Quote: 34393; Rating: 347; [+|-]
<oyvind> what's a vegan?
<junk> something you should stab in the face
Quote: 34396; Rating: 10; [+|-]
*** billn has quit IRC (jeezus larz, not so hard, yer gonna damage my colon)
Quote: 34401; Rating: 141; [+|-]
<Macphisto> You guys keep an eye out for Chromatics new oreilly weblog titled, "How the power of perl couldn't stop Macphisto from breaking my legs."
Quote: 34403; Rating: 743; [+|-]
<Wretched> Right now Im having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think Ive forgotten this before.
Quote: 34405; Rating: 9; [+|-]
<Argus> it blows a new asshole out when i put it in though
<Basic> does it get hot in there?
<Basic> .......
<Basic> oh god
<Basic> don't even submit that
<Basic> oh, come on.
Quote: 34408; Rating: 67; [+|-]
<o_0--[Away]> is it true that i can get myself messed up from using the die command?
<annjo> you might die
Quote: 34410; Rating: 218; [+|-]
<wuntvor> One thing I've noticed is that actual knowledge and certifications are inversely proportional.
Quote: 34411; Rating: 126; [+|-]
<tReMeR> /penis lengthen 13.5 inches
<nattydr00g> penis Unknown command
<tReMeR> damn these servers
Quote: 34412; Rating: 108; [+|-]
(@TFS_FeAr)your like
(@TFS_FeAr)my toy
(+mustafa1234)No, im not 9 inches long black and made of rubber.
Quote: 34413; Rating: 583; [+|-]
* Dr_Vladimir cries at the racial discrimination....
<Dr_Vladimir> Robots are people too!
<TK-421> lousy automatons
* Norton flicks off muffbots switch
*** Signoff: muffbot ()
<muffinator> :o
<Norton> ONO
<Dr_Vladimir> OH MY GOD!
<muffinator> MOUTH TO MOUTH
<Norton> eh?
* Norton hooks up jumper cables to muffbot
<Norton> CLEAR
* Norton turns his car over
*** muffbot ([email protected]) has joined channel #MUA
<Norton> w00!!
Quote: 34418; Rating: 151; [+|-]
*** Suave` was kicked by Prell (buy some better shampoo)
Quote: 34419; Rating: 260; [+|-]
<zimalicious> size doesnt matter. as long as you know how to use it.
<Ralp> But size does matter if you have no idea what you're doing?
<Mattress> hmm, I didn't really have any idea what I was doing and it was apparently awesome, does that mean I have a big penis?
Quote: 34421; Rating: 96; [+|-]
KoG_Work> God damn it... "the westbound backup to the toll plaza is horrible! west 80 is slow from central, 580 jams up from lakeshore, and north 880 is slow from the grand avenue curve. the metering lights are on, and traffic on the upper deck is slow from the incline into san francisco" ~_~
* KoG_Work ponders taking the 92...
<KoG_Work> if it's backed up to lakeshore, can't even make a detour to Ikea like I normally do!
<St0rmD> you go to the furniture store so much you have detours and shortcuts to get there?
<DishHole> maybe ikea has a drive-through
Quote: 34422; Rating: 91; [+|-]
<Death_Blade> <FyNXeR> Pardon my spelling... but I'm from Sweden
<Death_Blade> <sumbody> pardon my accent, i am from southeast asia
<Death_Blade> <DrMonkey> pardon my shotgun, i'm from west virginia
<@Cockroach-> lol
<@Nazerath> <Nazerath> Pardon my Joint, I'm from South Eastern Kentucky. ;)
Quote: 34423; Rating: 65; [+|-]
<ian_/#linuxwarez> Just think, in 3 years this RAM will probably be in some toxic heap in china while little chinamen pick through it with solvents to extract gold.
Quote: 34426; Rating: 415; [+|-]
<Yawgatog> You haven't lived until you've chugged a bottle of rubbing alcohol.
<Yawgatog> You probably haven't died until then, either.
Quote: 34429; Rating: 662; [+|-]
<Saotome_Ranma> goc what would you say to me if I told you that I did your mom last night?
<godofcows> you have herpes! :)
Quote: 34431; Rating: 152; [+|-]
<FairWtns> You know what I love about 'Law & Order'?
<Badtz> nope
<Badtz> do tell
<FairWtns> It's hard to find a channel which isn't playing it some time during the day.
Quote: 34433; Rating: 155; [+|-]
<Flik> That was so awesome
<Flik> I need a twin just so that I could do cool things like that
<KeeperX> incest porn?
Quote: 34436; Rating: 328; [+|-]
<KingHenry> castrated men live longer
<Phuser> but do castrated men really live
Quote: 34437; Rating: 287; [+|-]
<slashed24> who? -P
<slashed24> dammit...my emoticon is blind
Quote: 34441; Rating: 16; [+|-]
-utah.tx.******.org:@#sex- Sico invited Trojan into channel #sex.
