab@rewobou00bb blah!
u00ab@rewobou00bb i just bend one of those bios chip!
u00ab@rewobou00bb legs
u00ab@buzzu00bb rofl!!!
u00ab@sh0ck_SMUu00bb HAHAHAHAHH
u00ab@rewobou00bb what's wrong wit pulling the bios chip?
u00ab@buzzu00bb THEY STAY ON THE MOBO FOR LIFE!@
u00ab@rewobou00bb oopz!
u00ab@rewobou00bb no wonder it's so fuken tight!
Quote: 46282; Rating: 232; [+|-]
<@PSU-Kaikou> <MP3> Unknown Artist - Give it a reach around <MP3>
<@PSU-Kaikou> oh FUCK
<@PSU-Kaikou> er...disregard that..
<+WSBN-DwarfVader> wtf
<+WSBN-DwarfVader> what kind of HOMO music you listening too???
Quote: 46295; Rating: 138; [+|-]
<crum> 1-800-We Are 18
<crum> good number
<crum> they were lucky
<nem0> yeah, good thing it wasn't We-Are-12
<crum> lol
<bryne> i'm sure that's taken, too
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