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Quote: 15663; Rating: 404; [+|-]
<WintrHawk> you know... 100hz is the resonance freq of a chicken head
<WintrHawk> a power company found that out the hard way
Quote: 15665; Rating: 267; [+|-]
SomeNick: if you tell a girl to never call you again and that she annoys you.... haven't spoke to her in over a month and she's msg'd you a few times on aim but you didn't reply... do you think calling her and telling her it was all a big joke is believable?
Quote: 15668; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<amm> I blew up a $590,000 spectrometer today
<amm> xney: yeah, but its covered under insurance
<amm> I quenched an NMR 700mhz magnet which caused an explosion in the
computer room destroying all the sparcs in there :D
Quote: 15675; Rating: 129; [+|-]
<Sysco:#cisco> girlfriend#wr e
<Sysco:#cisco> girlfriend#reload
<Sysco:#cisco> there, now she's a blonde
Quote: 15676; Rating: 62; [+|-]
<E> and it gets worse. sprint said that ascend techincal support said the
problem w/ fast busy's on my PRI was due to my radius server.
Quote: 15677; Rating: 205; [+|-]
<ktmguy> Ray from Pac Bell: "Yeah, I can't get this line up."
<ktmguy> Voice in Background at Pac Bell: "Ray, are you sure we're supposed to
be hearing your personal problems?"
Quote: 15680; Rating: 160; [+|-]
<PetrDoubt> Geez, I'm going to have to set up a procmail filter to deal with
employee farewell notices.
Quote: 15682; Rating: 146; [+|-]
<jimmie> i was gonna spell something with our inaddrs so when you tracerouted
our network it said stuff
Quote: 15684; Rating: 181; [+|-]
<kanzen> heh.. this guy's ont he phone calling his computer pookie.. "Oh come
on pookie, you can do it pookie.. there you go pookie, thats it... "
Quote: 15686; Rating: 40; [+|-]
<drGonzo> |u00a0 u00a0u00a0 /%u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 &.&.&|
<drGonzo> | % --u00a0 u00a0 )u00a0 .&&&&T|
<drGonzo> |u00a0u00a0 --u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 &&&@D.--
<drGonzo> |u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 ------- -&&&--
* drGonzo problem
Quote: 15688; Rating: 204; [+|-]
< aurikan> they never actually get together you realize
< aurikan> after link saves zelda she becomes an uberbitch and they part ways, zelda fooling around with pages, link frequenting the local brothel
Quote: 15689; Rating: 244; [+|-]
<rone> hey, at least we didn't merge with
<PetrDoubt> Yes, we did.
<PetrDoubt> Verio owns tabnet.
<rone> o fuck
Quote: 15690; Rating: 189; [+|-]
<@arfbot> did you ever do that project in elementary school
<@arfbot> where you decided to give your oral presentation in the form of a rap
<@arfbot> so you'd get your best friend to come up with you and go "POOT-POOT-CHIT*** CHIT *** POOT-PPOT-CHIT!!!"
<@arfbot> while you rapped
<@arfbot> i think i did that once for my project on nintendo
Quote: 15696; Rating: 52; [+|-]
<dem-> how long does it take for best to turn up my FR from 128 to 384?u00a0 like
a day or so?
<PetrDoubt> About 5 minutes, I think.u00a0 Now ask how long PacBell takes.
Quote: 15697; Rating: 956; [+|-]
<EFudd> Subject: Req For Winframe Account
<EFudd> Hi Jason,
<EFudd> Can U pl... Create this account Immediatly.
<EFudd> User Id : crapolla
<EFudd> Password :crapolla
<EFudd> Other Info
<EFudd> 1) User Full Name:Claudia Rapolla
Quote: 15699; Rating: 548; [+|-]
<outcaste> Mr Gates donated $38 million to aids research?>
<brian2> yeah, outcaste, he wants windows to be the only deadly disease
affecting millions
Quote: 15703; Rating: 28; [+|-]
<PetrDoubt> "Our local support is in Dallas, sir."
<PetrDoubt> Remember, when you call Dallas, you aren't calling across the
country, you're calling next door!
Quote: 15704; Rating: 117; [+|-]
<PetrDoubt> OK, kids...what's the maximum number of SOAs per zone?
<PetrDoubt> If you said 2, you have a career waiting for you at Verio!
Quote: 15706; Rating: 373; [+|-]
<PetrDoubt> Gee, the people who moved's DNS away from us forgot
to tell us.
