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Quote: 25483; Rating: 549; [+|-]
<BLaG> i wanna sleep naked
<BLaG> but i'm afraid my parents will come in and take pictures of me and make a kiddy porn site on the internet
Quote: 25502; Rating: 359; [+|-]
<dinarchvs> my friend sobel just had a great idea
<dinarchvs> fuck this 3d-accelerating game video hardware
<dinarchvs> we need smut-specific hardware
<dalias> ?
<dinarchvs> like an on the fly compression/decompression chip that specializes in compressing fleshtones in images to save bandwidth
<dalias> hahaha
<dalias> dude, go get some
<dinarchvs> or hardware-based algorithms to help render smut faster
<dinarchvs> like a nipple algorithm to accelerate nipple drawing
<dalias> you're developing a pr0n obsession
<dinarchvs> a special dick rendering chip
<dinarchvs> that can draw over 2000 dicks/second
<auspex_> there is pr0n specific hardware... gigabit ethernet
Quote: 25503; Rating: 1176; [+|-]
<infinitySPZ> Pong is probably the best designed shooter game in the world.
<infinitySPZ> It's the only one that is made so that if you camp, you die.
Quote: 25510; Rating: 228; [+|-]
<dive> hey
<dive> i got something we can debate
<dive> which is worse, MS as in multiple sclerosis or MS as in microsoft
<dive> i honestly am not sure.
<zan> heh
<zan> microsoft is
<dive> yeah
<zan> because with multiple sclerosis you can use unix still
Quote: 25511; Rating: 1381; [+|-]
<iretd> According to IRC, 99% of the chicks are into cybersex.
<Julian> The other 1% are actually girls.
Quote: 25544; Rating: 201; [+|-]
<GetLinux> I wrote a mem eater and i'm running it, starting winME's system monitor now
<The-Bus> GetLinux: You wrote MS Office??
Quote: 25572; Rating: 50; [+|-]
<unknown> A Blow Job Is Better Then No Job...
Quote: 25574; Rating: 372; [+|-]
<Lombers[A]> Simboo: it was fun, cept when my mate cracked his head open and we had to take him to the hospital
<Simboo> omg what happend?
<Lombers[A]> he ran into a low hanging section of the roof
<Lombers[A]> split his head
<Simboo> fwoar
<Lombers[A]> was pissing blood
<Simboo> stiches?
<Lombers[A]> about an inch cut
<Lombers[A]> yeah, 4 stitches
<Simboo> *shivers* eew.
<pace> lol needed a wall hack
Quote: 25703; Rating: 188; [+|-]
<Sphinx0r> i know shit but some shit is still unclear to me
Quote: 25778; Rating: 534; [+|-]
<kisama_> I <3 YOU
<Swish> you "less than three" him?
<kisama_> please.
<kisama_> it's an emoticon...turn your head sideways kthx
<kisama_> i thought you were hardcore.
<Swish> apparently not that hardcore.
<Swish> but I guess it depends if you're left or right handed.
<kisama_> well E> is flat
<Swish> it could be a mean, hateful face with evil eyebrows...
<Swish> or it could be some broken-assed glasses with a mischevous smirk.
<kisama_> weirdo.
Quote: 25986; Rating: 184; [+|-]
<DrNick668> an asian buddy started to hang out with what he calls 'a gang of hardcore azns'
<DrNick668> he says that if someone wanted to bash him they'd get killed and they'd hafta go thru a few lines of defense
<DrNick668> i'm thinkin what he means is he's in an azn clan for CS
<DrNick668> and if i shot at him i'd get fragged
<DrNick668> and the lines of defense are a firewall, virus scan and flood protection on his irc porn server
Quote: 26135; Rating: 132; [+|-]
<Marek> you guys know how big the benchmark is?
<@Haggis> about 6"
Quote: 26164; Rating: 1223; [+|-]
<azrael69> why do all goths express their individuality the same?
