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Quote: 43794; Rating: 10; [+|-]
<MazeMachino> id ownz us all and we know it
<MazeMachino> well maybe not jud
<MazeMachino> he doesn't know it
<MazeMachino> but he'll find out
<MazeMachino> when Doom3 arrives in the shops
<jud_> yay, pasty fat white zombies for everyone!
<MazeMachino> yeah, w00t
<MazeMachino> pasty fat white zombies? Americans?
<jud_> why spend bazillions on a computer capable of running doom3 when i could just look in the mirror?
<MazeMachino> Doom3, the game where you get to shoot American white trash in the gut
Quote: 43796; Rating: -3; [+|-]
Red99MustangMan: dumbass fatherless, motherless redheaded bitch! you think your better then me at tribes and insulting someone? wow your a regular chef-boy-r-dumbass! i just thought you were ugly but your a dumb bitch too........
Auto response from IAMAJOKR 02: Leave a note.
MustangMan, Your a dumbass bitch. Get a life.
Red99MustangMan signed off at 9:37:22 PM.
Quote: 43800; Rating: 26; [+|-]
* Todd farts
<insane> I wouldn't do that with the people in this channel, you might get raped
<insane> now they know there is room in your colon
<Todd> it's ok, I wear a pair of titanium boxers.
Quote: 43801; Rating: 28; [+|-]
<_MADMAN> i went to my first AA meetings last night
<_MADMAN> i had a good time
<wasting> african american club?
Quote: 43804; Rating: 256; [+|-]
<Rossell1> you know I was walking down the street yesterday and it was dark
<Rossell1> and I though to myself
<Rossell1> "Have to turn up the gamma"
<Overlord> someone needs a life
<CitizenErazed> but that's because you're stupid.
<Rossell1> true
Quote: 43808; Rating: 494; [+|-]
<bigboss> I just got a popup ad that used the ms voice agent thing to talk to me.
<bigboss> It was like stephen hawking selling me mutual funds.
Quote: 43820; Rating: 179; [+|-]
<+Lithium> i have a very large question mark above my head :)
<+datafreak> press backspace then
Quote: 43823; Rating: 240; [+|-]
<griffin> would you tongue fuck pagans asshole for 27.4 million?
<jstepka-w> yup
<jstepka-w> i'd do a lot of shit for 27.4 million
<griffin> would you kill your mom?
<jstepka-w> would I get caught?
<griffin> no
<jstepka-w> yes
Quote: 43827; Rating: 184; [+|-]
*** NinjaStu listens to abba - dancing queen
*** suds listens to a-teens - dancing queen
*** EvilJoven listens to Bitchy Customer - My Webpage Isnt Working (Why wont you die remix)
*** Fraggy plays 'Trance Control - Welcome to the House'
Quote: 43832; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<miki> hey pinkmonkey has spelling and grammar mistakes in it's summaries!
<miki> I don't even have to re-write it into my own words!
Quote: 43835; Rating: 227; [+|-]
<stryhf> why do people persist in continuing to write SHIT APPLICATIONS IN JAVA
<stryhf> writing SHIT in JAVA doesn't make it ANY LESS SHITTY
Quote: 43840; Rating: 176; [+|-]
<Statutory_Sam> some of us have real lives we must attend to occasionaly
<Statutory_Sam> ::read::"Doing Laundry"
<seafoodgod> real lives == alt-tab
Quote: 43843; Rating: 339; [+|-]
<Akasha> have you tried kicking the pc?
<Wither> of course. first thing i did..
Quote: 43845; Rating: 479; [+|-]
<@kanaiva> dont be tupid
<@sungroc> im not stupic
Quote: 43850; Rating: 204; [+|-]
<Courtland> im the only one with a hot sister
<Rav> to bad u cant do anything about it
<Rav> or can you?u00a0 0_o
<Courtland> I wouldnt do that
<novasatori> you know you'd let her give you a bj or whack off to her stripping for you if she let you
<Courtland> its not that I think the actual doing of it is wrong
<Courtland> its just having to think about it afterwards
Quote: 43852; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<K|dDO> LANSTORM is on same date as YemLAN
<Rex-Gone> U know ur a geek when...u00a0u00a0 u have 2 LANs conflicting on 1 date :P
Quote: 43864; Rating: 41; [+|-]
<incognegro> i masturbated yesterday.
<incognegro> and fell down the fucking stairs.
<incognegro> bruised my arm pretty badly.
