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Quote: 54019; Rating: 91; [+|-]
<Jason> i've onyl done acid in my eye
<Jason> or snocapped my bud wit it
<Budda> fuck that shit its not gettin near my eyes
<Budda> i mean fuck my lungs
<Budda> but im keepin my eyes
Quote: 54029; Rating: 366; [+|-]
<Torontoye> Hi guys,. i have a P90 24mg Ram,.I would like to make it a gateway,. how much Swap space should i give it??
<afterstep> Torontoye: 24 milligrams of ram?
<afterstep> oh, i'd say about an ounce or so of swap.
Quote: 54040; Rating: 272; [+|-]
<XtG|HW> and only an uncle would beat the shit out of the great hio after hio hit a manoower truck
<TheGreatHio> manoower?
<XtG|HW> manoower
<TheGreatHio> i think you mean Manure
<XtG|HW> no
<XtG|HW> manoower
<TerraxNovae> WTF is that
<XtG|HW> poop
<XtG|HW> manoower
<TerraxNovae> BWAHAHAHu00a0u00a0 MANURE!
<XtG|HW> shit.
Quote: 54046; Rating: 430; [+|-]
<MY2K> can you hear me? :P
<TheDingo> no
* MY2K has left
* MY2K has joined
<TheDingo> still can't hear you
* MY2K has left
Quote: 54048; Rating: 222; [+|-]
<Afsan> the question is.. would the fbi suspect a terrorist from a university in Australia?u00a0 arn't we ment to be the good guys?
<Gothmog> we're everywhere...
<Gothmog> i mean...
<Gothmog> _they're_ everywhere
<Gothmog> phew lucky save there
<Afsan> yes you almost exposed us!
<Afsan> one of your camels must now be castrated!
Quote: 54074; Rating: 606; [+|-]
Cat1013: Whoops
Cat1013: I just really confused my grandma.
HermitKing: She has IM?
Cat1013: She just got it. I was talking to her, and she asked about my new car.
Cat1013: I said that it was fine, but that it makes a funny noise whenever I shift.
HermitKing: So?
Cat1013: I left the "f" out of "shift".
Quote: 54086; Rating: 206; [+|-]
<Fluff_Daddy|sortofaway> we have two horses outside our halls
<Fluff_Daddy|sortofaway> one of them is hung like a fucking
<Fluff_Daddy|sortofaway> i dunno what man
<Fluff_Daddy|sortofaway> but he has one ginormous fucking penis!
<Fluff_Daddy|sortofaway> I got a picture of it too!!!
Quote: 54087; Rating: 263; [+|-]
<Socrates> why do i get .06 kbps from kazaa....
<Socrates> thats 60 bits.. i can almost type that fast
Quote: 54099; Rating: 1363; [+|-]
EmoKidDavey: I once masturbated 24 times in 24 hours
Fallen Tabris: O_O
Fallen Tabris: That's really unhealthy.
Fallen Tabris: How much juice did you get out?
Fallen Tabris: when you have so little left, is it even called masturbating any more?
Fallen Tabris: When you've done it that many times in a day.
EmoKidDavey: yeah
EmoKidDavey: a stick comes out and a flag unfurls that says bang
Quote: 54110; Rating: 198; [+|-]
<kow> anyone know where active desktop info is stored in win2k?
<kow> like the HTML files
<APE_> same place bill gates hides the porn in win2k
<kow> fuck
<kow> I'm not gonna find it right?
<APE_> theres 200mb worth of porn built into windows, i mean how do u think it got that large?
Quote: 54120; Rating: 908; [+|-]
Seppuko I: ever jack a guy off with your feet?
PrettyPrincess1: no
Seppuko I: do you want to?
PrettyPrincess1 no
Seppuko I: would you if asked?
PrettyPrincess1: no
Seppuko I: what if he had a gun to your head?
PrettyPrincess1: yea
Seppuko I: SCORE
Quote: 54134; Rating: 238; [+|-]
<Kalony> i thought it was some cool hand of fate deal or something
<dredg> fate needs to deal me a sandwich
<Kalony> fate could deal me a hand job too
<Kalony> preferably after washing its hands
<dredg> and then washing its hands before it made my sandwich
Quote: 54142; Rating: 147; [+|-]
MattDavis: i have to re-do an application because i misspelled "republic", leaving out the L
MattDavis: no joke, it says repubic
MattDavis: no spellcheck when you write by hand
MattDavis: that's what i get for masturbating while doing grad school apps
Quote: 54163; Rating: 137; [+|-]
<bladezero> Hey guys, i need u to help me solve the porblem i got
<zefer> k, shoot
<bladezero> well i really like this girl and i want to impress her should i buy her a rose?
<zefer> lol, if u wana say u like her with a rose all ure saying is "I'm cheap"
<bladezero> o shit, should i buy her a bouquet then?
<zefer> no cuz then she'll think ure just trying to buy her over
<bladezero> then what do i do damnit, this is like the first girl ive ever really liked
<zefer> buy her some chocolates. U cant go wrong with chocolates, i say when in doubt look to the chocolate.
