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Quote: 31318; Rating: 413; [+|-]
<@SLing> uhm wow... there's a "Linux and Windows XP" club in my area
<@SLing> isn't that a conflict of interest?
<@SLing> All the meetings would boil down to debates like "I can network my computers automatically with my OS, and it detects everything" "Oh yeah? I can make MY OS purple"
Quote: 31319; Rating: 208; [+|-]
* Courthold eats PT
<Courthold> dammit pt having boners making it hard to chew
<PTDC> Hee hee. I hope that was a typo and not a freudian slip.
Quote: 31320; Rating: 122; [+|-]
<Devon_Lake> Ya, but if you slap a kid around for being a brat, your'e evil.u00a0 Slice of part of his wang and they'll cannonise you.
Quote: 31324; Rating: 368; [+|-]
<Dopefish> there is sometimes a denial stage in drinking
<Agg> no there isn't!
Quote: 31326; Rating: 262; [+|-]
*** devil`` has joined #geekissues
<devil``> happy new year
<Quorthy> now that's lag
Quote: 31327; Rating: 710; [+|-]
<Entil-Zha> ::creams like a girl::
<NeoPartix> lmao
<Entil-Zha> *screams
<Entil-Zha> fuck you
Quote: 31329; Rating: 306; [+|-]
<PinkRubberBall> After much tear and blood I finally got windows to accept my cd burner
<Uhclem> Sure it accepts it, but does it LOVE it
Quote: 31331; Rating: 562; [+|-]
<ViolenceJack> i just became the escape goat and asked for it...
<Ecliptik> What's an escape goat? Do you ride it?
Quote: 31334; Rating: 774; [+|-]
<D4NG3R0U5> why is it, in the commercials the bottles of medicine stop talking when the actor picks them up?
<D4NG3R0U5> usually when i pick up my med bottles they keep talkin "2 a day? what are you, a pussy! take 6!" "it says don't drink alcohol after taking gonna let them tell you what to do?"
Quote: 31337; Rating: 60; [+|-]
[@Kamagurka] (akino): if you are no freak, what are you then? you already admitted to being a goth, you know...
[+akino] i know. but i am not a freak.
[+akino] i am from mars
Quote: 31338; Rating: 373; [+|-]
<FJ> you know what the coolest thing about IRC is?
<ashendragon> what
<FJ> you can talk with your mouth full and still be understood
Quote: 31343; Rating: 1200; [+|-]
<mrphilez> how many inches is 69mm?
<GLHTurbo> let me measure my penis
<Avram> how would that help? you have a 69mm penis?
<GLHTurbo> yes
<_neil> 69mm = 6.9cm = 2.71"
<GLHTurbo> yes i do
<GLHTurbo> oh wait
Quote: 31435; Rating: 754; [+|-]
<Faldarith> I should give you some information on my school, our black population
<Faldarith> is named Andre
Quote: 31446; Rating: 264; [+|-]
<Hammy> my forehead is flakey
<Nastard> must be peeling from sunburn
<Nastard> did you open a window recently?
Quote: 31467; Rating: 114; [+|-]
<N715DP> yeah, no kidding
<N715DP> me - actually buying a MS OS
<N715DP> hell hath frozen over
<eggs_> guess I need to go find Jesus
Quote: 31488; Rating: 29; [+|-]
Kiyomi_Shinfuji: CaptKirby: ne1 that uses drugs
Kiyomi_Shinfuji: CaptKirby: is stupider than LP for fucking men
LavosPhoenix: what's wrong with knowing your place?
LavosPhoenix: and it isn't men...
LavosPhoenix: since my friend and I are under 18
Kiyomi_Shinfuji: minors buttfucking just makes it SO MUCH BETTER then, doesn't it, LP?
LavosPhoenix: well... we don't do anal secks much anyway...
Quote: 31511; Rating: 326; [+|-]
Frosterfree: I will tell you what my hell is, you guys probably don't read enough to know what ADD is do you
Frosterfree: Attention Defecit Disorder
Frosterfree: it's a learning disability
Frosterfree: discovered extensivly in 1980
Frosterfree: a year before I was born
Frosterfree: I have had to fight that my entire fuck'n life
Frosterfree: my kids will have to fight it for their entire lives
CatGonk: You won't have kids. Trust me on this.
