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Quote: 953421; Rating: 185; [+|-]
lemonlimeskull: I keep getting spam e-mail from a company trying to convince me I owe them for search engine listing services. They send an actual invoice for me to print and fax to them.
lemonlimeskull: It's their own fault, really, that I faxed them a photo-to-ASCII image of a hand giving the middle finger.
killjay: lol bet they were PISSED
lemonlimeskull: They will be if they lay out all 54 pages in the correct sequence.
Quote: 953447; Rating: 78; [+|-]
plas: Friendly cats will head-but or head rub and will extend this into a full body rub. Cats will also head-butt and body-rub their humans. The nose-bump is another friendly greeting.
lemonlimeskull: Even friendlier cats will offer a paw job.
Quote: 953518; Rating: 2980; [+|-]
<No_One> Damn my land mine collection is gone.
<No_One> Also so is my shed
<No_One> That's gonna be fun in the morning
15 minutes later.
<No_One> Fuck afk police pulled in
<Dwarf> k
<Dwarf> have fun
10 minutes later.
<No_One> Shiit
<No_One> Someone broke into my shed
<No_One> They won't do that again
3 hours later.
<No_One> Can I be charged with criminal negligence even if the said deceased person used bolt cutters to access something that killed them?
<noregister> I doubt it
<No_One> Good
Quote: 954091; Rating: 47; [+|-]
< hyntty> Erik: what is cat in dutch?
<+Erik> kat
< PeriSoft_> fucking crazy language
< hyntty> kankerkat ;|7<
<+Erik> With the A pronounced as the A in 'what'.
< PeriSoft_> it's spelled 'kat', but it's probably pronounced 'voorslphtn'
Quote: 954101; Rating: 261; [+|-]
<Maastonakki> we are sending hamburgers to space now
<Maastonakki> not sure if I want to live on this planet anymore
<@r4w> especially if all the burgers are in space!
Quote: 954103; Rating: 436; [+|-]
<Mikael_Kreoss> reading the "stupid shit you believed as a kid" thread
<Mikael_Kreoss> it owns
<Mikael_Kreoss> reminded me of the time as a kid I saw a pic of the pope's bubble car thing
<Mikael_Kreoss> and thought it was meant to keep him in
<Mikael_Kreoss> like he was a monster or w/e
<Vanadium> hahaha
<Mikael_Kreoss> on display
<&Attilla> ahahahah
<Mikael_Kreoss> "WE CAUGHT THE POPE" and then celebration time
<Drakkar> hahaha
Quote: 954104; Rating: 158; [+|-]
<Sheep> Cat owners - Do you ever find that you're stroking your cat and suddenly everything feels like a tasty chicken dinner?
Quote: 954106; Rating: 205; [+|-]
<[k]> you got a vivid imagination, like me.
<[k]> i can respect that
<HardDisk> you have no idea the stuff I've done
<HardDisk> [k], have you ever been so stoned that if you were jerking off while eating a kitkat then all of a sudden you feel a salty taste in your mouth and because your so high at this point you cant tell whether the kitkat chocolate bar was expired or if that if you creamed into your mouth without noticing?
Quote: 954111; Rating: 178; [+|-]
<@Steempy> Any lettuce that isn't iceberg needs to fuck off back to Russia
<@Steempy> Goddamn communist hipster lettuce
Quote: 954118; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<Bushman> heh, those voice commands in mobile phones...
<Bushman> say "text *contact_name* message *message_text*"
<Bushman> or "email *contact_name* subject *message_subject* message *message_text*"
<Bushman> what if... just what if... the guy's name is Mr.Message or Mr.Subject?
