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Quote: 33617; Rating: 364; [+|-]
<miteymous> whats crackin?
<Ize> a cracker
<miteymous> you rode the short bus didn't you Ize?
<Ize> to where
Quote: 33618; Rating: 68; [+|-]
* zztzed wonders why there are closed captions in cell phone commercials.
<Inuchance> zed: Well, some of them DO have text messaging now. =P
Quote: 33619; Rating: 466; [+|-]
<NeonDawn> Does anyone know if there exists some irc-script (bX or egg) that lets other users open a shell through dcc?
<cwd> NeonDawn: i think you're looking for GetOwned v1.3
<NeonDawn> cwd: thanks, i'll try it
Quote: 33623; Rating: 723; [+|-]
<Carp_AFK> i planned to dye my hair this weekend
<Carp_AFK> till i was told i was supposed to put vaseline all round my forehead, and wear gloves
<Carp_AFK> and theres no way im going to a shop buying some rubber gloves and a tub of vaseline
Quote: 33624; Rating: 146; [+|-]
<Fat-Burrick> icq is a sentient being that wants to take over the world by pissing me off
Quote: 33627; Rating: 553; [+|-]
<+k\o\w> for some reason, ever since I was a young kid I wanted to hatch an egg
<+k\o\w> I would steal them from the fridge
<+k\o\w> and put them under my ass for hours
<+k\o\w> but they never hatched
<+k\o\w> and I would cry
Quote: 33629; Rating: -25; [+|-]
<birdnest> only thing wrong ith canada is they are communists
Quote: 33630; Rating: 18; [+|-]
<xbconnect> anyone alive?
<PoohBear> just.. just go shoot yourself kthnx
*** xbconnect ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
Quote: 33636; Rating: 23; [+|-]
<Doys`> cats r mean
<Doys`> they can take ur leg off
<^badboy^> lol
<Doys`> i got attacked by one the other day
<Face> u must know some big cats (or u have small legs)
Quote: 33637; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<Bomberman> yay. it's rotten.comu00a0 the site that continues to single handedly destroy my faith in humanity
Quote: 33638; Rating: 145; [+|-]
( @drdink ) philb: I bought an IRC server on ebay today
( @drdink ) philb: it is going to cost like $100 to ship it
( philb ) drdink, do you have the crane ready to lower it into position?
( @drdink ) it has wheels
( philb ) ahh, that's not so bad then. What will they think of next? I suppose the new 0.9 micron technology has allowed miniaturisation...
( Vulcan ) You really are stupid arent you?
Quote: 33639; Rating: 124; [+|-]
<Bifter> not all black ppl are criminals like me
Quote: 33641; Rating: 158; [+|-]
<evLvsJim> scientest jed wants to battle
<evLvsJim> what scientist is called jed?
Quote: 33643; Rating: 241; [+|-]
<jw> is that a cucumber or are you just happy to see shaggy-h and me?
<shaggy-h> jw: it's a cucumber. But you gotta wonder what he's going to do with it
Quote: 33646; Rating: 113; [+|-]
<@PkLvKimZz> Remember to wash: Colon, socks, tshirts
Quote: 33647; Rating: 40; [+|-]
Quote: 33649; Rating: 377; [+|-]
<Captain_Cobungo> Arr.u00a0 We have a Pirate Ship now.
<FirstMateScurvy> Yes captain. But we have no cannons.
<Captain_Cobungo> Arr! We need to loot something in order to get money for cannons.
<Captain_Cobungo> Arr! All hands on deck!u00a0 Prepare to loot and plunder.... Canada!
* FirstMateScurvy puts his hands on the deck
<FirstMateScurvy> What now cap'n?
<Captain_Cobungo> Not like that ya lilly livered land-lubber!
<Captain_Cobungo> We're gonna invade canada! Arr! Attack!
* Captain_Cobungo and his forces loot and plunder Canada.u00a0 Arr.
<Cow> Umm... Captain Cobungo, how did you loot and plunder canada with no weapons?
<Captain_Cobungo> What makes you think Canada has weapons? Arr.
Quote: 33652; Rating: 11; [+|-]
Quote: 33653; Rating: 362; [+|-]
<Marecki> Ahh. Sorry. Thought you made "sickening" as in "making you want to puke"
<Dr_Octogon> lol
<noid|drunk> Well, it does make you want to puke.
<noid|drunk> And cry, and laugh.
<noid|drunk> And shit.