Quote: 34445; Rating: 161; [+|-]
<draco> Yo ZEL! What's a technophiliac?
<DrNoD> Sexual attraction to technology
Quote: 34446; Rating: 72; [+|-]
* McFarlan Quit (Quit: Want to know the concept behind holy wars? 'Do you believe in god?' "No" 'OK' ::BLAM:: 'Do you believe in god?' "Yes" 'Do you believe in my god?' "No" :: BLAM BLAM BLAM :: 'My gods dick is bigger than your gods dick!')
Quote: 34447; Rating: 87; [+|-]
<wangsta`> goddamnit
<wangsta`> im gonna end up being that guy on tv that used the Date Rape drug to get with some prom queen
<Juste> Good for you~
<wangsta`> thats bad
<Juste> Use femcream while you;re at it :?P
<wangsta`> i want sex, but i dont want it from inmates
Quote: 34454; Rating: 98; [+|-]
gadget: my god.
gadget: i would give several left nuts to have a store like that.
Quote: 34455; Rating: 254; [+|-]
Ya-leile: i either need candy or a fuck.
Dan: w00t!
Ya-leile cries
Ya-leile: and i can't find either.
Dan: *blink*
DJEuphoriK: i can be over in like half an hour
Ya-leile: with candy?
Ya-leile: *grin*
Quote: 34457; Rating: 689; [+|-]
<Spoon35> my girlfriend drew a picture of an orgasm once
<Spoon35> I didn't think it would look like that.
<SenorWeir> was it her with another man?
Quote: 34458; Rating: 594; [+|-]
<drdink> blue used to be such a nice color
<drdink> now it means "FUCK IT BROKE"
Quote: 34459; Rating: 98; [+|-]
<j03bl0w> Is it wrong to touch yourself when things like Miss Teen USA are on?
<|SeveN|> j03bl0w: no.
* j03bl0w touches himself in places with lots of nerve endings
Quote: 34461; Rating: 358; [+|-]
<verin> and on the fourth day, there was pr0n, and God said, "let this be a blessing onto you, since Eve is out shopping"
Quote: 34467; Rating: 36; [+|-]
<@sTubby> I would if I could send shit =
<@sTubby> it wont work
-> -sTubby- u havent got dcc on
-> -sTubby- /s enable send
[18:33] * Quits: sTubby ([email protected]) (Need more parameters)
<BenZor> lol n00bs... fun fun fun.
* Joins: sTubby ([email protected])
<sTubby> 'twas already on
Quote: 34473; Rating: 255; [+|-]
<@Gaz> my rgby team is losing so ...
<FrozenFood> ..ok
<@Gaz> I should change channels :)
<@Gaz> but ...
<FrozenFood> just tile them! i have 4 channels open
<Mike> spoken like a true IRC addict
* Mike is pretty sure Gaz meant a TV channel....
Quote: 34474; Rating: 168; [+|-]
<thnom> AntiVirusIRC v0.2 is now running; please type !virus to test your system
<Morphine> :))
<Morphine> !virus
<Morphine> lol
<thnom> AntiVirusIRC v0.2 is now currently checking Morphine for infected files.
<thnom> wait a bit .........
<thnom> Morphine; AntiVirusIRC v0.2 has detected a virus, press ALT + F + C; to identify the infected file(s).
<thnom> AntiVirusIRC v0.2 was brought to you by Tw0Y3d-]
<Morphine> ?
[11:06] *** Morphine has quit IRC ((23:33:55) (@mart`db) xp is dodgy)
<thnom> rofl
[11:07] *** Morphine has joined #abjects
Quote: 34477; Rating: 251; [+|-]
<STUDYIuG_4_PreCal> everyone type /clear so i can hide my shame
Quote: 34478; Rating: 211; [+|-]
`007Cheater`- I was AT the gay parade
`007Cheater`- I was not IN the gay parade
Quote: 34479; Rating: 334; [+|-]
][HumA][79- sepcial olympics are bad because its hard on the person who finishes last place.. i mean.. how much lower than that can you get
Quote: 34481; Rating: 198; [+|-]
Hurricane_Hasney- hehe, my g/f gets scared of talking to other people, god knows why lol
Hurricane_Hasney- Probably cuz shes used to being locked in my garage...
Quote: 34482; Rating: 12; [+|-]
HH|Strop- BBC1 has been rabbiting for 5 hours about it [the queens mum dying]
HH|Strop- I mean, if there ain't this much fuss when I die, I'm complaining!
HH|Strop- No wait....
