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Quote: 337; Rating: 379; [+|-]
<Ash> Thank God we got it all out before DigDug could quote us. :|
Quote: 338; Rating: 105; [+|-]
<starrrr> muhaha i did steal head server of Internet. If push "power" button the hole net will be shutdown. i hate all you Quake Playas!! !! !! uu!! And If i push reset button the whole internet going to DIE!!
Quote: 339; Rating: 738; [+|-]
<locust> Hey phil how do I get rid of my ip number
Quote: 341; Rating: 2098; [+|-]
<Felon> What is a leet? Is that a type of ferret?
Quote: 342; Rating: 350; [+|-]
<OYES> i guess there is a program..unix or something
Quote: 343; Rating: 496; [+|-]
(odd42) hey guys: i'm d/l-ing a huge file on a 56k modem but i have an Athlon and GeForce, so do you think i could play q3 at the same time?
Quote: 344; Rating: 1217; [+|-]
Quote: 345; Rating: 1850; [+|-]
(@X2-down) this is mark eg, he hugged me and creamed in my ear
(@X2-down) er screamed
Quote: 346; Rating: 3304; [+|-]
<ethiopia> i'm starving
Quote: 347; Rating: 379; [+|-]
(@bart`) bwhahhahahahahah. i think they should send that little girl from the pepsi commercials to cuba too
Quote: 348; Rating: 157; [+|-]
(@Bargeld) i went up to this hot norgy chick, and i said "hey, whats up baby?" and she says "ONOuuoIee!"
Quote: 349; Rating: 1401; [+|-]
<ping> oh, im ready for the upcoming school year
<End[gone]> i dont think it will be any different
<zxaxox> thats why you have to take a shotgun and MAKE it different.
Quote: 350; Rating: 774; [+|-]
<chisoxiest> is it just me... or does eveyone think that quadrapelegics are greedy?
<chisoxiest> "i can't reach that"
<chisoxiest> "i'm not tall enough"
<chisoxiest> i mean c'mon now
Quote: 351; Rating: 596; [+|-]
<Twofish> Someone is mounting me every minute
Quote: 354; Rating: 1609; [+|-]
*** Penfold has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Penfold ([email protected]) has joined #keble
<Penfold> Excess flood my arse
<Ganesh> no thanks
Quote: 355; Rating: 1099; [+|-]
<Rapture> I wasn't naked! I had a sock on!
Quote: 356; Rating: 906; [+|-]
<Rapture> Tsk, it's [new processors] as bad as penis comparisons, really.
<rejs> but penises don't double in performance every 18 months...
Quote: 357; Rating: 354; [+|-]
<Chris> nah. I did it twice at the weekend and still have both arms.
Quote: 359; Rating: 108; [+|-]
<nou> See, I can give women orgasms just by talking to them.
<Art> Hmm. It generally helps if you plug in *both* ends of an ethernet cable.
Quote: 360; Rating: 1120; [+|-]
<sphynx> crushes suck
<sphynx> i hate em
<sphynx> the dilemma, the desperation
<sphynx> the hopes dashed etc
<shirazz> the masturbation
<shirazz> hehehe
<bark> the masturbation is ok.
<Kyoto> hey.. the masturbation is good..
Quote: 361; Rating: 1831; [+|-]
<Erik_N> Everyone has a dark secrets... some ppl are killers, some ppl are homo.. I use mac
Quote: 362; Rating: 719; [+|-]
<inof> God used fork() to create Eve.
Quote: 363; Rating: 563; [+|-]
* inof has reached EOF (End Of Fruhstuck [breakfast]).
<yu-> don't forget to close open descriptors now [wash the dishes] :)
<inof> :-]
<inof> *sigh*... Why isn't it as easy as in Unix?u00a0 You just do exit(), and all descriptors are closed automatically.u00a0 ;)
Quote: 364; Rating: 491; [+|-]
<Santa> anybody know what solaris calls its kernel?
<SfabN> Santa: look into the root dir and look for the biggest file, or look into /stand
<token> biggest file?
<token> "Huh, my kernel is called ``core''" :-)
Quote: 365; Rating: 157; [+|-]
<Bamdad> who know how may I turn off my colck on IRCN?
