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Quote: 151210; Rating: 784; [+|-]
<Mohjo> your puny sacks cannot hold me
<Mohjo> ... that made me sound like an overly large testicle
Quote: 151227; Rating: 10451; [+|-]
IronChef Foicite: well, there's a lot of reasons
IronChef Foicite: i mean, roses only last like a couple weeks
IronChef Foicite: and that's if you leave them in water
IronChef Foicite: and they really only exist to be pretty
IronChef Foicite: so that's like saying
IronChef Foicite: "my love for you is transitory and based solely on your appearance"
IronChef Foicite: but a potato!
IronChef Foicite: potatos last for fucking ever, man
IronChef Foicite: in fact, not only will they not rot, they actually grow shit even if you just leave them in the sack
IronChef Foicite: that part alone makes it a good symbol
IronChef Foicite: but there's more!
IronChef Foicite: there are so many ways to enjoy a potato! you can even make a battery with it!
IronChef Foicite: and that's like saying "i have many ways in which I show my love for you"
IronChef Foicite: and potatos may be ugly, but they're still awesome
IronChef Foicite: so that's like saying "it doesn't matter at all what you look like, I'll still love you"
Quote: 151284; Rating: 493; [+|-]
<Bob_Haut> Don't call them Broads
<Bob_Haut> Bitches HATE that!
Quote: 151295; Rating: 218; [+|-]
<endura> winme is like wrapping ur penis in pink saran wrap and dipping it in melted crayons, then in a freezer and shattering it with a brick
Quote: 151296; Rating: 1208; [+|-]
<mystican> my sister gave me some socks and they say on them "too much wiggling of your joystick makes your eyes go funny"
<endura> myst u should use those socks as wank socks
<endura> then when they are orange make ur sister wash them
<DooMWiz> orange??
Quote: 151697; Rating: 690; [+|-]
<arteh|ZzZz> lolly! @ 70s porn site
<Squid0x> I REALLY hope you mean the 1970s
Quote: 151861; Rating: 7723; [+|-]
-[Conroy_Bumpus]- OH FUCK ME
-[Conroy_Bumpus]- 9 HOURS AGO
-[Conroy_Bumpus]- HOLY SHIT
-[Conroy_Bumpus]- BYE
Quote: 152037; Rating: 3308; [+|-]
<dm> I discovered that you'd never get an answer to a problem from Linux Gurus by asking. You have to troll in order for someone to help you with a Linux problem.
<dm> For example, I didn't know how to find files by contents and the man pages were way too confusing. What did I do? I knew from experience that if I just asked, I'd be told to read the man pages even though it was too hard for me.
<dm> Instead, I did what works. Trolling. By stating that Linux sucked because it was so hard to find a file compared to Windows, I got every self-described Linux Guru around the world coming to my aid. They gave me examples after examples of different ways to do it. All this in order to prove to everyone that Linux
was better.
* ion has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<dm> brings a tear to my eye... :') so true..
<dm> So if you're starting out Linux, I advise you to use the same method as I did to get help. Start the sentence with "Linux is gay because it can't do XXX like Windows can". You will have PhDs running to tell you how to solve your problems.
<dm> this person must be a kindred spirit of mine
Quote: 152138; Rating: 184; [+|-]
* Suzzie just learned the term "donkey punch"
<Suzzie> the question is, why is it listed in the "sports" category
Quote: 152355; Rating: 492; [+|-]
<xcham> what I love is how leonardo never manages to stab anyone.
<grassmunk> so you believe the part about fucking turtles living on pizza and standing 5 feet tall but the guy with swords doesnt stab anyone and it ruins the realite for you
<grassmunk> heh
<Kris> lol
Quote: 152384; Rating: 422; [+|-]
<FrankFlyNess> she still sits next to me in spanish
<FrankFlyNess> we pass notes
<FrankFlyNess> its almost like cybering
Quote: 152400; Rating: 840; [+|-]
<Weiki> sex is icky
<Weiki> when you have it all too much.
<Weiki> You'll get to the point where youll actually want a pizza over sex, at least for me anyways.
<BrianJohnson> I bet people in Ethiopa want pizza over sex
<BrianJohnson> They must have sex an awful lot
<Lanus> Let them suck you off, and solve two problems at once!
<Novasol> That's quite possibly the most disturbing solution for ending world hunger I've heard yet.
Quote: 152424; Rating: 982; [+|-]
KitterLittie> Man, this sucks
KitterLittie> I just sat down to poo, but before I even sit down I hear this big *KERSPLOOOSH!*
KitterLittie> So I'm all freaked out, wondering how that happened, I jump and turn around...
KitterLittie> Turns out that I forgot I had the TV remote in my back pocket before I took my pants down :(
Quote: 152727; Rating: 586; [+|-]
Steve: so, why don't you just have anal sex with your ex?