<Bushman> :D
Quote: 954127; Rating: 630; [+|-]
<er0s> if i was a porn director, i'd randomly cut to eye contact with the male actor
<er0s> to freak out whoever is watching
<er0s> maybe have him smile slightly too
Quote: 954147; Rating: 546; [+|-]
Fatthew Mupples: i imagine a large part of romanian and chinese cultures revolves around typing ssh [email protected]
Quote: 954153; Rating: 227; [+|-]
<Silent> I see that many designers are using Macs to draw. I was wondering what's wring with Windows and Linux, and that's why I asked.
<G-Money> Silent
<G-Money> mac's are for creative people
<G-Money> if we use non-macs, we lose our creativity
<G-Money> its part of owning a mac
<Silent> In what sense?
<G-Money> are a you a man of god Silent?
<G-Money> in the biblical tale with samson and delilah
<G-Money> samson loses his power when delilah, who was a whore btw, cut his hair
<G-Money> its somewhat like a mac
Quote: 954155; Rating: 292; [+|-]
<Ishimura> woah
<Ishimura> finger is apparently functional cross-platform
<SilentPenguin> yeah, users understand the finger irrespective of the operating system they are using
Quote: 954159; Rating: 258; [+|-]
Blade: "it was extremely unusual and we really wanted to find out why this thing had - what we call - burst"
Blade: please explain this obscure phenomenon known as burst
Blade: to the laypeople like myself
Blade: i don't understand this parlance
Blade: technical jargon isn't my forte
Blade: scientific lingo baffles me
Quote: 954171; Rating: 308; [+|-]
<Cob|afk>: fellows
<Cob|afk>: let's chill
<Cob|afk>: and be friends
<jasper>: why
<Cob|afk>: because i'll fucking stab you if you don't
Quote: 954174; Rating: 323; [+|-]
<+Zuu> i think i want to stop doing college and become a mechanic
<@bazl> i forbid it
<+Zuu> why
<@bazl> because every word in that sentence was spelled correctly
Quote: 954177; Rating: 413; [+|-]
ND: My alarm clock is clearly jealous of my amazing relationship with my bed.
Quote: 954186; Rating: 678; [+|-]
<@i_c-Y> i had a nightmare yesterday that i bought 3 licenses of norton antivirus
Quote: 954190; Rating: 555; [+|-]
<Prometheus> Are you made of Copper and Tellurium
<Prometheus> because youre CuTe
<Cruel> Are you made of holmium and molybdenum
Quote: 954191; Rating: 267; [+|-]
<aubnorch> how was I unaware of usb onaholes until now
<aubnorch> you plug them in to your computer and load up profiles of your favorite 2d waifus and they -change-
<flesy> are u trying to fuck au00a0 usb port
Quote: 954192; Rating: 405; [+|-]
<%rundata> man my wifes read that 50 shades of grey
<Karnaksbitch> Aw god ur al makin me cringe
<%rundata> she was like "have you heard of fisting?"
<%rundata> ive seen women shoulder deep in other women
Quote: 954195; Rating: 192; [+|-]
<LeelooMinai> Hmm, that Ian guy from Dangerous Prototypes is kind of weird...
<IanWizard-Cloud> LeelooMinai: hmm?
<LeelooMinai> E, right... well... my cat wrote that - nm:p
Quote: 954197; Rating: 507; [+|-]
<DJMonty> Shit
<DJMonty> Just fell over holding my guitar, and accidentally played every song One Direction have ever written
Quote: 954201; Rating: 374; [+|-]
<danh> interviewing a fat guy
<danh> do we hire him
<pbuckley> does he have a beard?
<danh> nope
<pbuckley> then no
Quote: 954214; Rating: 258; [+|-]
<bitchcunt> for the love of god, kathleen, he doesn't care about your hair! and if he does, maybe he should be going out with your brother.
Quote: 954218; Rating: 262; [+|-]
<Koel> imagine a mother dick feeding a whole nest of chirping baby dicks
Quote: 954232; Rating: 814; [+|-]
<saylan> I just set up port forwards to
<saylan> anyone scanning me now will be scanning/attacking the DoD :D
<renderbod> O.o
<bolt> that's... not exactly how port forwarding works
<saylan> ?