Quote: 31540; Rating: 306; [+|-]
<zugz> I can't stand people that preach, "Only God can judge" and yet simultaneously ridicule others for adultery, etc
<zugz> I don't know about what they believe, but my God wants me to get some.
Quote: 31541; Rating: 214; [+|-]
<athena-> I'm not a jew, but I have been known to make some boys men at age 13 *wink*
Quote: 31542; Rating: 149; [+|-]
<napster> if you have issues w/ him, take them up in msg
<bill^> no prob
<bill^> actually, when he comes back to NJ I will take it up with him with a baseball bat....
<napster> why is that?
<bill^> it is much more effective.
Quote: 31543; Rating: 566; [+|-]
<Pr1ncess> oh sick i just sneezed and blood shot out of my crotch
<etrigan> that time again??
<Pr1ncess> hahaha
<Pr1ncess> yes
<Pr1ncess> that was a pretty fucking sick thing to say wasnt it?
<etrigan> hell yes
Quote: 31546; Rating: 37; [+|-]
<punkgrl> have you had anal sex?
<Pr1ncess> hahaheoah
<Pr1ncess> no
<Pr1ncess> have u had anal sex punkgrl?
<punkgrl> hahah nah :) im a wimp.. that would hurt too much.. it would be like taking one of those poops that hurts your butthole real badly cuz it stretches it apart.. yeee-owie
<Pr1ncess> i think it would be worse then taking a big shit
Quote: 31547; Rating: 740; [+|-]
<Porridge> after the prom... we went to stay at this girls house... they had an assload of good CDs and CD-Rs and a burner
<bmk> you went to a girls house after prom..... and you were thinking about burning cd's?
Quote: 31548; Rating: 86; [+|-]
<entropy> goin to get my tatt touched up here in about 10 min
<j0shua> what kind of tatt?
<entropy> 'entropy' on my back in apple ][e chars
Quote: 31549; Rating: 47; [+|-]
Quote: 31551; Rating: 164; [+|-]
<spacegirl> because i don't suck dick
<P-Rex> how do your mates keep you from talking during sex then, kellie?
Quote: 31552; Rating: 1285; [+|-]
<spritegoddess> I poked myself in the eye
<spritegoddess> while feeding myself cheetos.
<spritegoddess> I suck at life.
Quote: 31553; Rating: 198; [+|-]
<neocakko> playing in a pile of leaves is more fun than sex.
<neocakko> because leaves don't say "you really suck at this."
<syke> a pile of leaves won't nickname you "scrape & wash" afterwards either
Quote: 31558; Rating: 167; [+|-]
<ginger> my summer was alright i guess, went to the beach and met a couple guys blah hehe
<ginger> still a virgin
Quote: 31560; Rating: 233; [+|-]
<twink-E> man i've tried PCP, LSD, DMT, and THC, but nothing beats IRC!
Quote: 31561; Rating: 214; [+|-]
<etr1gan> you know your drunk when irc gives you motion sickness.
Quote: 31563; Rating: 266; [+|-]
<sin|away> wanna see a turtle ride a slug?
<sin|away> compile a vb program in wine
Quote: 31564; Rating: 299; [+|-]
<meenk> and when you get to the point
<meenk> fold it up and tuck it?
<ophie> +-----------------*
<ophie> |u00a0 roll with this |\_u00a0 u00a0 when you get to the flap
<ophie> |u00a0 flap --->u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 |u00a0 \_u00a0u00a0 tuck this little pointed
<ophie> |u00a0 to the outside |u00a0 u00a0 \_u00a0 end into the flap
<ophie> |u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 |u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 \_
<ophie> +-----------------+---------*
<etr1gan> how odd, an ascii diagram for rolling a dollar for snorting
Quote: 31565; Rating: 14; [+|-]
<etrigan> im gonna take that fricking printer and stick it up your asshole, and then print out gay pron on it. fricking h0m0.