Felix: I... can't afford that much lube?
Felix: I don't like making girls cry?
Felix: I don't like washing bloody sheets?
Felix: I couldn't deal with someone shitting on my dick.
Steve: well, technically..
Steve: they're not shitting your dick, you're dicking their shit.
Quote: 152737; Rating: 2525; [+|-]
<J-dogg> Your pretty funny
<DirtyKate> I don't remember you.. but thanx
<J-dogg> Wanna cyber?
<DirtyKate> OK, but don't tell anybody (wink)
<DirtyKate> Who are you?
<J-dogg> I've got blond hair, blue eyes, I work out a lot.
<J-dogg> And I have a part time job delivering for Papa John's
<DirtyKate> You sound sexy.. I bet you want me in the back of your car..
<J-dogg> Maybe some other time. You should call up Papa John's and make an order
<DirtyKate> Haha! OK
<DirtyKate> Hello! I'd like an extra-EXTRA large pizza just dripping with sauce.
<J-dogg> Well, first they would say, "Hello, this is Papa John's, how may I help you", then they tell you the specials, and then you would make your order. So that's an X-Large. What toppings do you want?
<DirtyKate> I want everything, baby!
<J-dogg> Is this a delivery?
<DirtyKate> Umm...Yes
<DirtyKate> So you're bringing the pizza to my house now? Cause I'm home alone... and I think I'll take a shower...
<J-dogg> Good. It will take about fifteen minutes to cook, and then I'll drive to your house.
<DirtyKate> Jdogg, I'm almost finished with my shower... Hurry up!
<J-dogg> You can't hurry good pizza.
<J-dogg> I'm on my way now though
<DirtyKate> So you're at my front door now.
<J-dogg> How did you know?
<J-dogg> I knock but you can't hear me cause you're in the shower. So I let myself in, and walk inside. I put the pizza down on your coffee table.
<J-dogg> Are you ready to get nasty, baby? I'm as hot as a pizza oven
<DirtyKate> Oooohh yeah. I step out of the shower and I'm all wet and cold. Warm me up baby
<J-dogg> So you're still in the bathroom?
<DirtyKate> Yeah, I'm wrapping a towel around myself.
<J-dogg> I can no longer resist the pizza. I open the box and unzip my pants with my other hand. As I penetrate the gooey cheese, I moan in ecstacy. The mushrooms and Italian sausage are rough, but the sauce is deliciously soothing. I blow my load in seconds. As you leave the bathroom, I exit through the front
<DirtyKate> wtf?
<DirtyKate> You perverted piece of shiat
<DirtyKate> Fuk
Quote: 152835; Rating: 478; [+|-]
<Murdoc> sometimes i wonder if the fig leaf on Eve's twat is actually an air freshener
Quote: 152844; Rating: 474; [+|-]
ThatIsDamnGood: Stupidity is an inexhaustible natural resource
ThatIsDamnGood: Someday we'll learn to generate electrical power from it
ThatIsDamnGood: And it will change the world
Quote: 153171; Rating: 544; [+|-]
<zamros> moose i am going to kick you in the groin until the only thing you have there is a bloodied mass of pulp
Quote: 153172; Rating: 1577; [+|-]
RogueRed1: you dumb
RogueRed1: your*
Quote: 153216; Rating: 443; [+|-]
(Antti): [Receiving] Colorful_-_08.avi (67.3MB) from Uraschlafen at 1B/s, 22% (15.4MB) done, 89wks 6days 7hrs 45mins 28secs remaining
Quote: 153225; Rating: 1099; [+|-]
[Doctahluuuvvv] :: I just got fucking attacked my a huge ass spider.
[Doctahluuuvvv] :: *by
[Doctahluuuvvv] :: I looked up to see this huge spider on my monitor.
[Kendros]@:: lmao
[Doctahluuuvvv] :: I FELL OVER BACKWARD
[Doctahluuuvvv] :: As I was typing randmo gibberish I hit ctrlatldel two times or something.
[Doctahluuuvvv] :: My computer was off after I killed it.
[boner] :: nice
[Doctahluuuvvv] :: Nice my ass.
[Doctahluuuvvv] :: I punched myself in the face :/
Quote: 153226; Rating: 613; [+|-]
<Hidden_7> it is an expensive piece of hardware
<Hidden_7> I've poured my heart, my soul, my LIFE into this bitch
<Hidden_7> and it won't fucking give up the goods
<Hidden_7> so fucking like a chick it's not EVEN funny
Quote: 153491; Rating: 179; [+|-]
<Black_Moons> Well, as I see it, if they start doing geeky things like play chess they might wanna do other geeky things.. like doing geeks.
