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Quote: 7083; Rating: 446; [+|-]
<slog> Is Susan Sarandon too old to be considered "dooable"?
<Joe_> Yes.
<Kiler> I'd still do her
<Rain|Joker> She's borderline
<slog> that's 1 yes, 1 no, 1 maybe
<Pander> Desperation is the key factor.
<Kranrev> I'd say yes, but it would be creepy
<Lum_> Ben Franklin said of older women: "They know what they are doing, and they are eternally grateful".
<Lum_> in case you don't know your history Franklin was pretty much a slutpuppy
Quote: 7086; Rating: 80; [+|-]
<JanetBabe> love is the answer
<Weather> What was the question?
<DulRiff> what is 6 times 9?
<JanetBabe> how many angels can fuck on the head of a pin?
Quote: 7088; Rating: 110; [+|-]
<Naivete> I wouldn't be surprised if xrg is down for good.
<Soul|gone> it has been 24 hours.
<Soul|gone> that is a pretty good indication that it went bye bye
<Naivete> that would make me rather sad.
<Naivete> not all that sad, mind you.
<Naivete> but still pretty sad.
<Damarr> Just sad enough to make you feel sad
<Naivete> exactly
Quote: 7089; Rating: 25; [+|-]
<Kash> Biee, my modem cost me 8 bucks
<Bieeardo> Holy shit. That's... oy.
<Kash> circuit
<Kash> lol
<Bieeardo> Oh, so it's a hard-coded version of EQ?
Quote: 7090; Rating: 222; [+|-]
<CrashCat> I could never place a personal ad. I would live on p0rn and irc before I got that far. oh wait
Quote: 7091; Rating: 140; [+|-]
<Madman> woohoo!
<Madman> made it thru the 3rd level!
<CrashCat> gratz
<CrashCat> before you know it you'll be done and saying 'this game sux, it's too short' and taking it back to the store
Quote: 7094; Rating: 222; [+|-]
Quote: 7098; Rating: 130; [+|-]
<Joe_> What is the idea behind Black % White?
<Kash> Joe, it's CAtz with better AI, and villagers
<Joe_> So, a gigapet with a surrounding town?
<Kash> yea
<Kash> pretty damn fun
<Joe_> They scrapped UO2 for pokemon.
Quote: 7103; Rating: 1121; [+|-]
<Rain|BW> sbot jesus
<Sbot> Jesus Saves! But Gretzky Rebounds, He Shoots, He Scores!
<Rain|BW> tee-hee-hee
<CrashCat> jesus saves souls and redeems them for valuable prizes at the ticket counter
<gegi> Jesus saves, the rest of you take 5d20 damage.
Quote: 7106; Rating: 231; [+|-]
(Deathwing) I get to see a concert tomorrow, so there
(Lanfear) what concert?
(Deathwing) some guy who plays guitar for commercials
(zed) Wow, some guy who plays guitar for commercials.
(Deathwing) zed, he's one of the most famous guitarist in the world, actually
(Deathwing) up there with Joe Satriani, among others
(Lanfear) that's why you call him 'some guy'?
Quote: 7108; Rating: 159; [+|-]
(goosedaemon) someone define "talking out of [a] ass"
(Leper_Mess) goose; you know.. get a donkey, and speak without moving your lips so it looks like the donkey's talking.
Quote: 7109; Rating: 225; [+|-]
(@sno) Emacs can mow down forests too. But it mows down forests with the passing of its fat, bloated ass.
Quote: 7110; Rating: 234; [+|-]
<@Spider124> Gay ass homo, as opposed to "Hetero Ass homo"
Quote: 7111; Rating: 445; [+|-]
<PyroP> My sister has freinds over. They're banging the piano.
<piman> PyroP, Uh...
<aer> I see..
