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Quote: 79907; Rating: 404; [+|-]
<FJ> ok, I am off to the International House of Pancakes
<FJ> truly, I am a man of the world.
Quote: 79945; Rating: 451; [+|-]
<Torke> and now
<Torke> my dad's get a quad for his birthday
<Torke> he's turning 50
<Grimp> don't let him near the rocket launcher
Quote: 79952; Rating: 181; [+|-]
<Tom-Servo> I pity this girl i'm talking to
Quote: 79963; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<_Cyan_> my cat is bored ;P
<_Cyan_> so I told him, "If you're bored, clean my room" ;P
<_Cyan_> cat ~/room | sort > ~/
Quote: 80004; Rating: 663; [+|-]
(MrPino) how do i make a mass messager? that will message everyone in a channel
that i highlight, and then i can input what i want the message to be
@(Splodge`) That's called spam
(MrPino) i know, but i'
(MrPino) i'm not using it for spam, i'm using it for e-business
Quote: 80019; Rating: 177; [+|-]
<Pepe> Man made beer, God made pot.
<Pepe> Who do YOU trust?
Quote: 80021; Rating: 277; [+|-]
* Zapp is now known as Zapp|party
<Zapp|party> see yall
<Zapp|party> PARTY!!
<Zapp|party> w00t
<Zapp|party> drunk white woman for everybody!
* Zapp|party has quit IRC (Quit: Zapp|party)
<W-Cid> busy girl ;)
Quote: 80023; Rating: 941; [+|-]
<shigelojoe>I played poker with tarot cards once
<shigelojoe>I got a full house and three people died.
Quote: 80024; Rating: 458; [+|-]
<MonsieurEvil> Jedisar, what have I told you about using that steam-powered Commodore 64 for playing NS?
<MonsieurEvil> OMG I NEED MORE W00D CHIPZ0R!!!!!
<MonsieurEvil> D00DZ MORE CO4L FOR MEH PUT3R!
Quote: 80036; Rating: 1005; [+|-]
*** Locke1` ([email protected]) has joined #square
<Locke1`> am i still banned?
<Deadcounter> Locke: yes
<Locke1`> shit
<Locke1`> i'll leave now
<Locke1`> sorry
*** Locke1` ([email protected]) has left #square
<Deadcounter> eheheh
<ift> amazing
Quote: 80039; Rating: 934; [+|-]
<ecco> spellcheck results for 'adn': amputate, arthritis, antidisestablishmentarianism, samurai, tissue, jetpack, George Orwell
Quote: 80040; Rating: 298; [+|-]
<genjzzzzzz> i was dsl-less for like 7 hours
<genjzzzzzz> and then some fat tech support dude at fixed it
<genjzzzzzz> "oops sorry i have fat fingers and hit two keys"
<genjzzzzzz> he said that, seriously :P
Quote: 80045; Rating: 883; [+|-]
*** Joins: teh_wofl ([email protected])
<duk> hunyrg liek teh wofl
Quote: 80047; Rating: 395; [+|-]
<Winta> Well well well
<Jess> dam dam dam
<Winta> yes yes yes
<Jess> oh sorry... I thought we were talking about things that water could be in
Quote: 80048; Rating: 222; [+|-]
Chris: well, idle hands are the devil's playdgroun
Lotach: which is why god invented porn
Chris: yes
Lotach: so man would not resort to the devil's deeds
Quote: 80049; Rating: 229; [+|-]
* dasunt has his 12-step plan:u00a0 'How to Achieve Sex If You Are A Geek'
<dasunt> 1) Convert to homosexuality.
<dasunt> 2) Find another geek who has also followed this plan.
<zoo> it's that easy?
* pig has a 1-step plan
<dasunt> 3..12) Give money to Dasunt.
<pig> 1) stop being a fucking geek
Quote: 80052; Rating: 50; [+|-]
<feem> are we playing cs yet
<Gren> what server are you guys on?
<feem> are we playing cs yet
<Nix-7c0> <feem> are we playing cs yet?
<Nix-7c0> <Gren> what server are you guys on?
<feem> are we playing cs yet?
<impossible> i'd play.
<colddrink|away> ill play too
<Gren> i would play as well
*** colddrink|away is now known as colddrink
<Nix-7c0> <feem> ARE WE PLAYING CS YET?
<Gren> i'd play CS
<Gren> what server are we playing on?
<feem> i don't know
<Gren> hey feem, are we playing CS?
<feem> i don't know
<colddrink> i heard were playing cs dudes
<Nix-7c0> <feem> ARE WE PLAYING CS YET?
Quote: 80053; Rating: 317; [+|-]
<ICEMAN|SmurF> I wish my girlfriend went down as much as gamesnet
Quote: 80059; Rating: 386; [+|-]
<Rav3n> does anyone know a good irc client for mac?
<Luna> who is mac?
Quote: 80147; Rating: 172; [+|-]
Quote: 80153; Rating: 1091; [+|-]
MultiColoredWiz: Science class was hilarious yesterday.