Quote: 153494; Rating: 341; [+|-]
<_Godless_> other night, was fucking hella drunk
<_Godless_> next day I'm thirsty and I see a cup and I'm thinking alright. I got that before I went to bed last night. Water on
<_Godless_> well the first sip tasted funny, like it was watered down really bitter beer
<_Godless_> then the second time I started thinking wtf, did I drop a fucking tylenol in it when I was hungover in the morning
<_Godless_> well I finaly decide to get up and change the water .. that's when I notice the nice yellow hue
<ravnus> rofl
<_Godless_> I just hope it was mine >_<
Quote: 153512; Rating: 278; [+|-]
<lech> if i want a 3d file browser, i might as well have a bfg and some monsters to shoot
<Wevah> word
<antiuser> shoot the file you want to open
<Wevah> instead of "rm -rf file" you shoot it with the railgun!
<lech> yeah, then the fun is over
Quote: 153519; Rating: 1494; [+|-]
<{eCholaLia}> u know if u have a 56k modem , u can save time buy d/lin songs with the smallest amount of bitrate and changing em after wards with a convertor
<Natus> i think you may be legally retarded
Quote: 153529; Rating: 302; [+|-]
<BobXP> imagine if computers were like genes
<BobXP> they'd all be different and not quite work right
<@backdrifts> computers like genes / defective and failure prone / dude, you got a Dell
<@backdrifts> computers like girls / nice curvaceous money traps / dude, you got a Mac
Quote: 153553; Rating: 216; [+|-]
<KoNrAdEk> in november turn 21
<KoNrAdEk> so 16 pretty young for me
<spoko_bre> true true
<spoko_bre> but 16 is the freshest u can get without getting g-lined from society
<KoNrAdEk> yea thats true
<KoNrAdEk> but parents could try to give me ban -noexpire
<KoNrAdEk> but i just see her on the other channel
<KoNrAdEk> and baaaaaaaang
<spoko_bre> hahahah
<spoko_bre> yes!
<spoko_bre> sneaky cunt
<spoko_bre> give parents trojan
<spoko_bre> and u can sneak into the house
<spoko_bre> and fuck daughter
<KoNrAdEk> yes x
<KoNrAdEk> hahahhahahahaa
<spoko_bre> and then sneak out
<KoNrAdEk> get her pregnant
<KoNrAdEk> and change nicks
<KoNrAdEk> no1 will kno its me
Quote: 153623; Rating: 345; [+|-]
<rdragon> was the filename of the shell in dos
<ih8uungr8> oh i see its on the internet
<@PMP> What does the internet have to do with any of this?
<ih8uungr8> for
<rdragon> *slaps his forehead*
<@PMP> Oh god
<ih8uungr8> how do you type
<ih8uungr8> i tried making it fullscreen but that doesnt work
Quote: 153638; Rating: 901; [+|-]
<Ironfrost> IRC does something to people
<Ironfrost> if Steven Hawkings went onto IRC he would be talking about porn within 10 minutes
Quote: 153676; Rating: 529; [+|-]
<Mr_Vain> that reminds me of an anti-abortion sticker I saw once: "Being a former fetus, I'm against abortion."
<TheXPhial> being a former one celled organism, I'm against menstruation..not much I can do about it
Quote: 153683; Rating: 464; [+|-]
<ChrisV82> If you're hiking and you get lost, can't you just eat your own semen for a week?
<ChrisV82> I mean, it has no nutritional value, but at least you'll be masturbating
Quote: 153728; Rating: 237; [+|-]
<Shadowline> ya know....begging for ops is rude
<acquacow> heh
<acquacow> well, I got my HL key and q3 key from you
<acquacow> I just figured =)
<acquacow> if I'm gonna whore it
<acquacow> I might as well go all the way
Quote: 153819; Rating: 719; [+|-]
<Quizical[GSF]> I am considering changing all the voice files in Half Life to wavs of women orgasming
<TheMaestro> hehe
<Doc|KillinReds> HAHAHAHA
<Quizical[GSF]> I'd never stop using the scientists
<TheMaestro> hahahah
<Doc|KillinReds> Hell the first 15 minute of the game would be crazy
<Quizical[GSF]> "We might stand a better chance if we OHHH! OOHH GOD! OOHH GOD YES!"
<Spankz> It'd be pretty damn hilarous, considering the lip synching software would cause moments when the scientits would just open up like goatse.
Quote: 153841; Rating: 3160; [+|-]
Girl: i like falling asleep with cold pillows by the way
SkibblesMcCheese: That's nice
SkibblesMcCheese: I like bunnies and marshmallows
Girl: well, i'm just lettin ya know so that you can have some cold ones ready for me after our extensive sex fest
Girl: i figured you'd be polite and do that for me
Girl: haha
SkibblesMcCheese: What am I supposed to do, put them in the fridge?
