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Quote: 1192; Rating: 338; [+|-]
<|Chris> fat chicks are like mopeds
<|Chris> fun to ride, but don't let your friends see you on one
<DigDug> heh
<DigDug> she's like a scooter though
<var> understand 1 thing tho: fat chicks are so grateful to get laid that they will do your laundry fuck you suck you cook you dinner and 13reakfast and not har13or ill will when u want to leave and go smoke dope w/ your friends.
<DigDug> ya
<DigDug> but they're fat
<|Chris> hahahah
<|Chris> yeah..there's the whole not being physically attracted to them problem
Quote: 1193; Rating: 420; [+|-]
<|Chris> i want you to setup a word substitution in your head
<|Chris> whenever you see the term "wrestling," i want you to think, "white trash"
Quote: 1195; Rating: 455; [+|-]
<Guilty> My friends cousin's mom told her kids that if you cursed online the police came to arrest you
<Guilty> So they would type like "Go to h!ll!"
Quote: 1196; Rating: 126; [+|-]
<iMike-> ah god
<iMike-> i feel sick
<Fustard> did you get my cold?
<Fustard> i knew we shouldnt have slept together like that!
Quote: 1198; Rating: 368; [+|-]
<RonaldJ> dood
<RonaldJ> we should start a site
<RonaldJ> like Am I Hot
<RonaldJ> and
<RonaldJ> Like My Nude Pic?
<RonaldJ> but call it
<RonaldJ> How Do I Look In This Shirt?
<RonaldJ> .com
Quote: 1199; Rating: 611; [+|-]
<Karmer> got damn it i accidently just shit in my pants
<Karmer> brb
Quote: 1200; Rating: 412; [+|-]
*** Jesus is now known as [_[_]
<[_[_]> lets see you
<[_[_]> break my ass of steel
Quote: 1201; Rating: 1817; [+|-]
<RevSlidey> a baby seal walks into a club
Quote: 1203; Rating: 128; [+|-]
<RevSlidey> patience is the only acoustic song I like
<Ronald> <RevSlidey> black is the only kind of dick i will suck
Quote: 1204; Rating: 501; [+|-]
<Karmer> I am as eternal as the boundless limits of outer space, and my owner loathes and despises me
<mike> leprosy
<Karmer> no
<Karmer> it is
<Karmer> slidey's virginity
Quote: 1206; Rating: 389; [+|-]
<cooey> brb going to efnet under the proxy and telling people to join the millitary
Quote: 1212; Rating: 584; [+|-]
<g> <FedAg455> hey wanna meet with me for some sex? im 13/f/canada, wanna meet in usa in front of brooklyn police department?
<g> <cooey> how do i know you are 14 D:
Quote: 1213; Rating: 387; [+|-]
*** Now talking in #hardcoremp3
*** Topic is 'Welcome to #hardcoremp3, fred dursts phone # 310-865-1000u00a0 finally a use for PRANK THAT SOB'
Quote: 1219; Rating: 68; [+|-]
<nerak_> man weezer is the best band ever, I think i am going to get a weezer tatto
<nerak_> that is a heart
<nerak_> with weezer in the middle
Quote: 1220; Rating: 139; [+|-]
JivedNegro: I want to tell an Asian that I have "A bad case of the yellow fever"
Quote: 1221; Rating: 441; [+|-]
<Ron912> <OiOiBuNnY> one time at retard camp i stuck a wheelchair in my pussy
Quote: 1222; Rating: 430; [+|-]
<Ron912> oh wow pregnant porno
<Ron912> that's like a 2 for 1 deal
Quote: 1223; Rating: 94; [+|-]
<Alice> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
<Alice> I can't seem to find that address in DNS
Quote: 1224; Rating: 412; [+|-]
<blazemore> <SonGohanX> from age 0-4 was like, playskool toys
<blazemore> <SonGohanX> 5-13 was nintendo and sega
<blazemore> <SonGohanX> 14-present IRC
<blazemore> <SonGohanX> that was my life in a nutshell
<LkAway1> * blazemore is now known as SonGohanX
Quote: 1225; Rating: 435; [+|-]
[timmo] i liked the great gatsby movie
[timmo] because gatsby was harrison ford
[timmo] and i cant pass up an opertunity
[timmo] to see him get shot
Quote: 1227; Rating: 1190; [+|-]
<brian`home> so im takin my shower
<brian`home> then i whip out the old hockey shampoo
<brian`home> so i take a swig of it
<brian`home> cuz it smelled so f'in good
<brian`home> dude it tasted nasty
Quote: 1228; Rating: 1319; [+|-]
<timmo> you know what i hate
<timmo> errors that wont go away
<Guilty> So you dislike children too
Quote: 1229; Rating: 399; [+|-]
<@SwampGas> COOK IT.