MultiColoredWiz: We were explaining parts of the body.
MultiColoredWiz: So the teacher puts her hands on her ass and says "What's this called? I will not accept A-S-S or butt."
MultiColoredWiz: I then raise my hand and say:
MultiColoredWiz: "Will you accept 'HUGE'?"
Quote: 80159; Rating: 443; [+|-]
(dosdemon)u00a0 theres just all these other car brands in sega gt
(dosdemon)u00a0 like "ford" and "chevy"
(dosdemon)u00a0 they must be real small
(dosdemon)u00a0 because they only have 2 cars to choose from
(dosdemon)u00a0 then you go to subaru and theres like "impreza wrx sti type r version b aspec 2"
(dosdemon)u00a0 "mitsubishi lancer evolution VII GS Tommi Makinen edtion"
(PACHUKA)u00a0 on an xbox that car would be mitsubi~1
Quote: 80207; Rating: 1573; [+|-]
<Avalanche> i was at arbys last night eating, and this mini van pulls up. The soccer mom, daughter, and little brother hopped out and came in. The little kid was like 6-7. He said "mommy, I want a milkshake". She responded, "No, it will spoil your dinner". The little kid replied with, "YOU FUCKING CUNT, I WANT A GOD DAMN MILKSHAKE". He got the milkshake.
<Avalanche> I never laughed so hard in my life
Quote: 80242; Rating: 166; [+|-]
Dekaff: u know what i REALLY want for my first car?
Dekaff: blue 67 impala
Bobert_aw: The license plate would read "mu113tm0bi13"
Quote: 80285; Rating: 293; [+|-]
<mike90210> shou
<Shou> mike90210
<GLC> hey... symmetry!
<GLC> god I'm bored
Quote: 80293; Rating: 135; [+|-]
<cile_16> give me +v
<cile_16> pls
<ToRMeNTeD> give me head
<ToRMeNTeD> please
<cile_16> why
<ToRMeNTeD> then maybe
<ToRMeNTeD> cuz I want to fuck your mouth
<ToRMeNTeD> and you want +v
<ToRMeNTeD> we can help each other
<cile_16> fuck off
<ToRMeNTeD> :D
Quote: 80303; Rating: 412; [+|-]
* Typhlosion has joined #studio64
<Gina`> There! It's complete!
<Typhlosion> What's complete?
<Typhlosion> I'm sick of not knowing what's going on!
<Chris_A> That's because people sometimes have conversations on the internet without you being there!
<Chris_A> It's shockingly ill-mannered, I know!
<Gina`> Sometimes.
<Chris_A> I know I hate it when people are talking in the street and I have to butt in and demand they tell me what they were talking about. Assholes.
Quote: 80309; Rating: 304; [+|-]
<Callick> Thanks a ton man..
<Yoss> no big deal
<Yoss> sending to a 56k is like peeing in the ocean
Quote: 80322; Rating: 2148; [+|-]
<DarkKnight> I came home on Sunday night and I found my mom staring at me and looking annoyed.
<DarkKnight> I smelled her cooking and asked what she cooked and she responded by saying, "I didn't make any food for you!"
<DarkKnight> She seemed very pissed so I decide to go downstairs to avoid her.
<DarkKnight> When I was just about to leave she asked me if I bought a new game. I had no clue what she was talking about, so I said no.
<DarkKnight> "You sure? " she said, "nothing Male to Male?"
<DarkKnight> I was very confused and disturbed by this question because my mom seemed to be accusing me of being gay.
<DarkKnight> I said no again and she told me she found a box that said male to male on it.
<DarkKnight> I stood there and thought for a minute and then I realized what she was talking about. I ran downstairs and showed her what she looked at:
<DarkKnight> It was the box for my male-to-male s-video cord. My mom thought I was gay because I bought an s-video cord.
<silverpig> Just for kicks, you should leave the box for your 3 in 1 KVM cable laying around and she what she says about that.
Quote: 80331; Rating: 633; [+|-]
"<Hjelgan> betme
<Rift-Game>u00a0 Commands: betme start, betme join, betme bet #, betme roll(if roller), betme fix, betme quit, betme highscores
<Hjelgan> betme start
<Rift-Game> Starting Betme! Todays Roller is Hjelgan ; To join type "betme join"
<Hjelgan> betme bet life
<Rift-Game>u00a0 You Cannot Bet More Then You Have"
Quote: 80361; Rating: 1300; [+|-]
* Nastard is now known as fuck
<damn> what kind of nick is that?
<fuck> if i know
Quote: 80399; Rating: 535; [+|-]
<Ophiel> welcome to irc, where everybody is an expert on everything
Quote: 80408; Rating: 555; [+|-]
<Jude> I wish humans laid eggs
<Ringlord> UGH
<Ringlord> why would you want humans to lay eggs?
<Jude> So i can eat them
Quote: 80411; Rating: 645; [+|-]
<Josh_Aogiri> "Give a man a fire, he is warm for a day. Set a man on fire, he is warm for the rest of his life."
