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Quote: 30514; Rating: 322; [+|-]
<Phyresis> I keep getting linked to websites I've seen months ago, for something completely differnet
<Phyresis> it's like it's some sort of web, or a network
<ZS> is it called "the internet"?
Quote: 30515; Rating: 264; [+|-]
CAT g ON k: being given racial shit from a guy named "juan"?
CAT g ON k: lol
ATRFenix: yes
ATRFenix: i made a big speech on how nigger is different from nigga, black on black usage vs white on white usage etc etc
ATRFenix: since they were lambasting me on how i called them fag
ATRFenix: they juan says something like, 'Ok, gook.'
ATRFenix: then i told him to go make me some footballs and it went downhill from there.
Quote: 30516; Rating: 515; [+|-]
<Firefly-offwork> I like nut cereals
* Delusion teabags Firefly's breakfast.
Quote: 30517; Rating: 184; [+|-]
<lux> everyone i know that smokes is tryin to quit
<zewm> i would like to lux
<zewm> especially since i hear it isn't cool anymore
<lux> i think lung cancer/$$ would be more of a motivation
<zewm> i don't care about that
<zewm> if lung cancer was cool, i would try to get it
Quote: 30518; Rating: 303; [+|-]
<deltax> cancer is due to sloppy programming on god's part
Quote: 30523; Rating: -20; [+|-]
Lotach: ok I got OE working but she hates it so I need to get O working
Lotach: and no, not oprah
HolyViper7: dude, she's oprah.
HolyViper7: shes A) black B) fat
Lotach: there's no getting oprah working
Lotach: it's a double whammy
Lotach: she doesn't work because she's black, she doesn't work because she's fat
Quote: 30543; Rating: 131; [+|-]
<Wilstar> Oh, americans never lanned on the moon you know...! it was a conspiracy
<@maximus`> I thought the yanks LANDED on the moon?
Quote: 30544; Rating: 534; [+|-]
<blitzoid> I should register the nickname 'I spunked all over this item' on ebay to discourage people from bidding on my stuff.
<blitzoid> "Hey, an original Asteroids machine! Cheap, too! I think I'll bi - Wait, wait. It's got spunk all over it. Damn."
Quote: 30550; Rating: 179; [+|-]
<Rilan> anyone here a hacker or anything of the sort>>
<Kirika> Does using UNIX as a home OS qualify me?
* Rilan needs someone who knows how to get things.. that are hard to get.
<Kirika> Care to announce what?
<Rilan> Hmm thinks like full length tv shows.. like.. space ghost coast to coast, ren and stimp, things like that.. movies.. i tried mIRC but no luck.
Quote: 30558; Rating: 103; [+|-]
<HansonSis> oh, screw the japanese...they knew what they did the moment they did it, and they'll never do it again....bombing them would be a waste of a good bomb....drop it on people who don't know we mean business yet3
<MalkavsWisdom> Yeah.. those damn ethiopians.
Quote: 30560; Rating: 382; [+|-]
<promo> can you op me in the main plz.
<Raz|utreg> als ik je kut lik ruik ik je reet
<Raz|utreg> zal ik jou eens effe lekker in bek scheiten ?
<promo> huh
<Raz|utreg> zeg ken jij de mosselman BRBRBRBRBR mosselman
<promo> <BR><FONT SIZE="1000">I don't understand</FONT><BR>
Quote: 30590; Rating: 633; [+|-]
[22:19] <savant9> nothin's worse than when you're watchin a porn and all the sudden they show the expression on the guys face... i mean c'mon.. is that really what i want to see when i'm holding my dick
Quote: 30606; Rating: 498; [+|-]
<`Syntax> iListen to pink floyd: wall.modify(numBricks++);
Quote: 30626; Rating: 321; [+|-]
<ArkCOM> Hey man, to get rid of that virus, add the line "echo y| format c:" to the end of your autoexec.bat
<ArkCOM> Without the quotes
<devbp> Okay.
Quits: devbp (Quit: Getting rid of a virus.)
Quote: 30754; Rating: 791; [+|-]
<^DSKY^[atWork]> could some like ultra-1337 person like hack the computer the universe runs on and change the program so that I have a girlfriend?
<tef-cruise> dsky: i tried and it segfaulted.
<tef-cruise> i accidentally deleted the country of bunitsland
<tef-cruise> but i dont think anyone will notice
Quote: 30765; Rating: 288; [+|-]
<EggTrivia>u00a0 &#8221; What is the title of the 1996 sequel to "Terms of Endearment"? &#8221;
<TMF> terms of endearment II
<TrueChaos> er no
<TrueChaos> not that easy
<Tags|Sue> lol
<TrueChaos> terms of endearment 2
<el_presidente> the return of the terms of endearment
<TrueChaos> terms of endearment: 2
<TMF> !!hint
<TrueChaos> yay
<Tags|Sue> Terms of Endearment: The Revenge
<TMF> the morning star
<EggTrivia> TMF answered u00ab the morning star u00bb in 37 seconds and was absolutely CORRECT!!!