<mc> did you save your effluent in a jar
Quote: 43881; Rating: 467; [+|-]
<firefighter_scott>u00a0 Noticeu00a0 u00abOnce a computer beat me at chess, but it was no match for me in kickboxing.u00bb
Quote: 43885; Rating: 3; [+|-]
<Resident0> when i was lil i put one of those square batteries on my tongue
<Resident0> and it shocked me and made my tongue blister
<Resident0> it owned
<ranova> haha
Quote: 43902; Rating: 876; [+|-]
* gregor5678 (~quickchat@* has joined #support
<gregor5678> hello?
<gregor5678> hey, i have a quick question...
<gregor5678> my girlfriend is...experienced... and im not so much
<Cassy> this IS about irc right? ;)
<Matthew> lol
<Spirit_1100> rofl
<gregor5678> shes coming over this weekend with certain intentions (which im fine with, dont get me wrong)
<gregor5678> im just curious if theres anything i should or shouldnt do...
<Cassy> i'm seriously not able to help you with that, i'm sorry :)
<Spirit_1100> gregor5678, this is a chat server support room
<Spirit_1100> we can't help wiht your personal life
<gregor5678> right
<gregor5678> thanks anyway
<gregor5678> bye
* Quits: gregor5678 (~quickchat@* (QUIT: )
Quote: 43905; Rating: 213; [+|-]
<``Finder> Any submissive females out thereu00a0 into doing laundry, dish washing, shopping from lists, and extremely quick sex - msg this Dom male.
Quote: 43910; Rating: 215; [+|-]
<moku> It is difficult. People always want me to walk on water, but I can only do that when the water is frozen...
<BobTheMilkman> heh, so THAT's how jesus did it, the tricky bastard
Quote: 43927; Rating: 131; [+|-]
* megamanu1 ( has joined #support
<megamanu1> help
<+Spirit_1100> what is the problem?
<megamanu1> mirc is hard
<megamanu1> i don't understad
<megamanu1> an how do you make a bot
<megamanu1> how do you script
Quote: 43928; Rating: 161; [+|-]
<Seldon> We will be holding a meeting tomorrow to discuss ChanServ/SRVX. We're looking forward to hear what users think of the service we work very hard to provide to you.
*** Quits: ChanServ (
Quote: 43931; Rating: 453; [+|-]
<forsaken1> Lesbians aren't sexy, in my opinion. I mean, if they're lesbians, I'm obviously not gonna get any, so why waste my time.
<microkid88> forsaken1: lesbos make good porn
<forsaken1> microkid88: But, it's a bunch of licking
<forsaken1> microkid88: I can go to Baskin Robbins and see that
Quote: 43935; Rating: 278; [+|-]
<Linguica> penisgirls are all the rage in hentai now
<darknation> men with vaginas seem to be less popular for some reason...
Quote: 43936; Rating: 40; [+|-]
<DooMBoy> Everyone on my buddy list is at school :(
<schepe> that's pathetic
<schepe> keeping a buddylist
<DooMBoy> Really? What's pathetic about it?
<schepe> it's pathetic that you forget who you friends are unless you write them sown in a list.
Quote: 43943; Rating: 123; [+|-]
<Bb|releaseme> Because memorization is an intellectual activity which stimulates the mind.
<Sharku-away> We're talking about Gwindor, Bb|releaseme
<Sharku-away> jk
<Bb|releaseme> LOL
*** Sharku-away has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
<Gwindor> see, that is what happens when you insult my intelligence.u00a0 peers take care of ya
Quote: 43944; Rating: 360; [+|-]
*** Now talking in #dapcentral
<Boinger69> i think so janx, but how are we going to get the monkey in spandex?
<janx> yes. quite the conundrum
<Fancia> ... This is *quite* a conversation to wander into.
Quote: 43949; Rating: 501; [+|-]
<_absent> I wish j00 could modify chicks like you can do to pc's all plug and play and shit
<_absent> if she talks to much
<_absent> pull out her sound card
<APE_> heh
<UzzaGangsta> nah man
<UzzaGangsta> have a control panel
<UzzaGangsta> mute the complaint and talkative channels
<_absent> j00 could upgrade her tits
<APE_> install linux on her and customize away
<ShadowofBob> and change her appearence =)
<UzzaGangsta> overclock her sex drive O_O
<_absent> she could playback mp3's too
<UzzaGangsta> ja
<APE_> and rip dvds on the fly
<ShadowofBob> you'd probably add ports and drives to her :P
<UzzaGangsta> heh shes already got the port im interested in O_O
<_absent> women really should conform to standard pc architecture
<_absent> it'd own
<ibor132> yeah it would
Quote: 43968; Rating: 213; [+|-]
<MinD> i'm not a newbie
<MinD> i like 2 run in root
<ivan> MinD: ever heard of su?
