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Quote: 33853; Rating: 216; [+|-]
<siliconcenturion>: man, half the sales reps at the toyota dealership should be named Uncle Ben
<siliconcenturion>: black guys trying to sell me rice
Quote: 33861; Rating: 49; [+|-]
<kaye> what, like EFnet has a monopoly on lamers? oh wait..
Quote: 33866; Rating: 52; [+|-]
<brolli_420> World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H (Champion) vs. Unknown Opponent
<brolli_420> WOW
<brolli_420> that should be a good match -_-
Quote: 33868; Rating: 26; [+|-]
<Phobos> right, im off to build a slimline super computer, i will saw the 1.2ghz board i have so that it will fit into my lunchbox
<Phobos> and the poor fucker who forgets his lunch and dares to open it, will be shiting an amd duron chip a day or two later
Quote: 33872; Rating: 690; [+|-]
<three-hams> another good ass band
<charliex> ass band
<three-hams> (insert hymen between good and ass)
<three-hams> err
<three-hams> hyphen
<three-hams> my god I'm an idiot
Quote: 33876; Rating: 509; [+|-]
<Asha`monkey> I went to the beach with two of my female friends one night, and when we got there they started making out with eachother.
<Asha`monkey> Then when I tried to lean over they were like "HAHA, YEAH RIGHT."
<Asha`monkey> Bitches.
Quote: 33879; Rating: 138; [+|-]
<MethTical> u should kline this people for being stupid
<Aristotles> hey if we didn't have an open door policy for stupid people
<Aristotles> you wouldn't be here to have this conversation
Quote: 33880; Rating: 171; [+|-]
<Aristotles> ah yes.. ignorance is bliss..
<Aristotles> and that boy is absolutely giddy
Quote: 33881; Rating: 112; [+|-]
<BiBOp> heya
<BiBOp> little question
<BiBOp> what services are best for unreal ?
<Aristotles> funeral services
Quote: 33882; Rating: 164; [+|-]
<R-5> anyone have a better word for mentor?
<Aristotles> childmolester?
Quote: 33883; Rating: 886; [+|-]
<hitman666> I just use norton. love that proggy... systemworks
<eqnix> wastes too much resources for stuff i can do by hand
<Aristotles> isnt that your philosophy on dating?
Quote: 33885; Rating: 115; [+|-]
<Conny> Hello
<Conny> Someone who feel like talkin' ?
<Aristotles> Conny: male or female?
<Conny> i`m male
* Aristotles 's interest fades fast
Quote: 33886; Rating: 100; [+|-]
<Derian> This is going to be an interesting mix of PHP and jabascript......
<Derian> javascript
<Derian> only a little jabascript.....
<Ngaru> haha
<Ngaru> that's like, fat alien script.
<Derian> haha yah
Quote: 33887; Rating: 430; [+|-]
* ph33r wears his butt-protector...
<Aristotles> thats a weird way to say "condom"
Quote: 33888; Rating: 40; [+|-]
<Sink> heh damn, i think i'm rethinking that shell
<Sink> i think their box just went down
<Sink> lol i was almost done filling everything out too
<Aristotles> wooohooo.. nice... so they're like:
<Aristotles> "DAMNIT! We lost a sale! REDIAL! REDIAL!"
Quote: 33889; Rating: 124; [+|-]
<Holden> "The file or directory C:WINDOWSsystem32 is corrupt and unreadable.u00a0 Please run the Chkdsk utility."
<Holden> Uh-oh
<Holden> That can't be good.
<Holden> I guess Windows built in random system reformater is telling me I need to do it again.
*** Holden ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Quote: 33891; Rating: 230; [+|-]
<gh5046> The day a boy becomes a man is the day he realizes even pretty girls go poop.