<EggTrivia> Next question in 20 seconds, get ready!
<el_presidente> lol
<TrueChaos> attack of the terms of endearment
Quote: 30787; Rating: 286; [+|-]
<BDSChaos> if god wasn't gay then why would he have created hard throbbing cocks
Quote: 30838; Rating: 253; [+|-]
<KingEdgar0> Woke up 30 minutes later with my left hand on my dick and my right hand on the mouse
Quote: 30863; Rating: 172; [+|-]
<ngn-18> thats wherrrre i wanna go... down to kokomo
<dredg> that song reminds me of not wanting to be at summer camp.
<dredg> AKA: wanting the camp counselor to let me put my pants back on and leave the storage room. :(
Quote: 31025; Rating: 607; [+|-]
<The_Enigmatic_Lemur> Hmm whats a nice sophisticated term to put on a resumu00e9 for fast food cook.
<Drain> ...
<ZS|GTA3> ...
<Geno|Morrowind> Hamburger Helper
<ZS|GTA3> Ahahah.
<Drain> ahaha
Quote: 31034; Rating: 467; [+|-]
<JDigital> Final Fantasy VI. Any of you folks played it?
<JDigital> (Quite a few, I'd imagine...)
<Nimduin> There's a VI?
<Nimduin> Is there a Final Fantasy Emacs then?
Quote: 31051; Rating: 424; [+|-]
<Synonymet> jestuh...hmm...I wonder if you can call your kid "George Bush" in Afghanistan?
<eric|work> no
<Nyphur> You can, but he'd be stillborn.
Quote: 31105; Rating: -80; [+|-]
[JOIN] #sandiego: cuervo ([email protected])
Quote: 31106; Rating: 139; [+|-]
<daniel-> i still own .sh .ac
<daniel-> i can make .sh hostnames
(elend) make a
<cuervo> (
Quote: 31109; Rating: 42; [+|-]
<Epsilon> You know you play too much FF7 when you play any of it at all.
Quote: 31114; Rating: 53; [+|-]
<DK_Tech_Master> #1
<DK_Tech_Master> i could....
<DK_Tech_Master> go with them week before and have them fly back before tourney
<DK_Tech_Master> or....
<DK_Tech_Master> #2
<DK_Tech_Master> pay for it myself (cos they wont support me otherwise) and live it up with no risk of parental fuction
<xThanatoSx> hm.
<xThanatoSx> decisions....
<xTaVx> dude you'd have to listen to them have sex in the hotel room
Quote: 31120; Rating: 247; [+|-]
<`2c^Husemoller|Kazi> pm me if u know some good ftps for movies
<coene|awake> ftp://this:[email protected]
<`2c^Husemoller|Kazi> is that up right now?
Quote: 31123; Rating: 122; [+|-]
<CL_FlushEntity> i know im back and forth from my pc to my living room
<IcX|-hoS> if I get up I get lost
Quote: 31124; Rating: 458; [+|-]
<tac0> TO did i tell u that i almost scored wif a 20 yr old mexican
<TO> Me too man.
<TO> Except replace scored with raped and replace 20 with 9
<Tyr> and TO never said if the mexican was male or female
<TO> hell i didnt even say if it was human
Quote: 31128; Rating: 765; [+|-]
<spicrx7> what do you guys use for burnin cd's?
<spazzer> fire
Quote: 31130; Rating: 659; [+|-]
<rocky> i bought a clothes hamper so clothes wouldn't pile up on my floor and yet there is already a pile as tall as a leperchaun
<tima> i found that the only way to keep my appartement clean is to start occational fires
Quote: 31131; Rating: 184; [+|-]
<ethanv> QUESTION #184: What is the largest lake in the world?
(trendwhore) Caspain Sea
<+BootsSiR> trendwhore's mom's bathtub
Quote: 31132; Rating: 177; [+|-]
<IlPalazzo> I fucking bought a dreamcast because of Seaman
<Zackary> I fucked a bought Dreamcast full of semen
Quote: 31135; Rating: 251; [+|-]
(elend) now back to figuring out where my ut cd is
(elend) I've officially come to the conclusion the Ensim WEBppliance lib took the UT disc to the local bar to get drunk
(elend) Ensim: "Hey, you want to magically vanish?" UT Disc: "Oh I don't know...." Ensim: "It's cool, I'm a piece of shit, I know how to get away with these things"
(elend) so right now some binary compiled code and a disc are sitting at some bar getting wasted no doubt.