<Dr_Octogon> and shit?
<noid|drunk> And shit = and stuff
Quote: 33659; Rating: 498; [+|-]
<Mr_Saturn> im surprised you won the race with 3 million other sperm
<VenDi> i never raced in anythin dumbass
Quote: 33661; Rating: 316; [+|-]
<\Gadget\> I have cable and my mom just handed me an AOL CD to see if we could get the internet to go faster.
Quote: 33662; Rating: 120; [+|-]
<Toen> I'm downloading a movie called anal training! :o
* Etir recommends...
<Etir> ...'cancel'
Quote: 33663; Rating: 46; [+|-]
<Zel> why do we put up with these nitwits?
<t0ad> because i'm never around to ban them
Quote: 33664; Rating: 385; [+|-]
<ultraman_jlh> Gonna go eat guys.
<ultraman_jlh> Later.
<Fnord> Why are you eating guys?
<ultraman_jlh> Because I don't like bitchy food.
Quote: 33667; Rating: 94; [+|-]
<RichiH> then how did you find out?
<RichiH> i have ignored all ctcps
<aboman> Dazman found out utilizing his investigative skillz
<RichiH> anal probing?
<Dazman> WTF are you on about
<RichiH> no, i would of noticed
Quote: 33674; Rating: 51; [+|-]
<azzkickr> <enntee> man
<azzkickr> <enntee> i think my fucking cat is pregneant
<azzkickr> <angry> dude
<azzkickr> <angry> you should have used protection.
<azzkickr> LMAO...
<azzkickr> sounds like something id do...
Quote: 33675; Rating: 349; [+|-]
* Tony has joined #hate
* Joe_ sets mode: +b *!*[email protected]
* Tony was kicked by Joe_ (Joe_)
* Tony has joined #hate
<Joe_> Hello, Tony. How are you today?
* Tony was kicked by Joe_ (OH NO HE IS DEAD)
* Joe_ has quit IRC (Local kill by Tony (I only like nice people to use my server.u00a0 Find another one.))
Quote: 33677; Rating: 27; [+|-]
Warman89: It's the best game evr.
Meamperson: Which one?
Warman89: Warcraft u idiot!
Meamperson: For the end world spell, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete twice.
Quote: 33678; Rating: 124; [+|-]
<+Link-> <skitzm> i have a serious prob with my quake 3 please helP!
<+Link-> why do people instintively pm me for help on q3?
<+Link-> i have a serious problem with my q3 as well
<+Link-> it sucks.
Quote: 33681; Rating: 213; [+|-]
RaspberryClock:u00a0 The Goatse man would make a great golf caddy, don't you think?
Quote: 33682; Rating: 405; [+|-]
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb and my cat shits on the floor now too cause she's getting old
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb if its not near a litter box it just shits. it did it on the stairs once and i slipped on it and almost broke my neck
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb i'd love to kill that cat myself.
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb fuck it, it'll have depends on or something
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb thats what i'll do
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb i'll tie a diaper to my cats ass
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb or a bag or something
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb can you picture that?
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb that would be the most pathetic thing ever
u00ab+ NathanRomulus u00bb your cat will sit and tear it off
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb yeah probably
u00ab+ NathanRomulus u00bb and then proceed to crap on your floor
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb seriously though that cat needs to be put down
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb its like 17 years old
u00ab syrup6 u00bb wow
u00ab syrup6 u00bb old as fart
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb and damn... you'd think my dog could just drag its ass outside after it takes a shit... BUT NOOOOO
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb i know just what my dog thinks... "how can i piss him off... i know.. i'll drag my ass right next to his computer so he HAS to clean up the skid mark!"
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb longest skid mark that dog ever made was 12 feet... it was so amazing i had to measure it
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb i should've taken pictures
u00ab+ GearSlayr u00bb it was fucking hilarious
Quote: 33684; Rating: 35; [+|-]
*** Sharyna ([email protected]) Quit (
*** Sharyna ([email protected]) has joined #improfanfic
<Sharyna> Tempura ate *me*!u00a0 ;-;
Quote: 33685; Rating: 8; [+|-]
<Fashnek> I'm bi
* Fashnek chokes on his rubber dinner
<Fashnek> that sounds so wrong
<twitchi> LMAO!!!