<bladezero> ok thanks man bye :)
<majinTB> uhh u sure thats a good motto to live by?
<zefer> no ha ha but hes gonna fatten this girl up real nice and then he'll either 1) dump her or 2) she'll get desperate and settle with a loser like him who can't even deal with what to get a girl on a date.
<zefer> way to "let your heart decide."
<majinTB> ha ha yea what a dumbass
Quote: 54173; Rating: 478; [+|-]
<Zoogle> So my mom comes in to my room and starts bitching about how pirating software is immoral and wrong and is worse than stealing.
<Zoogle> When she's all done she gives me 2 cd's and says "Oh, and can you copy these for me?"
Quote: 54191; Rating: 332; [+|-]
<KamiKaze-> im still a virgin
<KamiKaze-> .
<KamiKaze-> oh shit that msg was meant for jennyf16uk
Quote: 54193; Rating: 378; [+|-]
<CowboyNeal> I got email once from someone who said that /. was "tryin to keep a nigga down"
<CowboyNeal> I told him I didn't appreciate him using that term to refer to our people
<CowboyNeal> race card played and redealt, muhahaha
Quote: 54202; Rating: 370; [+|-]
<+skrath> I don't think I'm better than others, it just so happens that so far, statistically, I am
Quote: 54203; Rating: 508; [+|-]
<`Grimm`> you know whats the darndest thing is? its when you mom calls you a son of a bitch, im like, wait a minute, who's the bitch?
Quote: 54223; Rating: 556; [+|-]
DibbLe: ive come to a realization
Daemonite: ?
DibbLe: violent games like cs, bf1942 and quake DO influence kids to shoot people and commit violent acts
DibbLe: but not because theyre imitating the game, its because everyone who plays them acts SO FUCKING STUPID YOU HOPE THEY ALL DIE
Quote: 54237; Rating: 88; [+|-]
<Soul`is`away> I was ashamed of the latest KMart catalogue
<Soul`is`away> Flipped to the games bit...
<Soul`is`away> Xbox and PS2, but no cube AT ALL
<risq> there are no gamecubes in ANY catalogues
<Soul`is`away> WHY NOT!>
<Onikage> maybe after they put in the xbox, there was no room for the cube
Quote: 54239; Rating: 447; [+|-]
<Loco-san> I'm gonna make a game called With Myself, so kids will say "I'm gonna go play With Myself" and freak their parents/friends out
Quote: 54240; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<Macabre> dammit, y'know what? tday I was waiting for a cab, and the chick next to me was like, hey cutie. And I wink, then she looks down at my crotch, smiles for abit, then smacks my face.
<Macabre> Y'know why?
<Macabre> BEcause I was holing my handphone in my right hand pocket, and it started vibrating because I got a call. I dunno about yous guys phones, but mine vibrates like a pussy vibrator, ie really pwoerfully
<Macabre> she must have thought I was wacking to her or something.. :(
Quote: 54244; Rating: 185; [+|-]
<|Robot|Pimpbot> does anyone know if that will be part of Internet v2?
<{RA}SKY-UED3> yeah
<{RA}SKY-UED3> but youll have to pay a tax on it
<{RA}SKY-UED3> and stand in a line
<|Robot|Pimpbot> im willing
Quote: 54250; Rating: 351; [+|-]
<Keiichi> the BSOD doesn't mean you win anything
<PrettzL> It's not like triple sevens :P
<Keiichi> not even close
<Keiichi> it's more like the slot machine punches you in the face and laughs
Quote: 54253; Rating: 478; [+|-]
<MicrophoneJoe> Fuck me Bowmer is fat
<MicrophoneJoe> Are you talking about masturbation ZoK?
<ZoK> What else takes about 5 mins and involves lubrication?
<MicrophoneJoe> Bowmer putting on a T-Shirt
Quote: 54258; Rating: 179; [+|-]
<ceydn> Okey dokey, I'm going out
<wrath> He's going out like a deaf kid playing musical chairs
Quote: 54264; Rating: 221; [+|-]
<Que> i don't mind talking
<Que> but having pictures of my penis online
<Que> yeah, not safe
<Throttle-OSX> nah, havin yer cock and yer face in the same pic is not safe ;)
<Odin> lol
<Throttle-OSX> havin yer cock and yer exgirlfriends face in the same thats just funny
Quote: 54272; Rating: 1383; [+|-]
<hamutaro> Check this out
<hamutaro> ^ I'm with stupid! ^
<hamutaro> Oh, wait.
<hamutaro> Fuck
Quote: 54278; Rating: -54; [+|-]
<JuicyClawter> I once threw a cat out of a five story building.u00a0 I'm not sure if it landed on its feet, because I was too high up to see.
Quote: 54287; Rating: 644; [+|-]
<mannie77> Hi
<Sexygirl89> hi
<mannie77> m/f?
<Sexygirl89> FFS, what would you think?!
<mannie77> oh right
<Sexygirl89> No girl would be stupid enough to use a nick like this!
