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Quote: 52004; Rating: 77; [+|-]
twinturbo: hmm, why is my name green on the right?
Swinny0: coz it's teelin you that's YOU
barnz: to show which one is you
twinturbo: like i don't know?
barnz: indeed
Swinny0: some don't!!
Quote: 52006; Rating: 72; [+|-]
<Thep> I want to clean up bio-waste
<Sora> Um.
<Sora> Hint: That involves other people's shit and piss.
<Sora> And amputees wiggling their stumps at you and moaning. That always creeped me out.
<Thep> I'd like to retract my last statement during the minute of 5:30 EST
<Sora> Ah ha ha
<Sora> Yeah.
Quote: 52013; Rating: 44; [+|-]
<Brainstew> Eww..
<Brainstew> If you think somethign is chocolate on your keyboard, but your not sure...Don't stick it in your mouth.
<Citation> let alone on your penis.
Quote: 52021; Rating: 324; [+|-]
<Vaun> need something good to read for like 10 min
<Vaun> anyone have an interesting thread / link / etc
<Dzza|Wants-SI> i once read a book
<Dzza|Wants-SI> it was about a giant blob eating the school
<Dzza|Wants-SI> but then a fat kid ate the blog
<Vaun> anyone else?
Quote: 52022; Rating: 298; [+|-]
redpoint13: brb
MoRgAn4978: k
redpoint13: back
MoRgAn4978: that was fast
redpoint13: yea i pee in a bucket near my desk
Quote: 52028; Rating: 281; [+|-]
<@humble> soliciting sex with an underage minor gets +2 sentence points for using a computer
<@jsb> you've got jail
Quote: 52029; Rating: 151; [+|-]
<@synec> with only 32 bits of address space, it's no wonder we all keep bumping into each other
Quote: 52036; Rating: 171; [+|-]
(@|404|Destro): you just got banned from #life, nerd.
Quote: 52041; Rating: 294; [+|-]
* KiLLerMiK has joined #tonyhawksproskater
<KiLLerMiK> are we talking about tony hawk?
<bens0nio> mmm wendy's bacon cheeseburger
<KiLLerMiK> best combo?
<bens0nio> best combo is #2
Quote: 52056; Rating: 454; [+|-]
<@kram> !banme wibble
* @Arrow throws a brick at wibble
<@kram> cool
<@Smidge204> !banme everyone else
* @Arrow throws a brick at everyone else
<Stryke> !banme
* Arrow sets mode: +b *!*
* Stryke was kicked by Arrow (You fell for it; hook, line, and sinker.)
Quote: 52063; Rating: 159; [+|-]
*** VirginUmboo has joined #html
<VirginUmboo> lo
<VirginUmboo> how do i gret a shocwave file in my html?
* Anapaest googles for "gret"
*** VirginUmboo has left #html
Quote: 52083; Rating: 65; [+|-]
*** Joins: Currawon1 (
*** Quits: Currawong (~currawong@210.50.98.GizNet-34072) (Client exited)
<KGL-900> Currawong, if you ever want to kill your ghost, the command is: /msg giznick ghost KGL-900 steamshovel
Quote: 52087; Rating: 764; [+|-]
<Mog> Anyone else having extreme AIM problems?
<Seifer> Nope.
<rabid_si[FFX]> Yeah. I can't seem to fuckin' pee in the bowl today. >:
<rabid_si[FFX]> It's all up the fuckin' walls.
<rabid_si[FFX]> Er...
<rabid_si[FFX]> Oh.
<Mog> ...
<Seifer> Lol.
<rabid_si[FFX]> You mean AOL Instant Messenger.
<rabid_si[FFX]> Right...
* rabid_si[FFX] whistles.
Quote: 52100; Rating: 230; [+|-]
<dredg> I drove a Lotus Esprit S2 today
<dredg> it was nice
<chevrofreak> i jerked off today
<chevrofreak> it was boring
<dredg> heh
<dredg> I'm... *yawn*... cumming...
<dredg> *looks at watch*
<chevrofreak> yeah basically
Quote: 52112; Rating: 1216; [+|-]
<Billo3121> i need to douche my asscrack in the shower
<Billo3121> later dudes
* Billo3121 is now known as Billo|douching
<@trollusk> ... that's it. i'm done with irc.
Quote: 52125; Rating: 224; [+|-]
notkmad: whats the 35 for
Stemp35: how many times I give head a week
iluvduke213105: wjat?
iluvduke213105: what are u talkin about?
Stemp35: he asked me what the 35 meant on my name
notkmad: and the same goes for the 213105 ?
Quote: 52136; Rating: 510; [+|-]
<LIQuid> my mom is convinced that i need milk
<LIQuid> yeah well i tell her that i dont need to be artifically breast feed by genetically altered and enhanced cows
<LIQuid> all she says "dont make me get your father"
<Deke> your dad is going to breastfeed you?