<PyroP> ^banging^banging on
Quote: 7113; Rating: -2; [+|-]
<@AgentAce> and I'm gonna get a pair of those new female shoes
<@AgentAce> because they got soul
<@AgentAce> err sole
Quote: 7116; Rating: 7; [+|-]
* *@michael decides that given two evils, x and y, where x=cherry jolly ranchers and y=apple jolly ranchers, y<x
Quote: 7118; Rating: 17; [+|-]
<HowLeTT> if my back seat smells like pussy tomorrow, im going to be furious
<HowLeTT> seriously
Quote: 7119; Rating: 627; [+|-]
<Philly_B> <--------->
<Philly_B> hmm...
<Philly_B> the set of all real numbers
(*michael) The set of all real numbers, now only $99.99! Order now and get a complimentary imaginary number commemorative plate free with your order.
Quote: 7120; Rating: 20; [+|-]
<AgentAce1> hmm
<AgentAce1> well that's interesting
<AgentAce1> actually...that's fuckin weird ass shit
Quote: 7121; Rating: 166; [+|-]
<Spamizbad> minix is the baddass hardcore 16bit unix from the rough side of town
Quote: 7123; Rating: 300; [+|-]
<Grant> Hey, you know what the biggest problem with all current MMOGs is?
<Mako> insufficient boobage
<Grant> That too.
Quote: 7124; Rating: 137; [+|-]
<Chum> I told them I was a 16 year old female that would put out if given a beta account.
<Kash> yea, i'm going to be female to
Quote: 7125; Rating: 161; [+|-]
<Dracleath> Dual wielding great swords with monkey grip
<Staberinde> I have a monkeygrip
<Staberinde> they won't let me use it in public though
Quote: 7126; Rating: 235; [+|-]
*** Kash was kicked by da_slog (ITS NOT VERY PHUN)
Quote: 7127; Rating: 95; [+|-]
*** Mezoth|work was kicked by Avie_work (the last guy that said, "I think you know what I want" to me ended up in the hospital. FOR SIX MONTHS.)
Quote: 7128; Rating: 114; [+|-]
<Madman> Rodents Of Unusual Size....I don't think they exist
<CrashCat> rodents?
<CrashCat> size?
<Sbot> size is irrelevent. It's a question of methodology.
<Madman> haha
<CrashCat> ...
Quote: 7129; Rating: 23; [+|-]
<Kash> BW has eveyone catassing
<CrashCat> that's leopardassing to you
<Kranrev> tigerassing
<Rasputin> I'm monkeyassing! :)
<Mako> just one ass? it is of no use to me.
Quote: 7132; Rating: 805; [+|-]
<Darkz> Can't get drunk, work soon
<Delusion> Your priorities disgust me.
Quote: 7133; Rating: 359; [+|-]
<Rasputin> eiiiiidle eidle eee
<Rasputin> eiiiidle eidle eee
<Rasputin> we won't be leavin' til we get some pus-sy sooooooo
<CrashCat> i'm not complainin' but shut up or I'll beat your brain in
Quote: 7134; Rating: 167; [+|-]
<Grant|BnW> Have you seen what happens if you give the mariners a sheep?
<CrashCat> lots of uses
<Grant|BnW> "A sheep. Lovely! Sheep have many uses, and the voyage is long."
<CrashCat> try giving them a woman
<Grant|BnW> What do they say?
<Grant|BnW> I'm trying to be nice now, so I don't want to if they'll rape or eat her.
<Grant|BnW> I wouldn't put anything past fucking accordian players.
Quote: 7136; Rating: 358; [+|-]
* Rasputin found a student's share open on the network of 2.35 gigs of PR0n
<Rasputin> plus various movies and other crap
<Neep> Are you going to admin his ass or download it all?
<Rasputin> both, Neep. Both. :)
<Prior_Tuck> yes...but it could be illegal.
<Rasputin> What's illegal? I'm archving for possible er...administrative purposes
Quote: 7137; Rating: 228; [+|-]
<Prior_Tuck> I got a guy busted during my year at eaton. he had 6 gigs of "illegal" pron, as wel as 15 gigs of legal pron. I turned his PC to my boss..where my boss called the police.