<felix> haha
<felix> the day he becomes a dirty man is the day he realizes poop is sexy
* felix shudders
Quote: 33893; Rating: 51; [+|-]
<daenonok> eclipse should put 'car does NOT come with 30+ year old white woman with no jive who thinks she can rip off the robot to lame techno' on the bottom, under their logo but above the fine print
Quote: 33896; Rating: 185; [+|-]
<R4V3N0U5 1> i bet in like 1000 yrs everyone is gonna have a comp in their room
<R4V3N0U5 1> the great great great grand children of irc
<R4V3N0U5 1> who dont even need to eat or shit, just be on the comp all day
<R4V3N0U5 1> and because everyone would be on their comp all day
<R4V3N0U5 1> no tech support or admin, everyone fend for themselves
<R4V3N0U5 1> thats where theyd form clans...people would hack other peoples networks...hacker pvp, where you loose, you're life is gone
<daenonok> stop it! AHHHHH!!! STOP IT!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
*daenonok stabs his own eyes out with a nearby ballpoint to avoid going mad
Quote: 33897; Rating: 427; [+|-]
<chikster> orion thinks im mad fine
<chikster> WOOHOO
* chikster dances around room
<orion> you need more pics
<chikster> never knew that
<orion> and i need to shave
<orion> i look like i'm 30
<chikster> i will have more when i get my camera
<maff> dont shave dude
<maff> grow an inverse fro
<chikster> lol
<arse-poet> haha
<jestuh> yeah chik i think you're pretty hot too in an don't-arrest-me way
Quote: 33901; Rating: 176; [+|-]
<Anim0> my gf would be perfect if she had breasts
Quote: 33904; Rating: 440; [+|-]
<Clutch1> Some fucker is using my name!
<Zaratustra> Clutch is [email protected] * Michael Pierce
<Clutch1> Hmmm... I am that fucker.
<Zaratustra> Indeed.
Quote: 33905; Rating: 230; [+|-]
<ev-> Here's a cute item from Japan that's a lot of fun -- instead of making boring ice cubes that you don't think anything about, this will enable you to make fun heart-shaped ice cubes. Works in any standard freezer, just fill with water and freeze.
<ev-> works in any standard freezer
<ev-> thank god for that!
Quote: 33911; Rating: 15; [+|-]
<Pookachu> afghanistan threatens to retaliate
<Pookachu> they're gonna ride their camels into pakistan
Quote: 33913; Rating: 390; [+|-]
<Devo-> The Buddhist hamburger joint: they'l make you one with everything.
Quote: 33925; Rating: 166; [+|-]
<Video`> Can -anyone- be that stupid?
* Robbie-Al raises hand
Quote: 33926; Rating: 218; [+|-]
@(ZeuS) my g/f was like "I can be your porn"... I was like "but can I use the zoom feature?"
Quote: 33929; Rating: 211; [+|-]
<phantom> damn.
<phantom> All these people and no discussion going on?
<drwiii> oh, we're talking, it's just encoded with rot-infinity.
<drwiii> once the encoder hits infinity all the traffic will come spilling through.
<phantom> uh.., either you're bullshitting me, or I've just lost all interest. Maybe both.
Quote: 33935; Rating: 158; [+|-]
<qrg> Ajchez: i think they call those girls bbw
<Ajchez> bbw????
<qrg> big beautiful women
<Ajchez> i have a weight limit
<krezt> whats your limit?
<krezt> i can do anything i can lift
<krezt> if they put out my back they aint getting no kak
Quote: 33939; Rating: 579; [+|-]
<Itharr> I'm like 5'8" and 128 pounds
<Itharr> I have the top half of an asian and the bottom half of a black man if you know what I'm saying
<Balnaba> So your top half works on a computer all day while the bottom half does nothing?
Quote: 33941; Rating: 304; [+|-]
<J.Rai> Mr Pibb. - He's like Dr. Pepper without the degree.
Quote: 33947; Rating: 153; [+|-]
<WakkyMouse> Why the hell is TBS in black and white here?
<Taperlass> Karmic retribution for Ted Turner colorizing "It's a Wonderful Life."
Quote: 33948; Rating: 243; [+|-]
<kinzillah> kronos is portable! *hrrrrk* *thump* *clunk* errr, maybe not
<Pseudonym> kinzillah: It's about 50 lbs
<Pseudonym> The case being about 40 lbs of that
<Gygaxis> wtf is the case?!?!
<kinzillah> 50 lbs != portable
<Pseudonym> Wimp.
<Gygaxis> jesus christ, did you mod a god damn cinder block?