Quote: 52141; Rating: 109; [+|-]
<Al-Koholik> hm
<Al-Koholik> I have a taste for violence
<Al-Koholik> IE quake 3
<LuisX> Internet Explorer Quake 3?
Quote: 52154; Rating: 484; [+|-]
<Gwuffy> i found one mistake in harry potter 2 :)
<Gwuffy> not a biggy but i saw it both times
<CoRDS> that people cant fly on broomsticks?
Quote: 52155; Rating: 338; [+|-]
<-- debutante has quit (This is for the guys who are mastrubating: LARGE BLEEDING ASSHOLE. (Hopefully that made you limp.))
<Pixelated> limp !
<Pixelated> that got me rock hard
<hardlined> you too?
<hardlined> Got a cam?
Quote: 52174; Rating: 152; [+|-]
<JynxDaddy> 3boy should i get it 2nd hand?
<Threeboy> its a book man.
<Threeboy> the worst thing that can be in it is semen.
<Threeboy> go for it.
<JynxDaddy> :|
Quote: 52186; Rating: 186; [+|-]
<Cyclonus> Fucking paper plate cut my finger!
<Red_Sky> Cast it into the DARK corner of the basement!
<MossadMan> Along with the fish heads and condoms.
<Red_Sky> Condoms, why the hell would he have those?
<Red_Sky> That's like Jesus buying waterwings.
<Red_Sky> He ain't nevah gonna use 'em!
Quote: 52193; Rating: 560; [+|-]
<KoaL> smuggling drugs into Jamaica is like smuggling slimfast into Ethiopia
Quote: 52207; Rating: 167; [+|-]
<PuchikoChan> it's like the least spoken strand of jewish language
<PuchikoChan> like some kinda porno movie
<PuchikoChan> eerrr, disregard that last comment
<SkyLancer> err
* js8|finals wonders how tera went from linguistics to porn in one sentence
Quote: 52229; Rating: 1236; [+|-]
* okram is sad
<@Aslan> why are you sad, Okram?
<okram> one of my fellow clan mates in tfc died in a car accident
<Tomalak> Didn't he respawn?
Quote: 52251; Rating: 263; [+|-]
<Terrorwolf>YES! NOS CHOOL!
<ALW>Sounds like you need to get your ass back there to me.
Quote: 52267; Rating: 25; [+|-]
<@HomeBrewR> "This combo includes a great Asus XP motherboard with onboard video+audio, AMD Athlon XP 2000+ processor with cooling fan & 256MB PC133 SDRAM memory" bottleneck there
<@DeadKenne> yikes pc133 ram?!
<@HomeBrewR> dk, yeah...exactly
<@DeadKenne> that's kind of like tying one arm and a leg together, then trying to run a race
<@da4> hehe
<@DeadKenne> you'll make it there... eventually
<@DeadKenne> the cpu must have to idle alot
<@da4> "designed by Apple hardware engineers"
Quote: 52270; Rating: 508; [+|-]
<CelestialFool> You know, cheetos are actually really good, you just can't stop muching on these things. Ive had about 2 bags worth already
<CelestialFool> Oh shit, diahrrea
<Kamiru> Dangerously cheesy indeed
Quote: 52279; Rating: 159; [+|-]
<thursday-> who invented lol
<thursday-> do they get royalties
Quote: 52282; Rating: 276; [+|-]
<@CoMPLeX[a]> im booting man
<@CoMPLeX[a]> nite nite
<@Vedran> now im gonna b bored
<@CoMPLeX[a]> nah
<@CoMPLeX[a]> just keep pasting quotes
<@Inf3kTeZ> lol
<@CoMPLeX[a]> ill set a timer to say ROFL every 5 mins
Quote: 52302; Rating: 185; [+|-]
<ClosedGL> tar -xzf willy.gz;touch muh_woody;head -n 1 && mount /cho/momma && echo >$1 "Harder!\n";dd if=/dev/beans of=/cho/momma/face count=1 bs=spoonfull && umount /cho/momma && sleep 15.
Quote: 52303; Rating: 483; [+|-]
<EvilJoven> millions of dollars from various governments, business and NGOs spent on developing hardware, protocols, software and you people use it to pretend to fart at each other...
Quote: 52328; Rating: 650; [+|-]
*** klaas-sinterkla has joined #photoshop
<klaas-sinterkla> hellol
<klaas-sinterkla> who knows the programm photoshop
<@Anapaest> what kind of programm is it?
<klaas-sinterkla> It's about websites n stuff
<@Anapaest> better ask in #website-stuff then
<klaas-sinterkla> k, thx
*** klaas-sinterkla has left #photoshop
Quote: 52337; Rating: 439; [+|-]
* webby_g well chuffed now
<[smee]> lol
<[smee]> make me feel it, hurt me!