Quote: 31568; Rating: 107; [+|-]
<storm_> they clone them and send them on to irc
Quote: 31573; Rating: 94; [+|-]
<Neural> I learned who I was while sitting in county lockup for soliciting underage girl runaways into taking nude photos for their hollywood actress portfolio.
<Neural> you'd be surprise how many show up at the L.A. bus terminal everyday.
<Neural> at first I was there for the 2600 meets....then it was for the teeny runaways.
Quote: 31576; Rating: 218; [+|-]
<ThundR> does this irc client make my butt look big?
Quote: 31577; Rating: 290; [+|-]
<Godsey> there is a problem w/ our house :)
<Godsey> there is a small cosmetic call next to the toilet
<Godsey> and I'm afraid my fat ass won't fit :)
<Godsey> so I'm taking the wall out
<etrigan> with your ass?
Quote: 31578; Rating: 1194; [+|-]
<kng^hem> ju00e4vla kattkru00e4ken satt u00e5 ku00e4ka pu00e5 min inplastade baguette ja just ku00f6pt..
<kng^hem> dom fick straffsitta pu00e5 ku00f6kslampan ett tag :P
<Robbat> hahah
<kng^hem> faans ju00e4vla okynnes feta smu00e5 as ibland
<orion> u00ef du00f8nt ku00f1u00f5w u008awu00ebu00e8du00efu009ah
Quote: 31585; Rating: 178; [+|-]
<SkycreatoR_> SkycreatoR_ Loves to suck every chinese boys dick!
<SkycreatoR_> Eh uh ..
<SkycreatoR_> Squirly Loves to suck every chinese boys dick!
Quote: 31632; Rating: 321; [+|-]
<CreepingDeath> what was that other guy
<CreepingDeath> during WWII
<CreepingDeath> he was in charge of the concentration camps
<CreepingDeath> argh can't remember his name
<Malek> colonel klink?
Quote: 31659; Rating: 280; [+|-]
<tethfs> you're a bit dim, arent you?
<Hazza|1942> dim?
<tethfs> evidently so.
Quote: 31698; Rating: 131; [+|-]
Feyd-Rautha: So when are you getting cable anyways?
Hsu: soon
Feyd-Rautha: I can taste the broadband
Hsu: taste like victory
Feyd-Rautha: But a word of advice: don't put your lips on a live cable wire.
Quote: 31742; Rating: 37; [+|-]
<DarkSkeye> my mouse died :-(
<casmill2> you gonna bury it in the backyard?
Quote: 31744; Rating: 323; [+|-]
<@*****> :( i suck
* @SpeedyPhoenix zips up
<@SpeedyPhoenix> why the sad face? it was good.
Quote: 31759; Rating: 619; [+|-]
essiah00Guy: I can't stand your fuckery.
jass10816: lol
jass10816: my mom is standing right behind me
jass10816: good one
Messiah00Guy: ARE ON THEIR WAY
Messiah00Guy: GG
jass10816: im going to get you
Messiah00Guy: From behind?
Quote: 31781; Rating: -199; [+|-]
<blake> they used to play this game called pheonix
*** Satan-\\\ has joined #doctors
<blake> where they dress up like orcs and shit
*** ChanServ sets mode: +v Satan-\\\
<stx-tyler> these people at college last yr always played magic....they were like total fags
*** Murder|away| is now known as LoD|MurdeR
<blake> and run around in the woods
<stx-tyler> i think they were seriouslly homo :/
<blake> and hit each other with styrofoam swords
*** [WS]n00b is now known as [WS]Arutha-Drinking
<^TV^SinSemilla> lol
Quote: 31797; Rating: 333; [+|-]
<Dejer> anyone know where the hell Femunda cheese comes from
<InCDeathmeister> Femunda these nuts
Quote: 31812; Rating: 214; [+|-]
<_kd> msn is the closest thing to parking a white van outside a school yard
Quote: 31817; Rating: 955; [+|-]
(oddmud): oh great, here comes another idiot
(@tekzil): afraid of a little competition?
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