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Quote: 599; Rating: 1460; [+|-]
[16:56] <van|go`eagles> btw
[16:56] <van|go`eagles> your gf sucks at cs
[16:57] <en4cer> lol
[16:57] <en4cer> shes better at other things
[16:57] <Grifter-> like quake?
[16:57] <en4cer> lol
Quote: 600; Rating: 765; [+|-]
[17:05] <thinkmad> christ man
[17:05] <thinkmad> i just caught my dad jerking off
Quote: 601; Rating: 141; [+|-]
<{ReNeGaDe}>u00a0 ok why is no one writin back to me; what do i got no fingers to type with and im just imaginin writin all this?
Quote: 602; Rating: 72; [+|-]
*** banned[sleep] was kicked by Syber (Lotto Mockery. Shut the fuck up You fucking soggy assed cock sucking mother fucking faggot. You're not even impressing your own mother with cunt-flapped shennanigans like that. No mockery, no cockery, no knocking me. BANNED! 15 minutes.)
Quote: 609; Rating: 122; [+|-]
n e r d b 5: DUDE
n e r d b 5: shania twain is only 20 years older than me.... i might have a chance one day, since she isnt that much older than me
Quote: 611; Rating: 155; [+|-]
<subnet> anyone got a man nearby? will pay!
Quote: 612; Rating: 573; [+|-]
<Bambz-216> i don't have anything illegal in my house anymore
Quote: 614; Rating: -76; [+|-]
<c-rOCK> check this out
<c-rOCK> some guy is a fucking retard
Quote: 615; Rating: 1368; [+|-]
<splice> wow, irc really loses its luster when you have a girlfriend
<splice> be back much later
Quote: 616; Rating: 127; [+|-]
<Saige> cureobsession is a guy who might be cute, but you can't tell from the low-quality pictures
Quote: 617; Rating: 590; [+|-]
<SYch0> where do you specify how many levels of a web page you want to save when you save it? :|
<enar> just use teleport pro and like have it save only .jpgs over so many kb :/
<DigDug> use teleport pro or wget
<SYch0> cuz im saving as a single file
<SYch0> im not saving porn!
<enar> why would you save a webpage then :/
Quote: 618; Rating: 66; [+|-]
<Ash> My Amazon package arrived in Baltimore at 9pm last night... but there's no data after that!
<wild> ash: where is lk's package?
<MadHatter> mind your business wild
<MadHatter> I'm already taking care of lk
<MadHatter> don't ever mention it again
<MadHatter> ever
<gb> Ash: where is lk's package?
*** gb was kicked by MadHatter (..)
Quote: 619; Rating: 419; [+|-]
*** zaney was kicked by Ash (I know you're not stupid! Don't think you can fool me!)
*** Ash sets mode: +b *!*zane@*
<hypr> hahaahhaha
<Ash> [13:35] <zaney> whats the greatest nation in the world?
<Ash> [13:36] <Ash> Mexico!
<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> uriNATION HAW YOU idiot!@
<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> hahahahhaa
<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> thats funny
<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> urination is peee btw
<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> pee jokes own
Quote: 622; Rating: 360; [+|-]
<zaney> if you have the fucking internet why jizz in the shower?
Quote: 624; Rating: 732; [+|-]
<MadHatter> sjkdfkl;'
<Jingoro`> hatters snorting off his keyboard again
Quote: 625; Rating: 482; [+|-]
<Ash> We hardly ever do crack. Sometimes barely once a week.
Quote: 627; Rating: 496; [+|-]
<iln> AlmtyBob: are both of j00r computers hooked up with cox?
<Ash> I'm awake! Did somebody say cox?
Quote: 628; Rating: 112; [+|-]
<wild> 8ball is madhatter gay?
<Alice1> It says 'Obviously,' wild
Quote: 632; Rating: 553; [+|-]
<AlmtyBob> i HATE MY MOM
<AlmtyBob> fucking I'm just sitting here playing oni
<AlmtyBob> and she walks in
<AlmtyBob> she is NOT ALLOWED to just walk in
<AlmtyBob> didn't bother calling saying she'd be home
<AlmtyBob> didn't call me from the airport
<AlmtyBob> just bam, walks in
<AlmtyBob> what if I'd been jerking to hardcore teenage lesbo porn?
<hypr> AlmtyBob: dont forget to take da debbe does dallas p0rno out of the vcr
<AlmtyBob> actually it's interview with the vibrator
<hypr> haha
<Lk2k1> Bob has naked pictures of lux in his room.
<AlmtyBob> but I stored that away a while ago
<AlmtyBob> all my porn is digital
<AlmtyBob> oh thanks for reminding me
<AlmtyBob> gotta take the flash card out of my digicam
<AlmtyBob> lest she get curious
<hypr> wtf u made a homemade p0rn?
<AlmtyBob> just pics of people I know
<AlmtyBob> nonnude
<AlmtyBob> time to take out the trash and /clear
Quote: 634; Rating: 941; [+|-]
<polaris> haha... mozilla rocks... I accidently clicked on horse pron on stileproject and it crashed before displaying it
Quote: 636; Rating: 1167; [+|-]
<Anagon> IT'S UP! I GOT IT UP!