<odin> I dissagree
<odin> He'll be warm a few hours after his life is over
Quote: 80413; Rating: 1050; [+|-]
<Spliff> What's the meaning of life?
<CrystalShard> To find out whats the meaning of life.
<Rivorus> woah
<Rivorus> deep
<CrystalShard> "We are the Universe that is trying to understand itself." - Delenn, Babylon 5.
<Rivorus> "I like chicken, I like liver" - Kitten, Meow Mix commercial
<CrystalShard> Woah.
<CrystalShard> Deep.
<Rivorus> hahahaha
Quote: 80426; Rating: 143; [+|-]
<Deim0s|1980> Argghh. You don't wanna know what I just did. And for the sake of my reputation, I ain't gonna tell ya. Ever.
Quote: 80428; Rating: 197; [+|-]
<Ben Utne> I have a dick like a tuna can...think about it
<isajeep> full of dead fish?
<Ben Utne> 6 inches around, 1 inch long
<Verl> that is awesome
<Verl> thats like hitting a girl in the vagina with your fist
<isajeep> lol verl
<rzrshrp2> wtf
<rzrshrp2> pussy punch
Quote: 80429; Rating: 642; [+|-]
<monkeylice> i would get laid this weekend but my cargo van is in the shop and im out of chloroform
Quote: 80463; Rating: 205; [+|-]
<revmoo> does flock() not work on ntfs?
<Hendrix-> only if you compile with -lshepherd
Quote: 80480; Rating: 18; [+|-]
<I_kick_fish> a pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel coming out of his fly the bartender asks "do you know a steering wheel is coming out of your fly?" the pirate says "yes and its driving me nuts!"
Quote: 80511; Rating: 493; [+|-]
<zdog> Cuz you're stupid.
<boo> ah, the crux of Internet Debate.
Quote: 80522; Rating: 1358; [+|-]
<an_ass733> My wrist hurts because I played Beatmania too much yesterday.
<an_ass733> You're supposed to laugh now, then I say "What's so funny?" and then I realize that what I said sounded like masturbation, and then I say "I MEANT IIDX!! I SWEAR!!!", then someone posts it onto and the score goes up to 200.
<Angelic_erection> well, let's start over
<an_ass733> My wrist hurts because I played Beatmania too much yesterday.
<+odaen> an_ass are you sure it was beatmania?
<an_ass733> Huh?
<an_ass733> Oh shit.
<Angelic_erection> lol
<JAT|DWIwithCar> Haha your wrist hurts
<an_ass733> I MEANT IIDX!! I SWEAR!!
Quote: 80527; Rating: 203; [+|-]
<@thunderbear> I think if Bush really wanted Hussein out of the picture, he should send his daughters over there first.
<@thunderbear> With luck, Hussein would die of three different venereal diseases at once.
Quote: 80542; Rating: 231; [+|-]
<Stoned> ever had someone do a numerology chart for you?
<Duck> no
<Veng> no but I got a hand job off a nurse once
Quote: 80546; Rating: 132; [+|-]
<JtotheB> There is a certain brand of coolness that one can achieve only by being fully CSS and HTML standards compliant.
* JtotheB flashes a shit-eating grin and cracks a beer.
Quote: 80565; Rating: 374; [+|-]
<Surge> so if I say http:// I get kicked?
<Hodge> no
<Hodge> only if you join the channel and the first thign you say within a set time limit of joinig is an url
<Hodge> so when people join a channel and go
<Hodge> i ban them
<Hodge> automatically
<Hodge> I advise nobody clicks that btw
<Hodge> _just in case_
<Insane^> I hope to god that doesn't exits.
<Insane^> exist*
<Berger> It doesn't.
<Hodge> >_<
<Berger> =P
Quote: 80566; Rating: 430; [+|-]
<whythehell> who were you talking about?
<RobotBebop> whythehell: Canada.
<whythehell> sorry
<whythehell> who were you talking aboot?
Quote: 80592; Rating: 122; [+|-]
<random-strike> loli'm sittinginau00a0 computer lab, and i gotta let one go
<Zoogle> walk over to the printer slowly, let 'er rip on the way there
<Zoogle> and take a differant path back to your seat
<random-strike> let it go by as many ppl as i can
<Zoogle> therefore the putrid stench will be evenly spread out
<random-strike> it'll follow me back
<Zoogle> jiggle your ass so no one notices
Quote: 80594; Rating: 116; [+|-]
<]KO[-Spansk> get them to pick me
<Dark_Hawk> I'm workin' on it
<Dark_Hawk> There ya go
* Dark_Hawk wipes his mouth
Quote: 80599; Rating: 167; [+|-]
<damn2003> how can i get people to think that im using BitchX? bx is kinda cool, though.
<Mr_NiCe> try /quit BitchX: im a wannabe
<damn2003> ok
*** Quits: damn2003 (BitchX: im a wannabe)
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