Quote: 33950; Rating: 170; [+|-]
<Furvert> Washington's the only state where you can see signs like:u00a0 Tractor Rentals, Engines Rebuilt, Espresso.
Quote: 33955; Rating: 505; [+|-]
* Jbond64 yawns
* darkcloud stuffs a sock in Jbond's mouth
<waffle> darkcloud: you misspelled cock
Quote: 33956; Rating: 270; [+|-]
SilverErek: ever smoke a hash brown dude?
Presuhn316: no
SilverErek: try it
SilverErek: see what it does to ya
Presuhn316: i'll pass
SilverErek: heh weak
SilverErek: i thought we were pals :-(
Presuhn316: not really
SilverErek: why not:-(
SilverErek: are you upset with me
Presuhn316: no, i just think you're a moron
Quote: 33957; Rating: 333; [+|-]
<scout> woohoo! the FORTRAN code works!
* gus blinks
<gus> dude, is it 1977 again and nobody told me ?
<heliOx> lol
Quote: 33958; Rating: 883; [+|-]
<plaktu> ls
<plaktu> oops
<cwd> .
<cwd> ..
<cwd> gaysex/
<cwd> teenpics/
<cwd> kidpics/
<cwd> how_to_steal_children.txt
Quote: 33959; Rating: 284; [+|-]
<+k\o\w> I wanna make a font
<+k\o\w> where the letters are made of penises
<Kid_Khaos> and call it Lucida Handjob
<+k\o\w> r0x0r.
Quote: 33960; Rating: 287; [+|-]
<FooMashoo> i wear my pants backwards
<Bryan> is that so the zipper is easier for your lover?
<FooMashoo> yes
Quote: 33963; Rating: 48; [+|-]
<Draggy>: i have a life...
<pimp-daddy-squall> : which consists of still trying to hit puberty
Quote: 33964; Rating: 37; [+|-]
<Cyb> where the hell is the new pokey
<Cyb> it hasn't been updated in like a while
<Cyb> sept 17
<Cyb> wait that's today
<Cyb> stupid internet explorer
Quote: 33979; Rating: 181; [+|-]
<Junkz/#Overclockers> .com = community you n00b
Quote: 33984; Rating: 92; [+|-]
(DownKaos): free phone sex....tight
(DownKaos): what is it
(dvast8): KIS-SASS
(DownKaos): I hate to think what your day job is with a phone # like that
(dvast8): union rep
(DownKaos): so worse then a gay male prostitute
Quote: 33987; Rating: 276; [+|-]
e l i t e m r p: oohhhhhh naked chick on courttv
e l i t e m r p: shes dead but, nice ass
Quote: 33988; Rating: 338; [+|-]
(Stunty): heh my gf gave me head yesterday while i was on irc typing
(dvast8): fun
(Stunty): she didnt find it funny when i started laughing at something i did on irc
(DownKaos): and they say there are only 10 ways you know your an irc addict
Quote: 33991; Rating: 635; [+|-]
<kaGirl01> the nest time we have sex.... can it be to the tune of star trek??
<kaGirl01> ohh ummmmu00a0 wrong window, please excuse that
<evilroot> . . . . . . . .
Quote: 34001; Rating: 122; [+|-]
<Acid_Rain> im gettin tired
<Infamous> same here
<Acid_Rain> i need cok
<Acid_Rain> coke!
Quote: 34002; Rating: 220; [+|-]
<Teegus> i should prolly go to sleep soon so i can be awake when my gf gets here. not to mention being at least partially conscious for the whole getting laid part
<Teegus> but... urge to html... so strong
<@Goonigoogoo> no, women love it when you fall asleep on top of them
<@Goonigoogoo> or under them, depending on her sexual positioning preference
<Teegus> its like my inner geek is fighting my hormones
<Teegus> and losing.... quickly
Quote: 34011; Rating: 213; [+|-]
<AdamH> There are 10 kinds of people when it comes to binary. Those who understand it, and those who don't.
* AdamH rimshits
<DL> Heheheheh.
<DL> Sorry, Adam, two of those "heh"s were at the joke. The rest were at rimshits. :-P
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