Quote: 33686; Rating: 604; [+|-]
<General-Sauron> There was actually something good about Napster, when you got a song, it was actually a song, instead of going on p2p's, downloading an MP3, and it ends up being some dog fucking a woman
<General-Sauron> I mean, I still won, but what if it had been something sick...
Quote: 33687; Rating: 332; [+|-]
<tamasutra> someone earlier today thought i was 16
<_Mage_> Is that insulting or a compliment?
<tamasutra> nah, i take it as a compliment
<tamasutra> i don't mind looking young at all
<tamasutra> especially given the business i'm in
<_Mage_> er...
Quote: 33688; Rating: 34; [+|-]
<acidkick> the kids at my school are so gay
<Spitz[busy]> you should feel at home then
Quote: 33690; Rating: 232; [+|-]
<TheDingo> OH SHIT.. i was supposed to read the communist manifesto for political science..
<Novasol> just read a Windows manual. same thing
Quote: 33691; Rating: 311; [+|-]
<ThaMax> Do you want to marry me?
<Cheetara> Who are you ?
<ThaMax> Sorry, you helped me out on #linux once.
Quote: 33693; Rating: 316; [+|-]
<fstorm> i'd wonder if bill gates can win the presidency, with all his money and such
<Cybe> dude.....the government would crash and have to be rebooted like 6 times a day
<Cybe> not to mention all the security issues
Quote: 33696; Rating: 614; [+|-]
<TreeSurgeon>u00a0 My lesbian friend Paula once told me that if god didn't intend for it to be eaten, he wouldn't have made it look like a taco. I rest my case.
Quote: 33697; Rating: 1360; [+|-]
<houzit> What were you doing?
<psmylie> Watchin a movie
<houzit> which movie?
<psmylie> The One with Jet Li
<houzit> Yeah, but which one? He's in lots of movies
<psmylie> If you go Abbott & Costello on me I'll drive to your house and beat you severely.
Quote: 33701; Rating: 92; [+|-]
<@Evil_Ed> lets see...blowjob, or ircd.
<@Evil_Ed> hm.
<@Dianora> ircd sure is tough, lets go shopping!
Quote: 33702; Rating: 1790; [+|-]
<BlackHawk> LULU: I don't know why you wear a bra; you've got
nothing to put in it.
<LULU> You wear pants don't you?
Quote: 33705; Rating: 556; [+|-]
<@drauh> nothing a small dose of real live cara won't help
<@caraliss> why, you presumptive malaysian particle smasher!
<@drauh> you can smash my particles any time
<@drauh> conjugate my verbs
<@drauh> fsck my hard drive
< AgtDaleCo> dangle your participle?
< curvygurl> parse your sentences
<@drauh> integrate me by parts
<@caraliss> hee
<@drauh> fuck me in the ass
<@drauh> oh, wait
Quote: 33706; Rating: 289; [+|-]
<Voyd> What about Battlefield1943? and 44?
<zen> 42 just came out, give them time to sequalize
<Toen> 1943 and 1944 were peaceful years, you see.
<Voyd> Oh.
<Toen> except for the war.
<Voyd> Darned lying histroy books.
<aen{afk> Ahaha
<aen{afk> "Life was peaceful and all, yep... 'cept for the war part."
<Toen> well christ, if you're going to count a little massive invasion of europe here and a little rampant genocide there...
Quote: 33712; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<Slasher> Remember that some of us have a social life...
<Crusher> Social life? Where can I download that?
Quote: 33714; Rating: 388; [+|-]
<JacksonC> remember, VCR's used to expensive :P
<Steempy> Everything used to be expensive
<Steempy> Except when you were a boy
<Steempy> Then everything was a quarter
<Steempy> Gallon of gas? quarter
<Steempy> Dinner? quarter
<Steempy> Blowjob from your cousin? quarter
<JacksonC> haha
<Steempy> Well, that's what I paid
<Steempy> Maybe you got family rates
Quote: 33718; Rating: 1025; [+|-]
<carone> :)
*** DerianX pokes carone in the eye.
<carone> .)
<DerianX> lol
*** DerianX wipes that smile off carone's face.
<carone> .
*** DerianX pokes carone in the other eye.
<DerianX> :P
Quote: 33720; Rating: 29; [+|-]
<@PookaIN> dich un kunt!
<+Thorsen> ok i dont can germaish
<ev-> i don't can norwegian neither you get?
Quote: 33724; Rating: -136; [+|-]
<+_flipmode> stop msging me gravy boy
<+_flipmode> you silly turban head from arabia
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