<token> turn off your cock? just use a sharp knife.
Quote: 366; Rating: 1478; [+|-]
<Toazt> "Too few women on the internet?
<Toazt> There are lots of women on the internet,
<Toazt> only most of them are naked and in JPG-format."
Quote: 367; Rating: 813; [+|-]
<brojek> The A-Team? it goes like this: they have a "job", get into trouble, get cornered, in that corner they build a tank and then escape :)
<toitle> the best bit was when they made the tank out of left overs from a broken vacuum cleaner
Quote: 368; Rating: 775; [+|-]
<RevNeptho> gethostbyintuition() is still a dream of mine
Quote: 369; Rating: 9253; [+|-]
<Beeth> Girls are like internet domain names, the ones I like are already taken.
<honx> well, you can stil get one from a strange country :-P
Quote: 370; Rating: 1798; [+|-]
<Beeth>u00a0 Progress (n.):u00a0 The process through which the Internet has evolved from smart
<Beeth>u00a0 people in front of dumb terminals to dumb people in front of smart terminals.
Quote: 371; Rating: 564; [+|-]
<Acrimon> Does anyone know where to get a GOOD xemacs configuration file?
<NeepNeep> owh man.. emacs.. I just had dinner, please.
<Acrimon> sorry
Quote: 372; Rating: 881; [+|-]
<Eph> ahhhhhh tits , that`s thing I didn`t see for long now ...ahhhhhh
<honx> eph: how can you be on the internet and not see tits for a long time?
Quote: 373; Rating: 601; [+|-]
<Flobbster> Haw, my computer doesn't like for ZipMagic to access a zip in a zip
in a zip on a parallel port Zip drive :D
<redslime> a zip in a zip in a zip on a zip?
Quote: 374; Rating: 658; [+|-]
<redslime> "let's take the nutritional balance of oriental food, put it in
batter and deep fry it"
<redslime> "yeah!"
<redslime> i love eggrolls
Quote: 375; Rating: 374; [+|-]
<ChocoMan> women don't uNF women. women mHH women.
Quote: 376; Rating: 728; [+|-]
*** ^o_0^ sets mode: +o ^0_o^
Quote: 378; Rating: 570; [+|-]
<bludstone> one of my fantasies is to be getting a blowjob while on irc :/
Quote: 379; Rating: 1316; [+|-]
<Ash> Anybody can get a girlfriend, just like anybody can get a job. Most likely he has a "minimum wage" girlfriend.
Quote: 381; Rating: 1135; [+|-]
<^0_o^> i'm a girl's dream!
<^0_o^> if only i had a chance to prove myself...
<DooD> a paper bag will give u many chances
<DooD> if they cant see the face, they cant use the mace
Quote: 382; Rating: 688; [+|-]
<Tum> does anyone know anything about a program called instant spanish
<Tum> like if its any good
<meps> just add water
<eldee> heh.. thought that said 'instant spinach'
Quote: 384; Rating: 1341; [+|-]
<bocz> i think ill be stuck to getting 2 sticks of 128
<bocz> thats 310 mb for a server
<Guilty> Kudos on finding the elusive 54MB DIMM
Quote: 386; Rating: 571; [+|-]
<_scar_> hm I've been 16 the last 3 years on irc heh
Quote: 387; Rating: 403; [+|-]
<deft-> i always type /dick instead of /nick on accident =
Quote: 388; Rating: 130; [+|-]
Quote: 389; Rating: -8; [+|-]
<High`> its ko myabe uoy cuodl noe dya
Quote: 390; Rating: 419; [+|-]
<Guest88468> if you ever try to kick me or ban me i will get my uncle(irc opp) after you and by the way i have a nuke and a mail bomb on the way asshole
Quote: 391; Rating: 425; [+|-]
<Zer0sKewl> Haha, I just nuked someone for my first time, Am I elite now?
Quote: 392; Rating: 149; [+|-]
<FRoGGuM> So where the hell do u get this bot program?
Quote: 393; Rating: 348; [+|-]
<joshieboi> - i thought speed racer was the car
Quote: 394; Rating: 729; [+|-]
<blazemore> i hate when you're trying to own someone
<blazemore> and then you own yourself
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