<DeuxVisage> guess this was the wrong time to walk in on a conversation
<DeuxVisage> take your bondage elsewhere
<[smee]> i like her when she plays her dominatrix role
<webby_g> who?
<[smee]> you!
<webby_g> omg
Quote: 52340; Rating: 412; [+|-]
<TurboYoda> what is
<TurboYoda> Is it suitable for Me?
<fezm0nkey> Its a gay sex site.
<fezm0nkey> Hardcore anal fun.
<TurboYoda> I'll visit it when nobody's home
Quote: 52370; Rating: 119; [+|-]
<Sandino> christ, Im pushing 30 and Ive never driven a car, I need a life application not a job one
Quote: 52390; Rating: 495; [+|-]
<Alf-Life> Has anyone here ever been to Tokyo/Kyoto/Japan?
<MechaMrEd> I think if you went to the first two the third one comes free.
Quote: 52398; Rating: 324; [+|-]
<chintss> how do i configure ftp http and telnet in RH 8.0
<chintss> plzzzzz
<tictac> chintss: rtfm
<chintss> tictac : rtfm: command not found
Quote: 52404; Rating: 898; [+|-]
<shavenwookiee> SHIT!
<shavenwookiee> my sister is home now, with friends.
<shavenwookiee> so ends the walking around nude fun I was having.
<Antiarc> Heh...sister comes home with friends to find brother walking about house, nude.
<Antiarc> Sounds like the setup for a porn movie
<shavenwookiee> uh, gross?
<shavenwookiee> that's my sister, dude.
<shavenwookiee> I grew out of that.
<shavenwookiee> er.. I MEAN..
Quote: 52407; Rating: 59; [+|-]
<Ronwe> /slap -chainsaw "joojoo"
<joojoo> /slap -cock "Ronwe"
<joojoo> =x~
<Ronwe> it's not big enough to hurt
<joojoo> Text generally doesn't.
<Ronwe> interesting... your cock is text
<joojoo> Whoever said that?
<joojoo> Whoever said I was using my "cock"~#@E Q&!#*(
<joojoo> AHAH
<Ronwe> Do me a favour
<Ronwe> Don't use the word anal when we're talking about cocks
Quote: 52412; Rating: 593; [+|-]
<Brookes_Baby> Hey does anyone have an idea of what I could get for my collection of Final Fantasy games?
<Kevyn> Not laid.
Quote: 52426; Rating: 295; [+|-]
<MvCrash> I did it DOGGY style with my wife this morning.....
<MvCrash> I begged... she rolled over and played DEAD!!!
Quote: 52449; Rating: 207; [+|-]
<pyre> I need to download more hardware
Quote: 52457; Rating: 96; [+|-]
<Geollum> The third volume of the trilogy is no better, Yott insists. Creatures with dark faces, black eyes and long black hair coming from the east and the south and wielding scimitars is obviously racist, he says.
<Chronologist> lol....
<Geollum> Ok, it's not OUR fault that black has come to associate Evil
<KeeperX> OMG
* KeeperX goes to the south and kills some dark skinned people wielding scimitars
Quote: 52462; Rating: 476; [+|-]
<Cloe> be quiet or i'll beat you like a rented mule
<Crowley> you abuse your rented pack animals?
<Cloe> yes, i do
<Cloe> now carry my stuff up the trail
<Crowley> suck my huge donkey dick
Quote: 52477; Rating: 224; [+|-]
Dr SpaZZo: Why the hell do they call it fox undercover when they just go up to the people on the street and go "WHY R U SWINDALING TEH COMMUN PUBLIK :-("
Quote: 52478; Rating: -6; [+|-]
<Emiko> a if u turn off ur computer and ur dl something in IRC would it still dl or u have to dl it again??
Quote: 52491; Rating: 981; [+|-]
<Boogieman> possibly the wierdest thing ever just happend.
<Boogieman> I really had to take a piss so I ran to the bathroom.
<Boogieman> and I ran into the room, but I didn't know that my dad put a new mat in there.
<Boogieman> Ususally bathroom mats have those anti slip things on the bottom, but this one didn't
<Boogieman> and I sliped, smashed my shoulder on the toiled, pissed myself, and cried out in pain
<Boogieman> my dad comes down and is like "what happened!?... wait, you know what, I don't want to know" and then goes upstairs
Quote: 52499; Rating: 499; [+|-]
<Toad> My two best friends don't use the internet :(
<Slime> Ryu and Ken aren't real people though, Toad
Quote: 52501; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<Graphic_V> Remember when you turned 18 and you could finally start looking at those naked people on the internet?
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