Quote: 213749; Rating: 1172; [+|-]
<dream|away> Harry Potter's hot.
<dream|away> And every book he gets closer to legal age. Oooooh yeahhhh.
<dream|away> ...
<dream|away> Someone else say something.
Quote: 213926; Rating: 438; [+|-]
<IceToad> anyone listen to the state of the union?
<IceToad> some of his statements confused me
<Syntacs> IceToad: Don't worry, he felt the same way.
Quote: 213946; Rating: 448; [+|-]
<nomad> im getting supermassive black holes
<nomad> woohooooooooooooo!
<nutkase> i saw a porn with that title
<nomad> yeah right
<nutkase> but i think it might have been submissive black hoes
Quote: 213947; Rating: 1026; [+|-]
<Burn132> How do I make it so that I can hear you guys talk and not just see the captions???
Quote: 214115; Rating: 1327; [+|-]
<@j0nkatz> jwbozzy: I have an audi out port on my cd player in my car.
<@j0nkatz> audio
<nukle> heh.
<nukle> fordian slip.
Quote: 214183; Rating: -3; [+|-]
<Camper_Bob> What would jesus do?
<Milo> Altar Boys.....
Quote: 214230; Rating: 1348; [+|-]
<rastakid> Which one shouldn't be there: rape - monopoly - incest ?
<seal> Monopoly?
<rastakid> Wrong! Rape, because it's not a family game.
Quote: 214318; Rating: 2243; [+|-]
<+Quantsini> when i say the word "ramen" what words come to mind?
* Ikari has joined #STNJ
<@[Polynomial]> instant
<ph4tkid> ninja
<+Zanshi> porn
<Ikari> instant ninja porn?!?! WHERE???!?!
<+Quantsini> ...
Quote: 214352; Rating: 313; [+|-]
<Saddam_Hussein> This room is being too fucking hateful.
Quote: 214361; Rating: 89; [+|-]
<masterchain> go away crimson...
<[OP]CrimsonDeath90210> Actually I will
<[OP]CrimsonDeath90210> As soon as I finish configuring Windows.
<masterchain> uncheck the "jewish" box
<masterchain> and it'll work fine
<[OP]CrimsonDeath90210> lol
<[OP]CrimsonDeath90210> The thing is
<[OP]CrimsonDeath90210> What's doing the problem
<[OP]CrimsonDeath90210> Is the Hebrew settings
<[OP]CrimsonDeath90210> ...
Quote: 214363; Rating: 649; [+|-]
<@Mister_IQ> you ever watch Who's Line is it Anyway?
<@Axiom> of course
<@Mister_IQ> They have the contest where they have to make every single line a double entendre...
<@Mister_IQ> If you know what I mean...
<@Mister_IQ> I love that
<@Axiom> sounds really hard.
Quote: 214384; Rating: 419; [+|-]
<Heem> [entropy], have you ever heard of WiFi?
<[entropy]> I don't listen to techno
Quote: 214440; Rating: 490; [+|-]
<Petersen> damnit
<Petersen> i just stood on a 512meg dimm
<Petersen> anyone wanna buy a pair of half length dimms? 256meg each
Quote: 214476; Rating: 197; [+|-]
<@ImmenseMalevolentCanisLupis> Linux is like a pair of boxers without the tag cut off. So free but so uncomfortable.
Quote: 214481; Rating: 25; [+|-]
* AquaJew2 is now known as AquaJew
<Allvah> JewTwo?
<AquaJew> Yea, like MewTwo, but Jewish
<LordRed> Basically, jewtwo's main attack is he lies to your boss about finding a hair in his soup so you get fired and he gets a five dollar off coupon
Quote: 214502; Rating: 918; [+|-]
<Novasol> heh, I was looking for an emulation site the other day.... and I was using AvantBrowser, which has a built in popup blocker...
<Novasol> AvantBrowser makes a sound when it blocks a popup...
