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Quote: 6107; Rating: 1102; [+|-]
<#seattle/weezel> This End-User License is an agreement between Microsoft Corporation (hereafter referred to as "Microsoft") and you, the end-user (hereafter referred to as "our bitch").
Quote: 6115; Rating: 217; [+|-]
<cheech> Ugh! Parents, who needs them?
<guailo> retards.
Quote: 6116; Rating: 1647; [+|-]
<kegpin> I gotta go.
<Krebstar> ok, get better soon, keg.
<puppyfish> aww... is keg sick?
<Krebstar> nope. I just think he could be better than he is.
Quote: 6119; Rating: 79; [+|-]
<khalek> sif irc isn't just different sorts of complaining from different people
Quote: 6120; Rating: 301; [+|-]
* nailer goes to the city to acquire stuff
<zeitgeist> lol
<zeitgeist> stuff huh
<ambr> $10 says he's acquiring bumsex
Quote: 6124; Rating: 258; [+|-]
<lsd> argh
<lsd> fucking cunty sql server
<lsd> apparently my Distrubution Agent is 'suspect'
<lsd> what? it's doing covert ops for the CIA?
Quote: 6125; Rating: 450; [+|-]
<HrdwrBoB_> they are poo :)
<HrdwrBoB_> but hten
<HrdwrBoB_> they are not poo
<HrdwrBoB_> so they are poo and not poo AT THE SAME TIME!!
<Fryboy> quantum poo
Quote: 6126; Rating: 125; [+|-]
* nailer/#lgl is a chocoholic. But for alchohol :)
Quote: 6127; Rating: 253; [+|-]
<Fryboy> can't hardly wait, party of 5 etc
<ambr> i thought you were taking about serial cable compression there... parity of 5
Quote: 6128; Rating: 585; [+|-]
<ambrgone> the way i figure it, if the hard drives go at 7200rpm on 12V, on
240V, they should go.... EVEN FASTER!!!!!
Quote: 6130; Rating: 566; [+|-]
<nail|away> Packaging systems are lame. Tarballs are lamer.
So is source. I install me software with personally magnetized
needles and a steady hand.
Quote: 6131; Rating: 480; [+|-]
<nailer> Where in Hell is Carmen Sandiago's Luggage?
Quote: 6132; Rating: 545; [+|-]
<HrdwrBoB> un.. what's rl?
<un> isn't that what happens when you type brb?
<HrdwrBoB> no that's when I get food
Quote: 6133; Rating: 332; [+|-]
<BedBoB> ERR: scsi_wait_goat() no goat.
<lsd> i'm sure i don't remember having any goats near my old all-SCSI amiga
<Bruce> the mac II here doesnt need goats either
<BedBoB> they have inbuilt goats
<lsd> on-board goat controller
Quote: 6134; Rating: 908; [+|-]
<lsd> my win2k box is being a bitch
<HrdwrBoB> that's the default setting
<HrdwrBoB> you have to edit the registry
Quote: 6136; Rating: 388; [+|-]
<ambrness> DEVICE=eth0
<ambrness> BOOTPROTO=static
<ambrness> BOARDCAST=
<ambrness> HAHAH... no wonder it had probs
<ambrness> curse having an admin who speaks english as a second language
Quote: 6138; Rating: 729; [+|-]
--> osx_newb has joined #cprogramming
<osx_newb> helo?
<Vulpyne> 250 Vulpyne
Quote: 6139; Rating: 350; [+|-]
Clayton: man, i am so tired..but my bed is full of dog puke.
Quote: 6142; Rating: 34; [+|-]
<Quick1> ok, testing my quit message
*** Quick1 ([email protected]) has left #fark
Quote: 6146; Rating: 295; [+|-]
<DeMaci> i was def taller than you at nats
<BDavis> i was in a wheelchair
Quote: 6147; Rating: 330; [+|-]
<bpshuler> it all comes down to what your goal is. and once again, because people don't want to figure out on their own what they want, they allow marketers to dictate it to them, then act on it. frustrates me to no end
<Yawgatog> I want Super Mario World for Game Boy Advance. That'll rule!
Quote: 6149; Rating: 513; [+|-]
<{x3n0}> my amplifier just went *WHUMP*
<{x3n0}> and my speakers went *saUTENIaetiuBiudsiuZDXIUBGiuZZXT*
Quote: 6150; Rating: 212; [+|-]
<Babydog> ew yeah butt hair is horrit
<Akira_S> yeah, so shaving down there's a must
<alisdair> that seems like a lot of work
<Eulogy_> like hell i am going to shave my ass
<Stifler> thats why they get their boyfriends to do it
<Eulogy_> if i can't see it, i ain't putting a razor near it
Quote: 6151; Rating: 388; [+|-]
<demalavor> do you want larger firmer breasts?
<IceBurner> No, I prefer my broad, flat manboobs
Quote: 6152; Rating: 427; [+|-]
<Total_Phreax0r> -LagServ- Your ping request will be considered and might be returned in January 2003
Quote: 6155; Rating: 832; [+|-]
<Mooglez> the lack of intelligent and cultured converstaion bores me
<Mooglez> laterz bitchez
Quote: 6156; Rating: 1141; [+|-]
<demalavor> w00t!