Quote: 954314; Rating: 336; [+|-]
<@Saturn> how are you?
< Bronysith> fine, cuddling luna plushie
< Bronysith> you?
<@Saturn> friend of mine died
<@Saturn> and eating pie
< Bronysith> oh fuck
<@Unnr> Saturn: *huuuug*
< Bronysith> Saturn: well im here for you if you need me
<@Saturn> i appreciate your concern, but the pie's not *that* bad
Quote: 954315; Rating: 465; [+|-]
<@LAMMJohnson> I suspect Star Trek Into Darkness will be good but not great.
<@LAMMJohnson> My reasoning for this is thus
<@LAMMJohnson> Perfect score because all of its words have a length that is a power of 2.
<@LAMMJohnson> Minus one point because total letters is not a power of two.
<@LAMMJohnson> Not even including spaces.
<@LAMMJohnson> However, the letters in all of the words plus the number of words is 24.
<@LAMMJohnson> Overall score for the movie: 8.5
<~chown> LAMMJohnson - Vice Executive of the Autism Department
<@LAMMJohnson> The score, correctly, is a power of two marred with an ugly fraction.
<@LAMMJohnson> Although the fraction is 1/2
<@LAMMJohnson> Actually, the overall fraction is 17/20 which I pretty much hate.
<@LAMMJohnson> Which means I will initially think the movie is OK but then later change my mind and hate it.
<~chown> LAMMJohnson - Honourable Chairman of the Autism Empire
Quote: 954321; Rating: 362; [+|-]
<Watcher7> Want to eat stuff off my chest?
<space> erm
<space> is it hair
Quote: 954425; Rating: 1363; [+|-]
C:UsersNetham45>tracert -h 100
Tracing route to FIN []
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1u00a0 u00a0 <1 msu00a0 u00a0 <1 msu00a0 u00a0 <1 msu00a0 -snip-
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9u00a0 u00a0 46 msu00a0 u00a0 66 msu00a0 u00a0 66 msu00a0 []
10u00a0 u00a0u00a0 *u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 49 msu00a0 u00a0 49 msu00a0 []
11u00a0 u00a0 61 msu00a0 u00a0 59 msu00a0 u00a0 63 msu00a0 []
12u00a0 u00a0u00a0 *u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 *u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 *u00a0 u00a0u00a0 Request timed out.
13u00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 118 msu00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0 Episode.IV []
14u00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0 A.NEW.HOPE []
15u00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0 []
16u00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0u00a0 136 msu00a0u00a0 117 msu00a0 Rebel.spaceships []
17u00a0u00a0 116 msu00a0 u00a0 98 msu00a0 u00a0 95 msu00a0 striking.from.a.hidden.base []
18u00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 115 msu00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0 have.won.their.first.victory []
19u00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0 against.the.evil.Galactic.Empire []
20u00a0u00a0 118 msu00a0 u00a0 98 msu00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0 During.the.battle []
21u00a0u00a0 117 msu00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0 Rebel.spies.managed []
22u00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0u00a0 117 msu00a0 u00a0 94 msu00a0 to.steal.secret.plans []
23u00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0 u00a0 96 msu00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0 to.the.Empires.ultimate.weapon []
24u00a0u00a0 103 msu00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 105 msu00a0 the.DEATH.STAR []
25u00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0 u00a0 96 msu00a0 []
26u00a0u00a0 120 msu00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0 u00a0 98 msu00a0 []
27u00a0 u00a0 98 msu00a0 u00a0 98 msu00a0u00a0 118 msu00a0 []