Quote: 15709; Rating: 385; [+|-]
<PetrDoubt> Wow, that's elite.u00a0 Customer's DSL is down, so he sends a partial
traceroute.u00a0 The middle of the traceroute.u00a0 Not the beginning.u00a0 Not the part
where it stops.u00a0 The middle.
<PetrDoubt> "My DSL is down.u00a0 Here's some hops in alternet."
<PetrDoubt> Thanks, dude.
Quote: 15710; Rating: 112; [+|-]
<Stemish> "How many NOC staff does it take it screw in a light bulb?"
<PetrDoubt> 500 to send the outage notices to nocstaff, 14 managers to
escalate it to client services and back, and one to change it.
Quote: 15712; Rating: 99; [+|-]
<PetrDoubt> "Blackout for 00Q1 begins on 04/07, so there should be plenty of
time for the options to be credited to your account before then."
<PetrDoubt> Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 16:29:31 -0700
<PetrDoubt> Thanks, Verio!
Quote: 15713; Rating: 134; [+|-]
<{Mantis}> we had an interesting conversation once while we were both doing
nitrous balloons...
<{Mantis}> pure...pharamsuetical grade nitrous I might add
<{Mantis}> we were in the middle of this awesome conversation and then we both
looked up and here walking up to us....was this naked woman who was painted
from head to toe as a cheetah...
<{Mantis}> with wiskers and all...I thought I was hallucinating...and then she
walked up to me...and reached out and said...."can I have some of your
<{Mantis}> I was so startled I let it go......and it went zinnning around,....
<{Mantis}> she went I'll have to blow and another one...
Quote: 15715; Rating: 19; [+|-]
<FlashMan> we had a guy at pyramid who was stupid enough to plug a mac monitor
<FlashMan> into an AUI port on the mac
<FlashMan> and fizzle pop crack zzzt
<FlashMan> dead monitor
Quote: 15716; Rating: 115; [+|-]
* dpk looks through older messages from
<dpk> From: TinkerARSMail <[email protected]>
<dpk> Subject: Help Desk Ticket Open Notice
<dpk> Ticket Number TER000000000033, has been "Opened" for problem: OPERATOR
<dpk> ERROR..USER IS MORON...///ABC by the Help Desk.
<dpk> yeah, i checked the headers.. definitely from
Quote: 15721; Rating: 171; [+|-]
<dpk> hehe.. looking for domain names. i wrote a program which reads and and similar crap sites and puts together
random consonant/vowel combinations based on it.
<dpk> it's pretty lame ;)
<Xney> dpk has too much free time
<dpk>u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 avail
<dpk>u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 avail
<dpk>u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 avail
<dpk> get it while its hot
Quote: 15724; Rating: 551; [+|-]
<marcus> can you make a cisco route packets based on their source address?
<Jon2> marcus: yes.u00a0 policy-based routing
<FlashMan> marcus - yes, using policy routing
<RoadRuner> marcus: yes. policy routing
<marcus> anyone else?
<drifter-> marcus: yes. policy routing
Quote: 15725; Rating: 485; [+|-]
<EarthShaman> note to self: is NOT an online resource to get
*nix man pages
Quote: 15728; Rating: 273; [+|-]
<marcus> hahah. these guys have a dedicated oracle server... an e3500 with 4
cpus and 4gb of RAM
<marcus> they've had it for 2 years now
<marcus> doing nothing but oracle
<marcus> with oracle configure to use no more than 128MB of ram
<marcus> and recently they've been complaining about performance
<marcus> they thought maybe they needed more memory
<marcus> i was like "uhhh. your dataset is smaller than physical ram"
Quote: 15730; Rating: 179; [+|-]
<depresso> *** Notice -- K-line active for AllYour
<depresso> *** Notice -- K-line active for BaseAre
<depresso> *** Notice -- K-line active for Belong2Us
* depresso falls over
<depresso> those were actual klines that just poped up on my screen
Quote: 15731; Rating: 557; [+|-]
<depresso> Compaq FAQ: Where is the ANY Key? (FAQ2859)
<depresso> This is not a key. When you are instructed to press any key, this
means you can press any of the keys on the keyboard (such as the Enter key,
the R key, or the space bar).
Quote: 15733; Rating: 1144; [+|-]
<FlashMan> nethack is installed
<Jon2> An IRC chick stands in your path.u00a0 She wears a +5 ring of decreased mental stability.