<MinD> ivan: what is su
Quote: 43975; Rating: 225; [+|-]
<Ogredude> neat, but the 2k doesn't work
<Ogredude> now comes decision time
<Ogredude> do I try to repair WinME or do I wipe the hard drive and install the much better win98SE
<JeremiahSmith> You throw the whole thing out the window and become Amish.
Quote: 43990; Rating: 1295; [+|-]
<Bealzubub> yeah.u00a0 my mom's going fucking insane with this family tree shit.
<Bealzubub> she been hogging the internet, lookin up all of our family incestry.
<Acherton> lmfao!
<Bealzubub> ancestry*
<Ktulu> lmao
<Bealzubub> damnit!
Quote: 43996; Rating: 669; [+|-]
<Steph-Away> night!
<IQpierce> dang
<IQpierce> maybe that will make up for there being no real chicks here
* Geno rubs his nipples
* Kevyn is listening to Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On
Quote: 44003; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<Sigma> being Rod Stewart would be awesome
<Sigma> he gets all these hot chicks
<Sigma> the only bad thing would be that you would be Rod Stewart
Quote: 44004; Rating: 195; [+|-]
Giga|RS is now known as Giga|AFK
<pika^-^newbie> wb Giga|AFK
Quote: 44008; Rating: 384; [+|-]
<kmad> someone should make
<kmad> and instead of 1-10
<kmad> it would just have a 'yes'
Quote: 44029; Rating: 101; [+|-]
<Mars_Alien> okey wat am i missing
<Gandalf> your h key?
--> jennings1 ([email protected]) has joined #Highveld
<Mars_Alien> gulo jennings1
Quote: 44038; Rating: 377; [+|-]
<pHluid->u00a0 because everybody leet in linux types with all lower case letters like this and no punctuation
<pHluid-> the shift key is for noobs
<pHluid-> periods are for chicks
<pHluid-> and god knows theres no chicks in #linux
Quote: 44045; Rating: 321; [+|-]
* genso is now known as octopussy
<SteamedHams> for 1 to 8 players
Quote: 44050; Rating: 149; [+|-]
<Nephlite> I'm having problems compiling apache and php, can you help?
<Dogz> Yea sure bud, whats up?
<Nephlite> Well it gives me an error when i compile
<Dogz> Did you check the site or the forums?
<Nephlite> Nope
<Dogz> rtfm!
<Nephlite> ./configure rtfm --prefix=/www --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.au00a0 ???
Quote: 44060; Rating: -84; [+|-]
<BORGTriv> [BORGTriv] - Zmannnn Got the last one...
<BORGTriv> [BORGTriv] - 224. what is soccer star pele's real name?
<BORGTriv> [BORGTriv] - Here's a hint: --s-n ------- -- --s---e---
Quote: 44073; Rating: 328; [+|-]
<Hurricane_Hasney> I'm just a pedophile really
<Hurricane_Hasney> I mean audiophile
<Hurricane_Hasney> Sheesh, talk about mis-type of the century :S
Quote: 44086; Rating: 253; [+|-]
[Tyr`] What The Fuck
[Tyr`] the dcc port range cant be bellow 1024?
[Tyr`] bah!
[roAm] oh god no
[roAm] god forbid you have to use ports 1024-65535
Quote: 44088; Rating: 581; [+|-]
<tate> Ever see What Women Want?
<Tony> yea, i look in the mirror all the time
<tate> It's true
<tate> Women do only seem to want Gay men
Quote: 44099; Rating: 361; [+|-]
* PamelaPeaks wishes she could donate sperm for $50
<Lowbrow> You can fly down and help me donate, Pam
<Lowbrow> You can even have the $50 :|
* PamelaPeaks ponders
<Lowbrow> If you stay long enough you can earn enough to fly back
Quote: 44115; Rating: 372; [+|-]
< passagero> i'm romanian man,i have 18yers old and try to found some one who want to have a relation sheep with me
< passagero> is someone amateur?
< BSDgeek> passagero: the amater sheep are in your back yard, go mount one
Quote: 44118; Rating: 27; [+|-]
<brown> tx is in the right place to be the asshole
<brown> if florida's the dick
<brown> cuba's the cum
<brown> mexico is the shit
Quote: 44124; Rating: 479; [+|-]
<The_Sicness> Sex is like a card game, if you don't have a good partner, then you better have a good hand.
<MrPanda> O_o
<MrPanda> and it's better to play with a group
<MrPanda> than to play by yourself :D
Quote: 44137; Rating: 389; [+|-]
<SanGreal> holy shit I'm stupid
<SanGreal> I just took my laptop plug
<SanGreal> and licked it
<SanGreal> while it was plugged in
<SanGreal> :
<Funky_> ...
<Funky_> so does that mean you lick your plugs when they are not plugged in?
<SanGreal> :
<Funky_> yes or no?
<SanGreal> no comment
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