<Novasol> I swear, I went to one site and it played the tune to funky town
Quote: 214557; Rating: 1078; [+|-]
* HowardDean has joined #politics
<HowardDean> yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Quote: 214581; Rating: 373; [+|-]
<Thund3r> I just thought of something ... since its year of the monkey does that mean GW Bush will get re-elected?
Quote: 214609; Rating: 44; [+|-]
<torgofan720> I'm still planning on having a love child with LaggedyAnne by mailing her a vial of sperm frozen in a bag of freezer veggies
<torgofan720> Gonna name the kid Greenbean
Quote: 214794; Rating: 770; [+|-]
[brs`IRC]: Amish girls are incredibly sexual.
[brs`IRC]: You've never had a handjob until you've had one from a girl who
[brs`IRC]: works a butter churn all day.
Quote: 214810; Rating: 9108; [+|-]
<Fulgore> whats the complement to a 43 degree angle?
<sparks> My you're looking "acute" today
<Fulgore> fuck you
Quote: 214827; Rating: 566; [+|-]
<Amici|Kitty> 666 is the number of the beast ;P
<momo8D> 6667 is the number of you losing whatever social life you might have had.
Quote: 214929; Rating: 160; [+|-]
<LordStan> Jed, why can't you have a fake man that has a magical motor that drives a series of gears and what-not to make a robot?
<Jedisar> LordStan: Because he's busy starring in a new FF game.
<LordStan> I would say something sarcastic to that, but chances are you're right.
Quote: 214954; Rating: 415; [+|-]
<RapidX> Hey, was wondering... when buying a fan.. how do you determine if the fan is a fan that blows in air or blows out?
Quote: 215003; Rating: 1558; [+|-]
<Lan_> my iq is a range of 145-178
<kender> is that in kelvin?
Quote: 215017; Rating: 113; [+|-]
< enclaved> apple has apparently made up for its stupid miniipod
< hangman> what'd it do?
< enclaved> superbowl ads featuring people the riaa sued
< enclaved> its pepsis ad for the free songs
< enclaved> but, apple makes it posssible.
< RageFury> enclaved: So it's gonna pan the camera around everyone in
the stadium?
< enclaved> heh
< enclaved> they didn't sue that many people...
< RageFury> WELL, Too bad that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers didn't get
into the superbowl, or else they can pan the camera around
the team and accuse them of being...pirates.
Quote: 215028; Rating: 906; [+|-]
<RedRaptor> I am the terror that flaps in the night
<Fruit> ......XXXL womens underwear on a clothes line?
Quote: 215032; Rating: 93; [+|-]
<[CNI]Smy> k now that i just relized that those were like $200 headphones
<[CNI]Smy> i am gona go out and buy some glue
<[CNI]Smy> and fix em
<[CNI]Goose> get crazy glue, it can even glue your arm back on, U can use it for emergency surgery in the field....
<[CNI]Smy> no i cant
<[CNI]Smy> cuz then i will have the urge to cut my dogs legs off and try to glue them back on.
Quote: 215052; Rating: 437; [+|-]
* Patrick listens to chopin and strokes his axe... one day, I'm going to get a girl, or most of one.
Quote: 215067; Rating: 560; [+|-]
<JtotheB> and i think i need to start wearing pants when i climb that tree in your yard
<Shiv_DFA> you found the boobytraps, did you?
<JtotheB> i got a shuriken in my scrotum
<JtotheB> you tell me
Quote: 215069; Rating: 246; [+|-]
<JtotheB> it's a fact that you have to deal with sooner or later
<JtotheB> the latent homosexuality involved with masturbating
Quote: 215117; Rating: 819; [+|-]
<bobby> I like you, Krayzie. You represent everything stereotypical and depthless about today's gay youth.
<KrayzieWolF> well im acually bi
Quote: 215170; Rating: -84; [+|-]
ResaiHawking: I don't have a library card, baby, but can I check you out?
Quote: 215239; Rating: 183; [+|-]
<Loki> A mammal that lays eggs, is the ultimate breakfast dish.
Quote: 215254; Rating: 583; [+|-]
<xtal> Uh
<xtal> uh
<xtal> uh
<xtal> uh?