Girl: no, i usually stick mine in the freezer right before i go to bed
SkibblesMcCheese: Seriously?
Girl: for real
SkibblesMcCheese: That just bgave me a stiffie
Girl: hehe
Girl: why?
SkibblesMcCheese: I don't know... just imaging you sticking a pillow in the freezer... it just kinda made me hard, that's all
Girl: bending over to stick it in the freezer?
SkibblesMcCheese: Uhhh... yeah! That was it
Girl: what would u do if you came upon a scene such as that?
SkibblesMcCheese: Do you have clothes on in this scene?
Girl: hrmmm...
Girl: that's a good question
Girl: but... that's up to you
SkibblesMcCheese: So no
SkibblesMcCheese: In which case, I would build a campfire and roast some of those marshmallows
SkibblesMcCheese: It would get pretty chilly with that freezer open
Girl: shaddup!!
Girl: i wanted u to like, come up behind me and grab my hips and just pull me back into u with ur dick hardening against me... but hell, if you wanna make fucking marshmallows... i suppose i can settle for that
SkibblesMcCheese: I really like marshmallows
Quote: 153941; Rating: 788; [+|-]
<Macolio> shaid: like last time, I helped scrybe do his chemestry assignment, even though I had no idea what I was doing. Because that's just the type of person I am.
<Shaid> and he failed.
<Macolio> that's irrelevant
Quote: 154042; Rating: 540; [+|-]
Nezzie: dude
Nezzie: this is not cool
Nezzie: my dealer/cousin got busted
Nezzie: with fucking 5 pounds + intent to sell
Nezzie: thats up to 48 years and prison
Nezzie: A FEDERAL prision
Nezzie: a federal-pound-me-in-the-ass prison
Nezzie: and now i dont have a good dealer.
Quote: 154043; Rating: 1105; [+|-]
<Poo> norp I will scan you now
<norp> poo so what ports do i have open?
<Poo> I am not looking at ports I am looking at services
<lukeiyo-e> i've run a scan on both of you... i'm not detecting girlfriends
Quote: 154048; Rating: 269; [+|-]
<alpha0> dude i shoot smack every day
<alpha0> i am so far from being a drug wuss
<mEta> shooting smakc is for gays
<alpha0> well
<alpha0> considering im now gay
<alpha0> i guess it isnt
<alpha0> not
<alpha0> *
<alpha0> fuck
<alpha0> :(
Quote: 154049; Rating: 93; [+|-]
<amped> ok guys, i'm back
<lodg> im sure u were doing something important like watching ppl party from ur window
Quote: 154053; Rating: 192; [+|-]
<Orig> twelve monkeys pissed me off
<Orig> there were no monkeys
Quote: 154064; Rating: 937; [+|-]
<DetectiveThorn> I don't know if I want to buy this laptop on ebay. It was "REARELY USED."
<lerpiedood> lmao
Quote: 154330; Rating: 2010; [+|-]
<Lilt> I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."
Quote: 154462; Rating: 66; [+|-]
<DefToanz> I hate ugly girls with big tits...because you want to squeeze their tits, but don't want the rest of the body thats attatched to them
<NEGRO> thats why paper bags are one of the single best invintions ever.
<DefToanz> I prefer plastic...that way she dies and you have a couple days to enjoy them
Quote: 154492; Rating: 838; [+|-]
<Lem> so my question is this
<Lem> Agent Smith can replicate himself.. but, why would there be a fork(), if there is no spoon()?
Quote: 154501; Rating: 1486; [+|-]
<Neo> I woke up the other morning at 4:00 am to find some woman banging on my door. I was like, WTF?.... So I got up, and let her out.
Quote: 154519; Rating: 1193; [+|-]
<Video> anyone know where to get nhl 2004
<MpegMan> Best Buy
<Video> anyone know where to get FREE nhl 2004
<MpegMan> Wear baggy clothing to Best Buy
Quote: 154952; Rating: 609; [+|-]
* Gand -> rape a prostitute
<gurov-cali> shoplifting !
Quote: 155048; Rating: -18; [+|-]
N e o N e s s 19: i thought guns were bad
N e o N e s s 19: FALSE
cleschc2: dude
N e o N e s s 19: did you know that jesus and moses used guns to defeat the romans?
Quote: 155158; Rating: 376; [+|-]
<+Coneja> and something about clitorises i dreamt last night
<+Coneja> a talking clitoris
<+Coneja> that's what it was
<+kevin> hahahahaah
< geekster> a talking clit... that would scare the utter shit out of you
<+preacha> geekster: it would probably diss you
<+preacha> "goddamn, you're doing it all wrong"
<+preacha> "oh look at you, big stud, she looks bored as fuck"
<+preacha> "hey, i think you've forgotten about something........ME!"
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