Quote: 54292; Rating: 179; [+|-]
<Weng> "6. You are rated higher than 55% of the men on this site"
<Weng> My girlfriend didn't even rate me a 10 :/
<J4k3> she's settling for a 5... inch
<Weng> She's settling for a lot less than 5 inches
Quote: 54296; Rating: 397; [+|-]
<sora> I don't think goths are evil and satanic, I think they're pitiful and irritating. Like street mimes, only not as much fun to set on fire with kerosene.
Quote: 54297; Rating: 360; [+|-]
<Scofco> I found out I might have stomach cancer :*[
<kolby> yea, I bought a brand new pack of cigarettes today and dropped them in a puddle...I know how you feel
Quote: 54312; Rating: 790; [+|-]
<SkyKing> freudian whip
<SkyKing> i mean slip
<SkyKing> doh
Quote: 54313; Rating: 206; [+|-]
<ChafedNut> I just downloaded the internet
<ChafedNut> it's pretty fly
<Batt0usai> Chafednut: can you burn it on a cd for me please
<ChafedNut> I will may have some copyright protections
<Batt0usai> if you could fit it in a floppy it would be better actually
<Batt0usai> try zipping it
<ChafedNut> ok
Quote: 54332; Rating: 586; [+|-]
<Karp> If love is a game.... where can i buy the multiplayer-version?
Quote: 54343; Rating: 1523; [+|-]
* Lilmuckers hugs iphopper
* iphopper reciprocates the hug
* Lilmuckers grabs iphoppers lowest common factor and makes it proportianal to 1 over 2
* iphopper primes lil's hug
* Lilmuckers differentiates iphopper gradient
* Lilmuckers takes the second differential to work out the highest and lowest points
* Lilmuckers looks about at the assembled masses confused faces and blushes
* iphopper tries to find lil's limit as it approaches x, and the derivative of that value
<ragnarok2040> okay, who said maths geeks could cyber in here?
Quote: 54352; Rating: 805; [+|-]
< cae> you people all suffer from ADD apparently
< krapnggt> i suffer from SUBTRACT.
Quote: 54356; Rating: 16; [+|-]
<Comarcracy> anyone know a good game for pc that is similar to gta?
<ircbuddy> GTA2
<ircbuddy> (You must have seen that coming...)
<Comarcracy> kinda, i didnt think anyone would say that since i was refering to all gta games...but expect the unexpected
<ircbuddy> Fair enough.
Quote: 54357; Rating: 514; [+|-]
<NapkinEater> can you hold a dollar between your breasts?u00a0 You are allowed to push your breast together with your hands, but you can't touch the dollar with anything but your boobs
<Emily-away> I bet I could.
<Kevyn> I can hold a dollar between my cock and balls.
<Kevyn> That means I have big balls.
<Mike_Works> <Kevyn> How bad do you want the dollar?u00a0u00a0 <Homeless Person> :(
Quote: 54365; Rating: 407; [+|-]
<default> say something nice to my mom if your around
<magpie> who's your mom
<magpie> that lady chainded up in the closet
<default> no the women looking over my shoulder
Quote: 54373; Rating: 82; [+|-]
* Filbert hmms@the work root password scribbled on his hand
* geekster Chuckles at the security
* Filbert wonders what his hand gives him access to, lol
<geekster> mastarbatory pleasure
<geekster> if your chubby arms can stretch round your large stomach
Quote: 54387; Rating: 28; [+|-]
<Simmons62> the more we get the more weed than we should have we get
Quote: 54390; Rating: 197; [+|-]
<smee> " also sells a vibrator equipped with a video camera at its tip. The product can be attached to a TV or video and provides a more in-depth view of the area where it's used. "
<smee> LOOK MUM I'M ON TV!!!!
Quote: 54393; Rating: 37; [+|-]
<Riku> The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to IRC and teach IRC in return.
Quote: 54400; Rating: 227; [+|-]
<pogo> i get to write on "intertextuality"
<Kevron5000> say what
<pogo> exaclty
<pogo> n: bullshit v: stupid
<serdar_argic> write 10 pages on masturbation
<Kevron5000> now that i can do
<pogo> or i could just masterbate on ten blank pages
<serdar_argic> ewww
<pogo> sign the bottom
<serdar_argic> thats pretty intertextual
<pogo> indeed
Quote: 54426; Rating: 741; [+|-]
<NevDullH> A/S/L/Uptime?
Quote: 54451; Rating: 728; [+|-]
<kfc-ginzberg> dude
<kfc-ginzberg> "12 inches" was just an answer on jeopardy
<kfc-ginzberg> someone really shoulda buzzed in, "What is my cock? Alex"
Quote: 54470; Rating: 244; [+|-]
<@Fuse> !spin
<+SugarFairy>u00a0 Fuse spinned the bottle.. and it lands on ..u00a0 Sophos
<+SugarFairy>u00a0 Now, go kissu00a0 ^-^
<+Sophos> who the hell plays spin the bottle in a room ful of boys
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