<@SwampGas> that's admin code talk
<@SwampGas> "they got illegal files"
<@SwampGas> "delete it"
Quote: 1231; Rating: 469; [+|-]
*** Ryan_ sets mode: +b *!*@*.homosexual.opers
<vanity> wow
<vanity> you just banned 85% of the channel
Quote: 1232; Rating: 213; [+|-]
<pz> telnet lag reminds me of taking a shit
Quote: 1235; Rating: 395; [+|-]
<MadHatter> omg how do I turn mirc timers off
~~~ (signoff) MadHatter ;Excess Flood
Quote: 1240; Rating: 123; [+|-]
<gb> drugs make music better
<gb> you ignorant fuck
Quote: 1243; Rating: 550; [+|-]
<jinkusu> nd-: you're not lagged
<jinkusu> i'm just typing with one hand
<nd-> ok, 'nuff said
<nd-> enjoy
<[dom]> is the other one hugging mr. wonderful?
<jinkusu> yup
Quote: 1244; Rating: 714; [+|-]
<atila> my pc just shocked me
<atila> I touched my cd-r and it went "bzzzzzzzzzzzzzt"
<ivilgrue> must be an anti-piracy system
Quote: 1245; Rating: 230; [+|-]
<Gryphon> any ideas what this error is when i try to ping a pc on my LAN: connect: Netowork is unreachable
Quote: 1246; Rating: -613; [+|-]
<eblan-> if all mexicans just killed themselves the world would be fixed
Quote: 1248; Rating: 232; [+|-]
<sara:#i386> - o we reserve the right to be assholes when we've had a bad day.
Quote: 1249; Rating: 166; [+|-]
<shadowrye> okay
<shadowrye> who wants a box
<|Raven|> i do
<shadowrye> good
<shadowrye> now
<shadowrye> who wants to pay for a colo
<|Raven|> i don't
Quote: 1256; Rating: 471; [+|-]
<RallyCat> All this talks about cats is making me crave chinese food.
Quote: 1259; Rating: 744; [+|-]
<Spike-Man> #myass is pretty cool.
<Spike-Man> Who wants to come in #myass?
Quote: 1260; Rating: 423; [+|-]
<wormholes> Is it difficult to manage txt files like modify lines and copy rename and create new ones..with jsut std C libs?
<NoEscom> no, it's not difficult
<Noidea> yes it's difficult.
<Noidea> It's almost impossible.
<NoEscom> oh you mean MODIFY text files? on that case you have to download microsoft sql server
Quote: 1261; Rating: 475; [+|-]
<JRichman> "Easy" only equals "better" for crack addicts and web developers.
Quote: 1263; Rating: 386; [+|-]
<Toll> well lets see. moses was supposed to have lived some 800 years... and had a number of wives... could it be that he died at 75 but looked 800 after haveing lived with more then one
<CBA> Those were dog years.
Quote: 1264; Rating: 459; [+|-]
<@SwampGas> my whoroscope says i'm gonna get overcharged today
Quote: 1266; Rating: 641; [+|-]
<NonFish[> I installed Norton SystemWorks once and it tried to take over my computer =|
<NonFish[> I had to bust a regedit.exe cap in it's bitch ass.
Quote: 1267; Rating: 549; [+|-]
uiu j0sh69!#linuxbox is looking for a site that teaches you how to steal cars and steal radios please msg me if your know, it is for a good cause
Quote: 1270; Rating: 282; [+|-]
*** mark ([email protected]) has quit IRC: -eXtreme- WOMAN.ZIP: Great Shareware, but be careful of viruses...
Quote: 1271; Rating: 325; [+|-]
<ez1|#trance> hey anyone who has experience with ecstasi please msg me , rush
Quote: 1272; Rating: 173; [+|-]
<r0f> plz, it's the way to ask for something on efnet
<r0f> or express your feelings
<r0f> like when I join, I say "plz"
<r0f> it just means "plz". it's not really a request, it's just like "plz"
<r0f> know what I'm sayin? kthx
Quote: 1273; Rating: 368; [+|-]
<Fakester> hmm, I wonder if Wal-Mart would ask for ID on a return...
<Fakester> that could be a problem
<Tortri> if they do, well... tell them you forgot it, take the DC back home
<Tortri> then you'll be stuck with a new dc
<Fakester> Tortri: I'm currently unemployed, I don't have $100 to waste like that.
<Tsengie> sell it to some stupid kid for 119
<Tsengie> tell him it's a ps2
Quote: 1274; Rating: 943; [+|-]
[kisama_] and no, amanda, my favorite monoply symbol is the cannon
[Amanda_] Because it symbolizes all the high powered ass pounding you do?
Quote: 1275; Rating: 519; [+|-]
<iis> exploit me
Quote: 1276; Rating: 696; [+|-]
<meretrix> as far as i'm concerned, a cute girl is a cute girl.
<meretrix> even if she's a guy.
Quote: 1278; Rating: 789; [+|-]
<Amanda> USERu00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 TTYu00a0 u00a0 u00a0 FROMu00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 LOGIN@u00a0 IDLE WHAT
<Amanda> amandau00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 p0u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 ppp152.acelink.nu00a0 2:46AMu00a0 u00a0u00a0 - pico vi-tutorial
Quote: 1280; Rating: 454; [+|-]
<disgrunt> New "Britney"'s born in the US every year:u00a0 1,483.
<disgrunt> New "Dick Tease"'s born in the US every year:u00a0 3.
<disgrunt> That's the funniest shit I've ever seen.
<disgrunt> How would you like to be named Dick Tease?
<fade_> haha
<fade_> well, britney sure is a dick tease
<cout> disgrunt: I'd go by "Richard"
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