28u00a0 u00a0 98 msu00a0 u00a0 97 msu00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0 []
29u00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 105 msu00a0u00a0 117 msu00a0 sinister.agents []
30u00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0 Princess.Leia.races.home []
31u00a0u00a0 104 msu00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0 aboard.her.starship []
32u00a0u00a0 105 msu00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0u00a0 103 msu00a0 custodian.of.the.stolen.plans []
33u00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0u00a0 103 msu00a0 []
34u00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0u00a0 106 msu00a0u00a0 139 msu00a0 people.and.restore []
35u00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0u00a0 121 msu00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0 []
36u00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0 u00a0 98 msu00a0 0-------------------0 []
37u00a0u00a0 104 msu00a0u00a0 118 msu00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0 0------------------0 []
38u00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0 u00a0 99 msu00a0 0-----------------0 []
39u00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0 u00a0 97 msu00a0 0----------------0 []
40u00a0u00a0 105 msu00a0u00a0 118 msu00a0u00a0 123 msu00a0 0---------------0 []
41u00a0u00a0 100 msu00a0u00a0 105 msu00a0 u00a0 98 msu00a0 0--------------0 []
42u00a0u00a0 109 msu00a0u00a0 115 msu00a0u00a0 113 msu00a0 0-------------0 []
43u00a0u00a0 161 msu00a0u00a0 155 msu00a0u00a0 154 msu00a0 0------------0 []
44u00a0u00a0 114 msu00a0 u00a0 98 msu00a0u00a0 112 msu00a0 0-----------0 []
45u00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 124 msu00a0u00a0 105 msu00a0 0----------0 []
46u00a0 u00a0 98 msu00a0u00a0 143 msu00a0u00a0 117 msu00a0 0---------0 []
47u00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0 u00a0 97 msu00a0u00a0 105 msu00a0 0--------0 []
48u00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0u00a0 140 msu00a0 0-------0 []
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57u00a0u00a0 102 msu00a0u00a0 123 msu00a0u00a0 105 msu00a0 By.Ryan.Werber []
58u00a0u00a0 117 msu00a0u00a0 103 msu00a0u00a0 111 msu00a0 When.CCIEs.Get.Bored []
59u00a0u00a0 107 msu00a0u00a0 103 msu00a0u00a0 105 msu00a0 []
60u00a0u00a0 105 msu00a0u00a0 122 msu00a0u00a0 101 msu00a0 FIN []
Trace complete.
Quote: 954477; Rating: -795; [+|-]
fr0gman: my ex gf is blowing up my phooine
fr0gman: and sent me emails
fr0gman: and is trying to call me from a blocked number lol
oldmadtom: she wants the d
fr0gman: ya
fr0gman: i should be like "Happy Valentine's ay... you'll get the D later"
Quote: 954582; Rating: 1327; [+|-]
<G-ZeuZ> When two people kiss, they create a tube with an asshole at each end.
<wufei> put that in your online dating profile
<wufei> you'll stand out
Quote: 954654; Rating: 1751; [+|-]
<jude> First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing because verbing weirds language. Then they arrival for the nouns, and I speech nothing because I no verbs.
Quote: 954760; Rating: 1949; [+|-]
<LogicalThought> Having a girls head on your chest is one of the best feelings ever
<The_Opinion> Especially when it's still attached.
Quote: 954863; Rating: 611; [+|-]
<SirWolfgang> i just paid $85 for a hoodie...
<tetsu> but it lasts for a decade right
<tetsu> youll be 30 before you need to buy another hoodie
<tetsu> and by then youll be an adult and just buy a coat
Quote: 954866; Rating: 494; [+|-]
** You are now chatting in #fantendo
<Corbeb>: i've just realized that we talk about porn here more than we talk about fantendo
<Corbeb>: lol
<NoontimeYoshi>: whats a fantendo
<Hemu>: fantendo?