<CrashCat> so did he have the pr0n put into two directories, 'legal' and 'illegal'? :P
<Prior_Tuck> yes he did actually
<Prior_Tuck> he had his word docs folder and his powerpoint folder
Quote: 7138; Rating: 111; [+|-]
<Prior_Tuck> We had a real Pron king at eaton though. He wad a 30 gig HD full of pron. He requests a new Hard Drive. We suspected he was downloading. He refused to give us his PC, but we insisted to take install the new drive. I took his ten times embedded folder and clicked delete. Put the harddrive in my PC
and gave hi his PC back. I told him his cache was full. hes got plenty of room
Quote: 7139; Rating: 98; [+|-]
<Neep> I'm still wondering what the exact definition of illegal pron is.
<Rasputin> children
<Sbot> children are VERY expensive
Quote: 7141; Rating: 261; [+|-]
<Naivete> god, this shit is so much more efficient than windows
<Naivete> linux kernel=1 file
<Naivete> windows kernel=2/3 of your total ram, NO MATTER HOW MUCH OF THAT RAM THERE IS.
Quote: 7143; Rating: 672; [+|-]
<DanSTC> Delusion, will you have my baby?
<Delusion> Dan: Yes, if it's cooked well.
Quote: 7145; Rating: 405; [+|-]
Quote: 7148; Rating: 271; [+|-]
<_Rojo_> I want to compile her kernel
<_Rojo_> christ
<_Rojo_> computer-geek foreplay
Quote: 7152; Rating: 268; [+|-]
<Fryboy> stormos sister aint that bad
<stormo> please don't talk about my sister like that
<ambrness> go back to insulting me and my taste, Fryboy .. safer ground
<stormo> she has more integrity than to go out with some loser who spends all his life on IRC
<Fryboy> ahahahah
-ambrness- thats why incest is out of the question for him
Quote: 7153; Rating: 1075; [+|-]
<bumr> maybe he makes mad love to the penguin
<dys> Perhaps Cathy wears a Tux the Penguin suit for him.
<dys> And then he "debugs her code" all night long.
<bumr> cunnilinux
Quote: 7155; Rating: 96; [+|-]
<KINGofEXTREME> alligators are male crocdiles
Quote: 7156; Rating: 302; [+|-]
<vas> my dad recons i dont look up porn
<vas> cuase i tell him it would come up on the bill if i do so
Quote: 7157; Rating: 339; [+|-]
<DeF`> hehe... The Man in the Iron Mask made me cry... for real
<cuzzzin> debbie does dallas made me jack off
Quote: 7158; Rating: 121; [+|-]
<Chambered> my hair is halfway down my back
<tize> thats too long
<Chambered> but when your taking a shit and run out of paper, its alright
Quote: 7159; Rating: 1; [+|-]
<b|aze> i wanked my dog once
<b|aze> haha
<b|aze> i was so pissed
Quote: 7160; Rating: 324; [+|-]
<dEaD_fAiRy> plus the guy has to look a certian way to turn me on
<Mousey> does he have to look desperate
Quote: 7161; Rating: 266; [+|-]
<KINGofEXTREME> i forgot cars come in manual man
<KINGofEXTREME> my friend starts changing gears
<KINGofEXTREME> im like what are you doing
<KINGofEXTREME> didnt know what was going on
Quote: 7162; Rating: 111; [+|-]
<@Latino-Heat> when i was in school, during free periods i'd sit in the library cos i couldnt go home and i'd look up stds in encyclopedias
<@Latino-Heat> cos i had rashes everywhere
Quote: 7163; Rating: 25; [+|-]
<Descartes> A wanker is not a racial slur
<GORE> it is
<GORE> beleive me it is
<GORE> to me
Quote: 7165; Rating: 356; [+|-]
<^FiCtIoN^> get a tounge ring
<CheeseCookies> lol, coz there good on chicks :D
<Mousey> so is an apron
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