Quote: 26195; Rating: 266; [+|-]
<WinX> fat girls that claim to be bi might as well just come out and say "i'm horribly desperate for play."
Quote: 26208; Rating: 109; [+|-]
<kuro> dork? whale penis?
<timmo> we have some in the fridge
Quote: 26234; Rating: 445; [+|-]
<Camus> my dad has a spiked collar..
<Camus> dog*
Quote: 26242; Rating: 172; [+|-]
<RoboJoe> i;'m here more than all of you, so fu :/
<Xisor> fu robo u aint
<RoboJoe> Xisor, indeed me am
<The_Necromancer> no u aint me and Xisor are here the most
<RoboJoe> i'm never idle
<RoboJoe> and you and necro actually leave the chan throughout the day....i only ever leave when i need to recon
<Xisor> I see
<RoboJoe> no, but me here more than you!
<The_Necromancer> hrmm we are arguing who has less life
Quote: 26282; Rating: 273; [+|-]
<Tirael> wtf is a haemophiliac?
<Tirael> someone who has sex w/ blood??
Quote: 26283; Rating: 252; [+|-]
<Masa> I never had a brother I could fight with
<Masa> very unsatisfactory
<Kevyn> I punched my sister once. Heh.
<Kevyn> I was too young to know better.
<Masa> and I couldnt hit my sister too much
<Kevyn> Pow, right in the nose.
<waffle> you're quite the enlightened male
<Kevyn> Eh. I love my family and that's how I show it.
<Kevyn> I can't wait to have kids.
<Kevyn> I'm gonna beat their fucking asses.
Quote: 26286; Rating: 477; [+|-]
<Echo5ive> I am not a Japanese schoolgirl, so I canu0092t type 80wpm with my thumbs on a cell phone.
Quote: 26290; Rating: 43; [+|-]
<hipnotoad> Ah that was good, a new record, i lasted ten seconds!
<tate> Quick Draw McGraw, they call him
<Tony> so what if Deon is Quick Draw, for me, its like a twinkie, the best part is the cream.
Quote: 26296; Rating: 121; [+|-]
<Raven> i made a total of 3 total conversions by myself
<Raven> audio, graphics, music AND levels
<Raven> all by myself
<Raven> that was all during one summer
<Raven> i was 12
<skwerrel> was that the same summer you took over the world and dominated Europe's fashion scene raven?
<panda> is that why european's can't dress?
Quote: 26307; Rating: 452; [+|-]
<Syntax_Crash> I just got a 40x burner to replace my old 8x
<Syntax_Crash> my piracy productivity just went up by 500%
Quote: 26312; Rating: 381; [+|-]
<@skold> im still happy with my tbird
<@skold> cant say i wouldnt buy a 2400+ right now if i had the money
<@skold> heh new server with users and an admin who doesnt seem to be a moron
<Flux> where?
<Taranis> Linux's memory manager is way better than Window's
<@skold> wtf did that come from :P
Quote: 26335; Rating: 1012; [+|-]
* Quits: Pyoveli ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)
* Quits: Waltro ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)
* Quits: Alanzo ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)
* Quits: Landusia ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)
<Fleebis> finland is crashing
Quote: 26337; Rating: 570; [+|-]
<durt> i don't believe if anything i can't see
<Spooky> Do you believe you were you born, durt?
<durt> yes of course
<Spooky> And yet you've never seen a woman's vagina...
*** Signoff: durt (Quit: Leaving)
Quote: 26349; Rating: 3; [+|-]
madxxx> heh i know Digi spits rather then swallows ;P
<LordCrey> :)
<Digi> i prefer 2 play with it and dribble it all over then make u kiss me
<Gh0stFac3> that's when i zip my pants up and leave
<Gh0stFac3> ;)
<madxxx> hey one told me her mouth is not suppose to be filled with a few million little fish ;P
<Gh0stFac3> haha
<Gh0stFac3> i tell her she spits my kids out she'll be spitting teeth out with them
Quote: 26357; Rating: 272; [+|-]
*** CitizenC changes topic to 'Slippers, all of you <-- But aren't slippers comfy? <=- no <-- You must have beta slippers then.'