HH|Strop- I can't
HH|Strop- I would be dead
Quote: 34488; Rating: 69; [+|-]
* phantasie Back! i'm hot, wet and naked!
phantasie- it's SO funny in lesbian rooms
Quote: 34489; Rating: 180; [+|-]
*** ag3nt0 (ag3nt@=H2T430-2929.NYCM.splitrock.net) has joined channel #consolevision
ag3nt0- grrr
ag3nt0- stupid connect
ag3nt0 kicks his isp
*** Signoff: ag3nt0 (Ping Timeout)
Quote: 34493; Rating: 13; [+|-]
crt0- sex criminal?
crt0- oh smooth criminal
crt0- nevermind
Quote: 34500; Rating: 96; [+|-]
*Lilmuckers is the official sega ho
*Lilmuckers has official sega ho powers
*Heroin_Bob is the official Sega Pimp
*Heroin_Bob slaps lil
Heroin_Bob- get back to work ho!
Quote: 34502; Rating: 126; [+|-]
_absent_- is this in the land of delayed puberty or something?
Quote: 34507; Rating: 29; [+|-]
Pron_Czar_Mike- inner city broadband is silly, like a crackhead mom with 6 kids can afford it, get it out to us middle class rural people first you bastards!
Quote: 34508; Rating: 179; [+|-]
Lilmuckers- did someone say lesbians
c99koder- haha
Wrecked_Em- lil: not yet o_0
Lilmuckers- lol
Lilmuckers is disappointed
Wrecked_Em will slowly lead to the topic of lesbains
Wrecked_Em- so...fish
Lilmuckers- dolphins eat fish
crt0- lesbians ...
Lilmuckers- dolphins can have sex for fun
Wrecked_Em- in maniac mansion muff diver got sensored for tuna diver
Lilmuckers- therefore lesbian dolphins must exist
Wrecked_Em- ...what do you think about the muff diving?
crt0- -_-
Lilmuckers thinks about lesbians
crt0 does too
Wrecked_Em thinks about dolphins
Quote: 34510; Rating: 798; [+|-]
*** skwerrel ([email protected]) has joined #3fs
<skwerrel> wtf??
<skwerrel> is this the nap room?
<skwerrel> everyone's asleep
<skwerrel> yeah, I know what you mean...
<skwerrel> so, how's life skwerrel?
<skwerrel> meh...not bad. Didn't do as well as I thought I would on my econ exam, but there's still two more so I'm not that worried
<skwerrel> sorry to hear it, buddy. good luck on your other ones
<skwerrel> thanks guy
<skwerrel> wanna cyber?
<skwerrel> um..no thanks
<skwerrel> *sniff*oh...
<skwerrel> it's not you...i, uhh...have a blister on my palm
<skwerrel> sure, whatever
*** skwerrel ([email protected]) Quit (Client Exit: PH34R T3H P13)
Quote: 34512; Rating: 10; [+|-]
<helpmemor> which port that ping used?
Quote: 34518; Rating: 98; [+|-]
Slaine^ (_darkslay@xxx) Quit (Along a great power comes great responsibility...this is my gift and my curse)
Slaine^ (_darkslay@xxx) has joined #dransik
<Argantonis> Slaine^!
<Argantonis> your quit message has been annoying me for weeks now
<Argantonis> get it right already
<Argantonis> how on earth did you make up "along a great power" ?
<hoxu> :D
<Slaine^> o.O
<Slaine^> dunno:)
<Slaine^> does it mean something?
<Argantonis> no
<Argantonis> if you are referring to spiderman, it is With great power
<Slaine^> oh...that's good:b
<hoxu> hahah :D
<Argantonis> I'm dead serious
<Argantonis> :)
<Slaine^> ok i changed it
<Argantonis> good :)
<Slaine^> i'll show you
*** Slaine^ (_darkslay@xxx) Quit ([16:02:17] <@Argantonis> how on earth did you make up "along a great power" ?)
*** Slaine^ (_darkslay@xxx) has joined #dransik
<Argantonis> lol
Quote: 34520; Rating: 248; [+|-]
<@toe2toe> only time a user has ever cried with me was when she had zonealarm set to ultra-annoy-user-at-every-oppurtunity mode on
<@toe2toe> and basically, her nortons was so locked down
<@toe2toe> everytime she tried to get her mail
<@toe2toe> and our server tried to send it to her
<@toe2toe> she thought she was getting hacked
<@Starfire> the best option i have found in ZA configs is the uninstall one
<@toe2toe> and when i told her she wasnt, she thought that some people are harrasing her, and demanded to know why i refused to call the police about it :>
<@Starfire> because its not your job to call the police
<@Starfire> i would have given her police number
<@Starfire> and told her to follow it up post haste!
<@toe2toe> and say what
<@toe2toe> "hi, im getting hacked on my computer from a guy called "local host"