<jdrolet> w00t!
<Zhuzhen> w00t!
<CecilPL> w00t!
<Valvados> w00t!
<demalavor> we need a new word
Quote: 6159; Rating: 364; [+|-]
<Seph][roth> Mike doesn't like it when I ban whole countries.
<Seph][roth> Subnetmasks and ISPs are fine.
Quote: 6167; Rating: 175; [+|-]
<Sabre> Anyone know what's going on X Files?
<AtmaWeapon> if anyone spoils anything I'm gonna kickban them.
<l0bster> Then, they get a tip, that some guy named AtmaWeapon's mom, was
some kinda funky werewolf. So they drove to her house with 3metric tons
of tranq, and shot her fat ass. Repeatedly, until she passed out. But
the slobber from her mouth floods the room and kills everyone.
Quote: 6169; Rating: 382; [+|-]
u00fau00fau00fa KoRn^Chik/#xnet is just sad
(houlie) why are you sad Korn
(houlie) its not harvest season yet
Quote: 6176; Rating: 339; [+|-]
<Hostile> when i woke up i found pictures of Salma Hayek, A turkish guy's
page and my flip flop in my scanner
Quote: 6180; Rating: 710; [+|-]
<effAce> man that one stank
<mgriffin> No manual entry for that
<mgriffin> No manual entry for one
<mgriffin> No manual entry for stank
Quote: 6185; Rating: 262; [+|-]
<Arctil> works now
<Arctil> HolyFuck: did you flush your DNS cache or something?
<HolyFuck> Arctil: i disabled SlowDownTheFaggots in the httpd.conf file
Quote: 6187; Rating: 55; [+|-]
(hellp) yeah but i will fuck your hatch up with my zx 7r you fucker ne day
your fuck hatch will fuckin cry
(RicePWR) he prolly has an escort zx
(RicePWR) 7r = the number of Type R stickers he has
Quote: 6190; Rating: 706; [+|-]
<cyn> what the fuck do you need dual gf3's for
<n2deep> cause i want dual monitors
<cyn> how are you gunna fit two AGP cards in one box?
<n2deep> uhm
<n2deep> FUC
<n2deep> FUCK FUCKF
Quote: 6191; Rating: 197; [+|-]
<felix:#916> i borked ditto
<felix:#916> it might just need a power cycle.
<p1nky:#916> I thought you had a masterswitch?
<felix:#916> yeah.u00a0 ditto's not on the masterswitch, because it's a rock-solid machine.
<slap:#916> irony
Quote: 6194; Rating: 161; [+|-]
<signine:#916> for a basketball team the kings sure have a lot of white guys.
Quote: 6197; Rating: 285; [+|-]
<barkode:#916> i'm a fan of real time irc.
<barkode:#916> not this playing-chess-via-postal-mail-to-uzbekistan irc strategy kubla has
Quote: 6198; Rating: 63; [+|-]
<signine:#916> is that the one with the old people that have huge mouths that blow people the fuck up?
Quote: 6200; Rating: 716; [+|-]
<barkode:#916> playing tribes for last 5 hours
<Pesto:#916> wow, you're still at work?
<barkode:#916> yeah.
Quote: 6204; Rating: 362; [+|-]
<felix:#916> there is a DEAD FUCKING RAT in our server room
<felix:#916> it's like, ROTTING
<felix:#916> 8 or 9" long, overall
<asphyxia:#916> damn packet kiddies
Quote: 6205; Rating: 212; [+|-]
<barkode> if redhat is ever running on a space shuttle, you can sleep well
knowing it's probably running imap2, and we can all go IRC from it.
Quote: 6206; Rating: 406; [+|-]
<kadafi:#916> -----------------------------
<kadafi:#916> Welcome to
<kadafi:#916> -----------------------------
<kadafi:#916> Connection from logged
<kadafi:#916> You are user 201 of 200 available connections.
<kadafi:#916> IM USER 201 BEYOTCH
Quote: 6207; Rating: 180; [+|-]
<zhixel:#sgi> I'm not really one for long hair and women who aren't sleeping
with me, honestly.
<HomeySan:#sgi> but she's hog-tied on a VAX and holding a Grant Continuity
card in her teeth
Quote: 6208; Rating: 524; [+|-]
<skrike:#916> Ill prolly just go into work next week and kill everyone
<pozer:#916> skrike: I do that all the time.
<pozer:#916> We're hiring, by the way!
Quote: 6210; Rating: 334; [+|-]
<barkode:#916> felix: you left out "stackable"
Quote: 6211; Rating: 478; [+|-]
<SaetheR:#916> why are stupid people my managers?
<phear:#916> because they make horrible employees
Quote: 6214; Rating: 577; [+|-]
[btab] she's got style she's got grace, takes a cumshot to the face, she's a lady
Quote: 6215; Rating: 203; [+|-]
[giR`] WTF am i supposed to do with all of these TV's!!!!
[zimm] ever heard of surround vision?
[zimm] daisy chain them or something
Quote: 6217; Rating: 589; [+|-]
<b[a]rt> hey guest1!
<Guest1> hi
<b[a]rt> what's up?
<Guest1> male
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