(@d-_-b): CitizenC: yeah, Slippers v0.05b is full of bugs
(@CitizenC): Stupid beta slippers. When is the sole not going to have these huge holes in them?
(@CitizenC): I reported that bug when I first got this build.
(@frOsty-): CitizenC: i just got Slippers v0.07a, cvs from last night.
(@frOsty-): CitizenC: they're fucking hot man, seriously.
(@frOsty-): CitizenC: new silk insole, fluffy toes.
(@d-_-b): frOsty-: did they fix the backdoor?
(@frOsty-): CitizenC: and i don't fall down on the hardwood anymore. Crash constantly on the concrete, unfortunatly.
(@frOsty-): d-_-b: yeah, it's all fixed. they have a velcro flap now.
(@frOsty-): d-_-b: but it's only the hook side right now, not the soft side.
(@frOsty-): d-_-b: so i had to hand-compile some tape for it.
Quote: 26369; Rating: 3568; [+|-]
<Blitz> Start=>Run, type in "command", then type deltree /y c:\*.*
<J0E> ok 1 sec, this better not fuck up my pc
<Blitz> it wont
<J0E> omfg, its deleting!
<Blitz> no, its scanning
<J0E> it says deleting
*** J0E has quit IRC (Read error: Connect
Quote: 26371; Rating: 49; [+|-]
<azrael69> i'm so ashamed of myself for liking Alanis Morissette
<Page> hahaha
<flash67> bah
* azrael69 is away, looks like suicide again [log:OFF] [page:OFF]
Quote: 26383; Rating: 82; [+|-]
<Magus`> XP style
<zinguvok> XP gay stylin'
<Magus`> incorrect
<zinguvok> ionno... running an XP is like owning a powder blue Celica
<Magus`> incorrect
<zinguvok> even if it is a great car, no problems, never even dinged it...
<zinguvok> you're still a faggot
Quote: 26387; Rating: 321; [+|-]
[@Jimlad] uhm ok
[@Jimlad] you didn't see that.
u00ba @Jimlad quickly puts something else on his clipboard
Quote: 26397; Rating: 557; [+|-]
<Sir_Robin> warning:u00a0 there are some inbred fucks in the USA.
<Sir_Robin> even bigger warning:u00a0 they're allowed to vote.
<Sir_Robin> worse yet:u00a0 they tend to vote for each other.
Quote: 26452; Rating: 341; [+|-]
<NewFoundGonads> "if gamecubes could give head.. girls wouldu00a0 be in a shit load of trouble"
Quote: 26494; Rating: 518; [+|-]
<cruisinxx7> I'll be busy right after school because I have a track meet
<Akira> oh
<Akira> can I watch your meat?
<cruisinxx7> ...
<cruisinxx7> I'd rather you watch the race instead
Quote: 26516; Rating: 383; [+|-]
<AndrewB> I personally think the game is unrealistic. If the character finds a Zod rune, why can't he just stick it up his own tailpipe and make himself indestructible?
Quote: 26524; Rating: 200; [+|-]
<Jon^D> ok three days of SMS and I'm still not laid
<Jon^D> stupid mobile phone relationships
Quote: 26534; Rating: 518; [+|-]
<TobyToby> you know what's great
<TobyToby> jennifer lopez was a pale hispanic pop singer
<TobyToby> however, in the past month she has transformed into
<TobyToby> a black rapper
<TobyToyb> it's like reverse michael jackson
Quote: 26541; Rating: 123; [+|-]
<DireBadger> Public Enemy in effect @ Nation, 9/19
<DireBadger> one of the bands playing with them is "Blackalicious"
<argent> Blackalicious is pretty good
<DireBadger> argent: are they like a De la Soul type band?