Quote: 954911; Rating: 553; [+|-]
<Number6> Ducks have corkscrew shaped penises
* rsynnott hopes the people who made the Flintstones were unaware of this
Quote: 954924; Rating: 584; [+|-]
<RedMachineD> whoops
<RedMachineD> just submitted homework with a bad typo
<RedMachineD> talking about the way people use words
<RedMachineD> and hate speech and sluts and shit
<RedMachineD> and i accidentally typed in
<RedMachineD> "hateful coonotations"
<RedMachineD> :|
<RedMachineD> gonna be hearing from my professor about this one
Quote: 954927; Rating: 186; [+|-]
<chainsoar> fox news special: computer terrorists blow up several internets
<chainsoar> at least 45% of the network of tubes is damaged beyond repair
<Jill_Stihl> They are trying to hack your freedom!
<chainsoar> FACT: hackers can break into the CIA mainframe and actually _download your freedom_
Quote: 954952; Rating: 43; [+|-]
< pooter> I just came up with an amazingly good simile for math
<+echobinary> does it add up?
< pooter> :|
Quote: 954957; Rating: 69; [+|-]
<sevyn>: I was disappointed to find out that the twitter account @hosonwheels did not belong to a hooker delivery service
Quote: 961099; Rating: 365; [+|-]
<Nichole> my sister is giving birth on thursday. Drug baby. Apparently CPS is going to contact me to take him.
<Azalea> Ahhhhhhhh
<keith> what kind of drugs?
<keith> a baby full of drugs could be worth something
<Nichole> heroin, Oxy, meth
<Nichole> mostly heroin
<keith> expensive baby!
<blaxthos> so... your sister will be free this weekend?
<Nichole> yep have at it
<assfetish> i got this mental image of a baby shaped pinata full of drugs being broken at some wall street party
<Nichole> she's in prison
<Nichole> she makes me feel very normal
<latras> you are very normal ;)
<keith> shes still getting heroin, oxy and meth in prison?
<blaxthos> is she imprisoned because of baby ?
<keith> yeah id say your pretty normal
<Nichole> keith: she's on methadone now
<blaxthos> i think having babies should be a crime
<keith> procreating is definitely a crime
<Nichole> she's imprisoned because she broke parole, child endangerment (from first daughter), and drug related charges, and being on the run
<Azalea> That is a shitty situation
<assfetish> are you gonna take the baby?
<Nichole> i dont know
<keith> azalea needs another kid i hear
<assfetish> i have a friend who wants a kid real bad
<blaxthos> if you are on irc and you can't figure out how to unload a kid, you're doing it wrong
Quote: 961146; Rating: 58; [+|-]
<magicp2p> but the US people see an egg form as a ball, so don't say it is an egg, it is football
<icebox766> It's a more aerodynamic ball.
<Neobenedict> more aerodynamic, yet people run with it in their hands for half the game. what a waste
Quote: 961197; Rating: 72; [+|-]
<DrBadAss>Lessee... the Republican party is in disarray, divided by an offshoot reactionary group, spearheaded by men who pander to the least common denominator and say and do the most ridiculous things imaginable, directly flaunting the Constitution, and proving on a daily basis they're incapable of compromise, and that their only goal is to take down their opponent at the expense of the country's welfare and proper operation.
<DrBadAss>u00a0 We Democrats have a CLEAR shot at this.u00a0 It's going to be really interesting to see how we go about f#@%ing it up.
Quote: 961257; Rating: 221; [+|-]
<photo> i poured my root beer into a square cup and now all i have is beer. please advise.
Quote: 961293; Rating: 49; [+|-]
(@|HashBot|) Final and decisive action of the Napoleonic Wars, that effectively ended French domination of Europe?
(SiCK) Surrender
Quote: 961330; Rating: 335; [+|-]
<sikory> hmmm, people found a severed head in amsterdam
<sikory> police thinks that it might be connected to the headless body they found yesterday
<Gamah> sikory: well obviously it's not connected...
Quote: 961513; Rating: 145; [+|-]
<xxx> There's apparently some Mexican restaurant somewhere in Europe that has the slogan, "Mexican food so authentic Donald Trump built 4 walls around it."
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