<Anagon> (no, not like that)
Quote: 637; Rating: 493; [+|-]
<MrFalcon> Rattus: it's just random chance that i hit the keyboard in such a way that my responses make sense
Quote: 639; Rating: 290; [+|-]
<Techiii> Q: How do you spell Kuro5hin?
Quote: 640; Rating: 536; [+|-]
<Techbert> What does 'goatse' mean, anyway?
Quote: 642; Rating: 332; [+|-]
<Techbert> I'm an idiot, it's your fault for confusing me. :P
Quote: 647; Rating: 445; [+|-]
<Medieval> the chances of me spontaneously climaxing while thinking about that are increasing
Quote: 648; Rating: 1254; [+|-]
<snerfu> I would say the worst feeling is waking up after a night of drunken stupor and in the process of walking to your computer all you see is a pine session that says: your email "im drunk" has been sent.
Quote: 649; Rating: 114; [+|-]
<ASSX> were can i get some oc3`s
Quote: 650; Rating: 470; [+|-]
<Auspex> how do i decompile a .c in windows?
Quote: 652; Rating: 550; [+|-]
<TrUSoLDiA> since when was linux free?
Quote: 653; Rating: 834; [+|-]
<metio> is there a pirated site that ahs the newest version of linux
Quote: 654; Rating: 250; [+|-]
<Freezed> Just wondering if its possible to download a windows 95/98 source code, or ..
Quote: 657; Rating: 330; [+|-]
<muted> i dont like slackware
<Zephyrous> muted: what are you on?
<Accipiter> Zephyrous >> Crack, apparently.
<muted> suse
Quote: 658; Rating: 742; [+|-]
<MrSpey> Everyone needs pr0n. In fact, I think the amount of pr0n people have is limited by their free time, connection speed, and storage space. Not desire.
Quote: 659; Rating: 108; [+|-]
<imminent> clean keyboard
<imminent> yesss
<edible> you desemenized it?
<edible> let some cum hungry slut lick the shit out of your keyboard?
Quote: 660; Rating: 477; [+|-]
<DigDug> <hypr> dof i think hj00 lsefz haw
<DigDug> wtf did that say?
<hypr> i dunno
<hypr> what i said
Quote: 662; Rating: 429; [+|-]
(|Chris) take your dick out of the port
(Chis) hey it worked!
Quote: 663; Rating: 157; [+|-]
<hypr> digdug: i bet you have your beeper auto go off when somebody adds a quote cause your a supernerd
Quote: 665; Rating: 427; [+|-]
<reptile-> i like to masturbate
<reptile-> heh
<reptile-> I remember along time ago
<reptile-> when I was like 8 er smthn
<reptile-> my friend was like, "Gay people masturbate." or something
<reptile-> and I was like, "ew.. I'm never doing that!"
<reptile-> !#@$
Quote: 667; Rating: 708; [+|-]
<Chis> anyone experienced with shavers?
<Chis> i need to get one on ebay)
<Spidey> dude
<Spidey> just go to the damn store
Quote: 668; Rating: 469; [+|-]
<homerj> I wish I had a detachable penis
<homerj> then when I went out as a woman, I wouldn't have to tape it up
Quote: 670; Rating: 578; [+|-]
<Johnno> wouldnt it be cool if there was a cow that had a door on it's side, that when you opened it up, it produced nummmy pie
<wonko> that's a good idea! hold on while I round up some venture capital...
Quote: 673; Rating: 985; [+|-]
<makeworld> ICQ scared the shit outta me
<makeworld> walked into my pitch dark room and hear a knocking noise, sounded
like someone knocking on my window
<makeworld> shit
Quote: 676; Rating: 527; [+|-]
[23:07] <feMMey> i leave for europe in 4 days
[23:07] <rys> on purpose?
Quote: 677; Rating: 824; [+|-]
After fatal school shooting in Littleton Colorado, 4/20/99
[18:38] <THE_RAY> Any people from the school in here?
[18:39] <scitz0> oh yah i got home from the shooting and "logged on" you idiot
[18:39] <PunCHie> i got shot in the head 4 times..u00a0 but i'm okay..
Quote: 679; Rating: 473; [+|-]
<gambit32> Would you like an orgasmic disorder?
<gargos> No... I've got homework to do.
Quote: 682; Rating: 533; [+|-]
*** Gambit32 has changed the topic on channel #havok to: Masturbation: If
brute force doesnt work, use a bigger hammer.
<syx> eeeeek
Quote: 683; Rating: 448; [+|-]
<Slewfoot> I made my hamster cum by tickling his winky once
Quote: 684; Rating: 914; [+|-]
<C-B0> i put a toad in the freezer... it peed then froze to the bottem...
then my mom like screamed at me for a week or 2.. it ruled
Quote: 685; Rating: 598; [+|-]
<[SkiTzO]> i think the dump i just took was alive.
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