<Rustblade> then they will proceed to get laid afterwards
<Rustblade> sad thing is, the UT disc and ensim will get laid BEFORE we ever do
Quote: 31139; Rating: 1245; [+|-]
<psmylie> the man's an idiot. he tried for three years to beat tetris because I told him there was an end boss.
Quote: 31147; Rating: 40; [+|-]
<Spacey> though if I set my display variable and run an x app it'll display without a real window
<Spacey> heh
<sente> oh you meant x11
<sente> i thought you meant mdma :
<sente> hooray for x!
Quote: 31148; Rating: 14; [+|-]
<Jezebel> but then he sprouted up about 6 inches
<Jezebel> it was late puberty i guess
Quote: 31153; Rating: 74; [+|-]
<xolotl> I remember avoiding soccer practices because instead of focusing on the ball I'd focus on the boys' thighs.
Quote: 31155; Rating: 457; [+|-]
<Firamas> is the cure for everything
<Firamas> insomnia
<Firamas> homework
<lvlsixtyclr> sexual needs?
<Firamas> hunger
<Firamas> ok, almost everything
<lvlsixtyclr> come on
<lvlsixtyclr> you cant tell me u dont masturbate to the quotes
<Firamas> i'll admit that i have yet to consider beatin off to it
<lvlsixtyclr> I'm masturbating right now thinking about you masturbating to
Quote: 31158; Rating: 170; [+|-]
billabOng > i wonder if red dr. pepper will counteract blue pepsi
Quote: 31159; Rating: 315; [+|-]
(rusty): You know....
(rusty): Those police officers must have had this happen to them....
(rusty): Cop: We have a red blur going pass us at -ERR MPH on the speed radar... please advise
Quote: 31165; Rating: 395; [+|-]
truthug17: so u have a man
Cassandra: Oh yes.
truthug17: do u love him
Cassandra: I do.
truthug17: could u love me
Cassandra: I might. But I'd never sleep with you, so I guess it doesn't matter.
Quote: 31175; Rating: 157; [+|-]
<D4NG3R0U5> i was supposed to be at work yesterday...
<D4NG3R0U5> thank you, irc!
Quote: 31233; Rating: 468; [+|-]
(ori) I just watched the movie "Malcolm X"!!
(ori) but I have a question
(ori) What happend to the other nine malcolm movies?
Quote: 31245; Rating: 305; [+|-]
<c-rOCK> all my real life friends know of the qdb now.
<c-rOCK> if they ever find out who I am, im fucked.
<c-rOCK> I cant be connected to this loser shit like you fags.
Quote: 31271; Rating: 453; [+|-]
<jstepka-w> she has bitch written all over her face
<_Bunny> jstepka-w: Put down the marker...
Quote: 31281; Rating: 867; [+|-]
<MechaRedMage> My Geography teacher told it to me... He was in mexico last year walking through an alley. Then three mexican guys jumped him and asked for his money. So he gave them his money ($.35) and then they looked at him and one guy pulled out a dollar and gave it to him saying "You need this more then we do."
Quote: 31291; Rating: 339; [+|-]
<Stuntman21> DRUM
<Stuntman21> You're FIRED!
<Drum-Comicking> What?
* Drum-Comicking clears out his desk
<Stuntman21> You're fired. I want you out today.
* Drum-Comicking ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: )
<Stuntman21> XD
<Stuntman21> Oh shit
<Stuntman21> >_<
* Project ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
<Six|Hyper> .......
<Stuntman21> Great now everyone is going on strike! Goddamn unions!
Quote: 31293; Rating: -14; [+|-]
<Bob-Diddy> what they going to do bust in your door and see who your having sex with?
<Jokn> hmm
<PhReE-XEON-> yeah
PhReE-XEON- ([email protected]) is now known as PhReE-XEON
<PhReE-XEON> they do
<trife> well i bet if u had a 1ft dick they wouldnt stop u from gay sex if they bust in the door
<trife> just walk up to the cop or whatever and be like hey babe i know joo want it
<trife> man i think of some stupid shit
Quote: 31300; Rating: 480; [+|-]
<WaterBomb> Actually, Iu0092m only 23% gay
<Justin8649> So your head and penis are gay.
<WaterBomb> Whoa, that means my penis is 10% of my body
<Justin8649> ...
<WaterBomb> Since the head makes up approximately 13% of the bodyu0092s mass.
<WaterBomb> so by your logic, my penis is 1.3 feet long and 6 inches in diameter
<WaterBomb> if you want to figure it another way, my penis would be 4 feet long and 1 inch in diameter
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