* sQurl kicks jon2
<Jon2> The IRC chick attacks.u00a0 She misses.
Quote: 15735; Rating: 172; [+|-]
<lammah> getting your own AS:u00a0 $250u00a0 setting up your own network:u00a0 $100k
having your upstream forward your stupid request to NANOG: priceless
<lammah> Dear Peers/Colleagues,
<lammah> We will start to announce a new prefix:
<lammah> AS13197
<lammah> Please update your filters.
<lammah> Thanks,
<lammah> Reinder van Amerongen,
<lammah> Junior. System/Network Adminstrator and Senior Cabling consultant.
Quote: 15738; Rating: 134; [+|-]
<DWildstar> ARRRCH
<DWildstar> i told a guy at work where to find a password for a server so he
finds it then fucking privmsg's it to me on irc "is this it?"
Quote: 15739; Rating: 379; [+|-]
* Efudd names his new firewall box "cannabis"
<Efudd> It's a gateway box!
<Efudd> To Other Bad Networks.
Quote: 15741; Rating: 169; [+|-]
<RoadRuner> mail1 procmail[15005]: Error while writing to "/dev/null"
<RoadRuner> on my mail server at cisco
Quote: 15744; Rating: 138; [+|-]
<kavonr> our new senior unix sysadmin can't change the ip address on a sun
Quote: 15747; Rating: 90; [+|-]
<LoverMan> Yeah, I remember when my boss' wife had computer problems...she
asked me to go over and help fix it, she wasn't seeing anything on the
screen and has rebooted, checked the connections, I go over there
<LoverMan> And the monitor wasn't turned on.u00a0 Her excuse?u00a0 "Oh, I never turn
it off so I didn't think to check that."
Quote: 15750; Rating: 190; [+|-]
<beaker> >
Quote: 15753; Rating: 308; [+|-]
<Xney> how goes the job search?
<Stemish>'ll go, once i start it :)
<Xney> oh you haven't started?
<Stemish> not seriously, i'm not hurting yet
<Xney> brian: You should start way early.. it's quite ugly :)
<fouts> no shit. one company i applied to went out of business between posting
the ad and my email to them
Quote: 15754; Rating: 157; [+|-]
<demit> oh my confidence in pac bell hosting is SO high.. quote from support
guy about the pop server disconnecting ONE of 32 users here 'well sir your
tcip session is your internet connection, it has nothing to do with our
Quote: 15763; Rating: 377; [+|-]
<rixon> I remember calling BBS's on my party line.
<rixon> my neighbors house burned down, and they couldnt call the FD cause we were online.
<rixon> 3 ppl died.
<rixon> that sucked.
Quote: 15766; Rating: 147; [+|-]
[markel([email protected])]u00a0 do you think if you walked down the street wearing a #unixhelp shirt, someone would eventually kick your ass?
Quote: 15769; Rating: 680; [+|-]
<jor>u00a0 NE SXE/F W/P N A/S/L PM ME PLZ IF U R D 1 2 C 4 A BJ KTHX
Quote: 15770; Rating: 433; [+|-]
<tober> I actually did the math once, and it's improbable that a million monkeys with a million typewriters (one typewriter per monkey) that all type at the rate of a good typist 24/365 would ever produce the collected works of shakespeare before the heat death of the universe. So there.
Quote: 15771; Rating: 223; [+|-]
[msg.argvee([email protected])] ok whoever made ircii interfac ewas clearly not considering drunk people when doing i
Quote: 15776; Rating: 92; [+|-]
<neo-fs> does anyone have aim
<neo-fs> for the life of me i cant change my fucking password
<neo-fs> and its about to fucking piss me the fuck off
<gilma> my aim is good
<kryonik> my aim is good
<kryonik> when im whackin it
<kryonik> into some chicks mouth
<neo-fs> @_@
<neo-fs> your aim is weird
Quote: 15777; Rating: 16; [+|-]
<sweet_chick> hey peeps wuts happen
<SiZZuRp> sweet love by a fire
<SiZZuRp> with goats and other various wildlife
<sweet_chick> awwwwwwwww hot sweet
Quote: 15781; Rating: 13; [+|-]
<UKchaos> most semen swallowed: michelle monhan had 1.7 pints puimped out of here stomach in La july 1991.
Quote: 15782; Rating: 168; [+|-]
<Mew49> shutup broadband bastard
<joober> i dont have broad band
<joober> i have cable
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