<Mazca> stop masturbating quizzically.
Quote: 215287; Rating: 355; [+|-]
<djlaptop> could God write a program that's so intensive that his cpu couldn't run it?
Quote: 215341; Rating: 524; [+|-]
<Tim> Well it tastes gay.
<Gerard> How do you know what "gay" tastes like?
Quote: 215376; Rating: 729; [+|-]
<chrisj> american kids are all "oh gee mom I didn't mean to take a tip of dads bud light while he wasn't looking. i'll never get drunk again, I swear"
<chrisj> and australian kids are all
Quote: 215386; Rating: 308; [+|-]
<Marasmus> So I was listening to a comedian who was talking about the Queen of England being attractive when she was young.
<Shae> Erm.. okay...
<Marasmus> And that some guys would talk about her, you know, the lewd way guys do about celebrities.
<Marasmus> And some of the guys would go further than that... and I thought, it must be very strange...
<Marasmus> masturbating to pocket change.
Quote: 215568; Rating: 438; [+|-]
<moira> community name should be unique over all categories, sucks
<happy> you can't delete communities
<moira> sure you can
<moira> ask hitler
Quote: 215581; Rating: 232; [+|-]
<akcom> leeach, how'd you get so leet?
<leeach> years and years of masturbation in pantyhose.
Quote: 215611; Rating: 759; [+|-]
Eros: I'm going to shave off all the hair on my body and go running down my street screaming about how aerodynamic I am.
Quote: 215623; Rating: 1498; [+|-]
<Eticam> I work at a computershop
<Eticam> And you don't wanna know how f***in' STUPID some customers are
<Eticam> I get questions like:
<Eticam> "What is better, a scanner or printer?"
<Eticam> "I'm looking for a serious mouse"
<Eticam> "My internet doesn't work" "What kind of connection do you have?" "Windows XP"
<Eticam> "The mouse you sold me is incomplete" "Ma'am, it's meant to have no cable"
<Eticam> I even had a customer who brought his pc for technical service
<Eticam> "My dog humped the pc and had an orgasm in the power supply, and it short circuited" "how's the dog?" "Don't know, my wife took him to the vet"
<Eticam> really, one day I'm gonna shoot myself in front of a customer....
Quote: 215638; Rating: 1422; [+|-]
<rosonowski> Hah! I love slashdot sometimes.
<rosonowski> You know the old manta "Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity?"
<rosonowski> Someone replied to it "If you know of a better way to make more virgins, I'd like to hear it."
Quote: 215693; Rating: 374; [+|-]
<Lyrai> What's the difference between Slow Motion and Bullet Time?
<Lyrai> About $100 Million.
Quote: 215770; Rating: 671; [+|-]
<Indogutsu> I once got an e-mail from the former prince of Niger.
<Chocoboko> What did he want?
<Indogutsu> To know if I was interested in increasing my penis size.
Quote: 216142; Rating: 1695; [+|-]
<Fabrice> GNAW ON NO WANG.
<Fabrice> This message brought to you by the Society of Lesbians for Palindrome Advancement
Quote: 216166; Rating: 1646; [+|-]
* Entoutcas has quit IRC (Quit: And the Lord said unto John; Come forth and receive eternal life. But John came fifth and won a toaster....)
Quote: 216542; Rating: -12; [+|-]
<b1u3> in france they call it "irque with cheese"
Quote: 216626; Rating: 680; [+|-]
* Charles wakes up. Dammit, I can't even get laid in my own dreams. ;_;
<Charles> My dream was just about meeting some girl who was willing to sex me up, and then two weeks worth of meeting up in various places to do so and getting interrupted and sidetracked for various reasons.
<Mads> Oooh, oooh, go on, do go on!
<Charles> Sex at my house? Parents come home. Sex at the mall bathroom? Security guard breaks it up. Sex in the woods? Attacked by wolves. Sex in a cottege in the woods? A witch lives there.
<Mads> ...
<Mads> That's the weirdest fucking datesim ever, mate.