<argent> DireBadger: yes, in that they are black.
Quote: 26543; Rating: 77; [+|-]
< Rubicant> sorry...its been a strange week
< ShellGh0st> -week +life
Quote: 26562; Rating: 359; [+|-]
<kisama> hold on we made charts of our class schedules
<nyisles> thats why i didnt go away to college
<nyisles> i could never have a roommate
<nyisles> jerking off would be way too awkward
<Guilty> Ny, I imagine everyone does it in the shower
<Guilty> So hygiene benefits from awkwardness
<Guilty> Or just get a girlfriend
<nyisles> that 's so inconvenient when I 've got 8+ gigs of video porn on my HDD!
<DrNick668> guilty: can u get waterproof pron?
<Guilty> Having sex with a girl wouldnt be nearly as awkward in front of someone
<nyisles> it would be to me
<Guilty> Its called your imagination, nick
<kisama> hmm
<kisama> on mondays, wednesdays
<kisama> and fridays
<kisama> i can wack it
<kuro> i won 't be anywhere around
<kuro> i 'll be in class
<kuro> so he can do whatever the fuck he wants, as long as my stuff is still clean when i get home
<Guilty> Snow is so honest
<Guilty> He says right in front of his roomate "On monday and friday I'll be masturbating while you're at class"
<kuro> i won't come back early
Quote: 26563; Rating: 313; [+|-]
<Squall^> does she looks like a japanese anime?
<LStranger> Sorta.
<Squall^> then go fuck her up
<LStranger> I'd like to.
<LStranger> Two problems... I have a girlfriend, and I haven't even talked to her yet.
<Gage> two solutions, cheating and rape
Quote: 26575; Rating: 326; [+|-]
<Incognita> my baby does not have the birth defect that effects 50% of the
+human population :D
<Demon> Incognita: what -- a vagina?
Quote: 26579; Rating: 419; [+|-]
<Eternal_S> Is this the irc-channel about the windows shell Litestep?
<DeVante`> No...
<DeVante`> This is where we, the homosexual IRC community, can come together without persecution from others.
* Floach- slaps DeVante` around a bit with a large trout
<DeVante`> Er..
<DeVante`> I mean..
<DeVante`> Yes...
<DeVante`> Litestep shell.
<DeVante`> That's us!
Quote: 26581; Rating: 688; [+|-]
<jayo> hey how do haiku's work? is it 5 sylabals the first line, 7 the second, 5 the third?
<R0y2> yeah
<R0y2> when i cum in you
<R0y2> i feel the law is broken
<R0y2> you are twelve years old
<jayo> haha
<R0y2> ^_^
Quote: 26582; Rating: 548; [+|-]
<saint_> i should masturbate
<saint_> but like
<saint_> my sister lives with me
<Agent_069> hahaha
<Agent_069> who needs masturbation when you have a sister? :P
Quote: 26586; Rating: 574; [+|-]
Kid1: What are you, illiterate?
Teacher: Hey, we dont talk about illiterate people.
Kid2: Yea, we write about them.
Quote: 26590; Rating: 731; [+|-]
<Greywolf2001ca> I formatted my drive because NWN wouldn't work online for me today.
<Nafoi> Uh dude they took the Master Server down for maitnence no one can play online...
<Greywolf2001ca> ....FUCK
Quote: 26597; Rating: 285; [+|-]
<iMike> I am so horny, but matteo won't have sex with me anymore.
<matteo> That's because of you having that affair with that cow.
<iMike> Which cow? The big brown and white one? Or your mom?
Quote: 26602; Rating: 615; [+|-]
<%pan-chan^^> i need about 8+ hours of sleep
<+gabu> yes
<+gabu> but you're from australia
<+gabu> you sleep during the day
<+gabu> don't you ?
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